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  • Maps, plots and data sheets of average source rock richness, quality and maturity for five Mesozoic time slices are presented for offshore Northwest Australia (Carnarvon to Arafura basins). These maps/data facilitate regional assessment of the source rock potential of the region, and provide a framework for future exploration of the region's petroleum systems. The maps were compiled at a scale of 1:3 million, and are supplemented by two-way-time isopach maps for each time slice derived from interpretation of Geoscience Australia's regional seismic grid of the area (approximately 35,000 line km). Age vs TOC, S2 and HI, and source rock crossplots were also compiled from screened raw Rock-Eval pyrolysis data and displayed as inserts in the maps. The maps and open-file data used in the compilation of the maps can be viewed directly, or printed as a hard copy.

  • The Australian Biofuel Production Plants dataset is comprised of publicly available biofuel data sourced from a combination of government and industry websites. Both biodiesel and bioethanol plants are included. The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each biofuel production plant has information containing the following attributes; NAME, LOCATION, STATE, COMPANY, STATUS, FUEL_TYPE, FEEDSTOCK, ANN_CAP, BBLPD, COMMENTS, SOURCE1, SOURCE2, SOURCE3.

  • The Environmentally Sustainable Sites for Carbon dioxide Injection (ESSCI) in Australia dataset is a combination of a two digital datasets essci_details and economics2 from within the publication: Bradshaw, J., Bradshaw, B., Spencer, L., Wilson, P., Simon, G. & Mackie, V. 2001. GEODISC Project 1 Regional analysis, stage 3 basins and emissions mapping, Geoscience Australia, GEODISC1-2001-006 (CD). GEODISC Project 1 identified potential CO2 injection and storage sites around Australia. This dataset shows the plausible identified ESSCIs in and around Australia and includes cost estimates related to transportation and storage of CO2 such as: compression costs, pipeline costs, injection costs, platform costs etc. for source-sink pairs.

  • The Major Carbon Dioxide Emitters of Australia is a combination of a two digital datasets 'source_top50' and 'min_source' from within the publication: Bradshaw, J., Bradshaw, B., Spencer, L., Wilson, P., Simon, G. & Mackie, V. 2001. GEODISC Project 1 - Regional analysis, stage 3 basins and emissions mapping, Geoscience Australia, GEODISC1-2001-006 (CD). The top 139 CO2 emitters as of 1998 are included, representing ~43% of net national GHG emissions and 54% of the net energy emissions from the 1998 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Each emitter has information containing the following attributes; Facility, Facil_Type, Facil_Name, State, Emissions, Emissions1, Emissions2, Emissions3, 20Yrs_Mt, 20Yrs_Tcf, DataSource, DataYear.

  • Thumb-drive containing petroleum geological reports and data sets in support of acreage release and related promotional activities.

  • These data include potentially petroleum relevant shot point and navigation line records of seismic data that has been acquired offshore Australia in the vicinity of the Brremer sub-basin in Western Australia waters.

  • These data are a brief description of the sampling (cores, grabs, and dredges) that occurred on Geoscience Australia survey 265 in March 2004 in the visinity of the Bremer sub-basin, offshore southwest Western Australia on CSIRO Marine's research vessel the Southern Surveyor. Co-ordinate location, recovey and a few basic descriptions were recorded whilst on the vessel and have been captured in these datasets.

  • The folloing metadata covers the datasets within the 'SEEBASE' directory on the CD-ROM and is a sub-set of an external product delivered to Geoscience Australia. This product was created by FrOG Tech (Formerly SRK Consulting Energy Services). It is not an official Geoscience Australia (GA) product. It has not been through the production validation regimen, nor has it been tested by GA for its data completeness, correct spatial representation, attribute accuracy, logical consistency, metadata completeness and correctness. What is SEEBASE? 3D Image of Southern Margins SEEBASE (Structurally Enhanced View of Economic Basement) SEEBASE is a depth-to-basement model that represents the culmination of a number of calibration and integration steps: Integrated structural/kinematic interpretation Geophysical modeling Seismic & well calibration Integration of tectonic events & responses SEEBASE defines basin architecture, and forms the basis for the systematic evaluation of exploration strategies. SEEBASE provides a foundation for petroleum systems evaluation, including play element distribution (source/reservoir/seal), migration pathways, zones of structural complexity, trap distribution, trap type & integrity, Palaeogeography, oil vs. gas distribution, etc.