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  • Exploring for the Future is an Australian Government program led by Geoscience Australia that aims to drive investment in the resources and agricultural sectors by providing industry and land and water managers with pre-competitive data about potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources. The Australian Government invested $100 million in the first phase of the Exploring for the Future program in 2016. In June 2020, the Australian Government announced a $125 million extension and expansion of the program, bringing their total investment to $225 million to date. Exploring for the Future is building on Geoscience Australia's deep domain knowledge to generate new science and challenge the frontiers of resource exploration. Eight new projects will include the southern half of the continent, with a focus on two potentially resource-rich corridors that stretch across the country. Unlocking these new resource corridors will provide ongoing economic and employment growth across a wide range of regional areas.

  • As part of the Exploring For the Future program 2022 showcase, Geoscience Australia (GA) in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Geoscientists held an Airborne Electromagnetics (AEM) workshop in Perth on 11th August 2022. The workshop comprised the following: - An introduction to GA's 20 km spaced continent-wide AusAEM program, by Karol Czarnota - How the Western Australia government has successfully used 20 km spaced AEM data, by Klaus Gessner - An introduction to AEM, surveying, and quality control given by Yusen Ley-Cooper - An introduction to inverse theory presented by Anandaroop Ray - Hands-on AEM modeling and inversion using HiQGA.jl by Anandaroop Ray - Integrating geophysics and geology in subsurface interpretation, by Sebastian Wong - Avoiding the 10 most common pitfalls in AEM interpretation according to Neil Symington YouTube video from the workshop, as well as data and code to follow along with the videos can be found on GA's GitHub at <a href=><u>this link.</u></a>

  • A large proportion of Australia’s onshore sedimentary basins remain exploration frontiers. Industry interest in these basins has recently increased due to the global and domestic energy demand, and the growth in unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. In 2016 and 2018, Geoscience Australia released an assessment of several central Australian basins that summarised the current status of geoscientific knowledge and petroleum exploration, and the key questions, for each basin. This publication provides a comprehensive assessment of the geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage for the Adavale Basin.

  • Aims: Groundwater is vital for community water supplies and economic development in Australia. It also supports indigenous cultural values and sustains a range of groundwater dependent ecosystems, including springs and vegetation communities. Geoscience Australia’s regional assessments and basin inventories are investigating Australia’s groundwater systems to improve knowledge of the nation’s groundwater systems under the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Program. Where applicable, we applied integrated basin analysis workflows to build models of geological and hydrostratigraphic architecture and link them to a nationally consistent chronostratigraphic framework. While the focus of this paper is the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), the overlying Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) and the Upper Darling Floodplain (UDF) region, these datasets and surfaces continue expanding beyond this current study area by linking additional studies using this consistent approach, towards building a national picture of groundwater systems. Method: Geoscience Australia continues to refine the chronostratigraphic framework that correlates time equivalent geological units from neighbouring basins and hydrostratigraphy for the GAB, LEB and UDF (Figure 1), infilling key data and knowledge gaps from previous compilations and adding new interpretation. In collaboration with Commonwealth, State and Territory government agencies, we compiled and standardised data from thousands of boreholes, including stratigraphic (Norton & Rollet, 2023; Vizy & Rollet, 2023a) and biostratigraphic picks (Hannaford & Rollet, 2023), 2D and 3D seismic (Szczepaniak et al., 2023) and airborne electromagnetic derived conductivity sections across the study area (McPherson et al., 2022a &b; Wong et al., 2023). We undertook a detailed stratigraphic review of thousands of boreholes with geophysical logs to construct consistent regional transects across the GAB, LEB and UDF (Norton & Rollet, 2023). In addition we applied geological time constraints from hundreds of boreholes with existing and newly interpreted biostratigraphic data (including from legacy palynological preparations from the Geoscience Australia archives where old reports could not be found) (Hannaford & Rollet, 2023). New biostratigraphic data from core samples has been analysed from bores in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Queensland. The biostratigraphic data was calibrated to the most recent biostratigraphic zonation scheme and used to provide geological time constraint to the stratigraphic picks. Results: We infilled the stratigraphic correlations along key transects across Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory to refine nomenclature and stratigraphic relationships between the Surat, Eromanga and Carpentaria basins, improving chronostratigraphic understanding within the Jurassic‒Cretaceous to Cenozoic units. We extended the GAB geological framework to include the overlying LEB and UDF as well to better resolve the Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure and potential for hydrogeological connectivity. The new data and information fill recognised gaps and refine the previous 3D geological model of the entire GAB and extend it to the LEB and UDF region (Vizy & Rollet, 2023b). The updated 3D geological and hydrostratigraphic model provides a framework to integrate additional hydrogeological and rock property data. It assists in refining hydraulic relationships between aquifers within the GAB, LEB, UDF and provides a basis for developing more detailed hydrogeological system conceptualisations. The improved cross-jurisdictional chronostratigraphic understanding supports improvements to the common agreed terminology for Australian hydrogeological units and groundwater provinces between jurisdiction borders ( This enables the delivery of geologically and hydrogeologically consistent datasets to inform decision makers and the broader groundwater community in Australia. This abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 Australasian Groundwater / New Zealand Hydrological Society (AGC NZHS) Joint Conference ( References: Hannaford, C. and Rollet, N. 2023. Palynological data review of selected boreholes in the Great Artesian, Lake Eyre basins and Upper Darling Floodplain (part 2): Infilling data and knowledge gaps. Record 2023/27. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. McPherson, A., Rollet, N., Vizy, J., Kilgour, P. 2022a. Great Artesian Basin eastern recharge area assessment - northern Surat Basin airborne electromagnetic survey interpretation report. RECORD: 2022/017. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. McPherson, A., Buckerfield, S., Tan, K., Kilgour, P., Symington, N., Ray, A., Buchanan, S. 2022b. Developing (hydro)geological conceptual models to support improved groundwater management. The Upper Darling Floodplain Project, New South Wales. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Norton, C. J. and Rollet, N. 2023. Regional stratigraphic correlation transects across the Great Artesian, Lake Eyre basins and Upper Darling Floodplain region (part 2): Infilling data and knowledge gaps. Record 2023/28. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Szczepaniak, M., Rollet, N., Bradshaw, B, Lund, D., Iwanec, J., Bradey, K., Vizy, J., 2023. Western and central Eromanga and underlying basins seismic interpretation ‒ Data package. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Vizy, J. & Rollet, N. 2023a. Australian Borehole Stratigraphic Units Compilation (ABSUC) 2023 Version 1.0. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Vizy, J. & Rollet, N., 2023b. 3D geological and hydrogeological surfaces update in the Great Artesian, Lake Eyre basins and Upper Darling Floodplain region (part 2): report and data package. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. Wong, S.C.T., Hegarty, R.A., Pitt, L., Crowe, M.C., Roach, I., Nicoll, M., LeyCooper, Y., Hope, J., Bonnardot, M. 2023. Eastern Resources Corridor Airborne Electromagnetic Interpretation Data Package. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.

  • Presentation to Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Data Analytics in Resources and Environment (DARE) Symposium (17 February 2023, University of Sydney) demonstrating use of uncertainty in hydrogeophysical applications as part of the Upper Darling River Floodplain EFTF project.

  • Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is an Australian Government program led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in partnership with state and Northern Territory governments. The EFTF program (2016-2024) aims to drive industry investment in resource exploration in frontier regions of onshore Australia by providing new precompetitive data and information about their energy, mineral and groundwater resource potential. Under the EFTF program, GA’s National Hydrogen Project and in collaboration with Minerals Resources Tasmania (MRT) undertook a study of hydrogen and helium potential of south-east Tasmania with the sampling of cores from Glenorchy 1 in the surrounds of Hobart. This well was selected based on the availability of core and historic reports of hydrogen-rich natural gases from petroleum exploration wells in the region. Sampling of cores was done at MRT’s Core Repository in Hobart. Geoscience Australia commissioned a fluid inclusion stratigraphy (FIS) study on the downhole samples. Here, volatile components ostensibly trapped with fluid inclusions are released and analysed revealing the level of exposure of the well section to migrating fluids. Integration of thin section (TS) preparations reveal the extent of gas and fluid trapping within fluid inclusions while microthemometry (MT) gives an estimation of fluid inclusion trapping temperature. For Glenorchy 1, FIS analysis was performed on 173 cores between 6 m and 613.9 m base depth, together with 8 samples prepared for TS and 1 sample for MT. To support this study, lithostratigraphic tops were compiled by MRT. The results of the study are found in the accompanying documents.

  • Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is an Australian Government program led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in partnership with state and Northern Territory governments. The EFTF program (2016-2024) aims to drive industry investment in resource exploration in frontier regions of onshore Australia by providing new precompetitive data and information about their energy, mineral and groundwater resource potential. Under the EFTF program, the Basin Inventory Project undertook a study of petroleum prospectivity of the onshore Eromanga Basin in Queensland and South Australia. Betoota 1 well in Queensland was selected based on the occurrence of gas and oil shows reported in the well completion report. Sampling of cuttings and cores was done at Geoscience Australia's Petroleum Data Repository in Canberra. Geoscience Australia commissioned a fluid inclusion stratigraphy (FIS) study on the downhole samples. Here, volatile components ostensibly trapped with fluid inclusions are released and analysed revealing the level of exposure of the well section to migrating fluids. Integration of thin section (TS) preparations reveal the extent of gas and fluid trapping within fluid inclusions while microthemometry (MT) gives an estimation of fluid inclusion trapping temperature. For Betoota 1, FIS analysis was performed on 305 cuttings and 48 cores between 54.9 metres and 2993.3 metres base depth, together with 15 samples prepared for TS and 3 samples for MT. To support this study, lithostratigraphic tops were compiled by Geoscience Australia. The results of the study are found in the accompanying documents.

  • The ‘Australia’s Future Energy Resources’ (AFER) project is a four-year multidisciplinary investigation of the potential energy commodity resources in selected onshore sedimentary basins. The resource assessment component of the project incorporates a series of stacked sedimentary basins in the greater Pedirka-western Eromanga region in eastern central Australia. Using newly reprocessed seismic data and applying spatially enabled, exploration play-based mapping tools, a suite of energy commodity resources have been assessed for their relative prospectivity. One important aspects of this study has been the expansion of the hydrocarbon resource assessment work flow to include the evaluation of geological storage of carbon dioxide (GSC) opportunities. This form of resource assessment is likely to be applied as a template for future exploration and resource development, since the storage of greenhouse gases has become paramount in achieving the net-zero emissions target. It is anticipated that the AFER project will be able to highlight future exploration opportunities that match the requirement to place the Australian economy firmly on the path of decarbonisation.

  • The integrated use of seismic and gravity data can help to assess the potential for underground hydrogen storage in salt caverns in the offshore Polda Basin, South Australia. Geophysical integration software was trialled to perform simultaneous modelling of seismic amplitudes and traveltime information, gravity, and gravity gradients within a 2.5D cross-section. The models were calibrated to existing gravity data, seismic and well logs improving mapping of the salt thickness and depth away from well control. Models included known salt deposits in the offshore parts of the basin and assessed the feasibility for detection of potential salt deposits in the onshore basin, where there is limited well and seismic coverage. The modelling confirms that candidate salt cavern storage sites with salt thicknesses greater than 400-500 m should be detectable on low altitude airborne gravity surveys. Identification of lower cost onshore storage sites will require careful calibration of gravity models against measured data, rather than relying on the observation of rounded anomalies associated with salt diapirism. Ranking of the most prospective storage sites could be optimized after the acquisition of more detailed gravity and gradiometry data, preferably accompanied by seismic reprocessing or new seismic data acquisition.

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight-year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. The Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) 2D reflection seismic survey was acquired during May to August 2022 in the Delamerian Orogen, the Murray-Darling basin, the Curnamona Province, and the upper Darling River floodplain regions in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. This project is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA), the Geological Survey of Victoria (GSV) and the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and was funded by the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. The overall objective of the EFTF Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian project is to improve the understanding of mineral and groundwater resources of the Curnamona Province and Delamerian Orogen and overlying basin systems through acquisition and interpretation of new pre-competitive geoscience data sets. The total length of acquisition was 1256 km distributed over five deep crustal 2D reflection seismic lines 22GA-DL1 (446 km), 22GA-DL2 (249 km), 22GA-CD1 (287 km), 22GA-CD2 (178 km), 22GA-CD3 (39.5 km) to image deep crustal structures, and a high-resolution 2D reflection seismic line 22GA-UDF (56 km) to explore groundwater resources. The DL lines provide coverage of fundamental geophysical data over the Flinders Range, the Delamerian Province and the Murray-Darling basin region in eastern South Australia and Victoria. The CD lines extend through the Curnamona Province and into the Darling Basin. The UDF line will assist with refining the hydrogeological model, understanding groundwater dynamics, and locating areas better suited to groundwater bores for better quality groundwater in the upper Darling River floodplain area. The data processing was performed by a contractor under the supervision of Geoscience Australia. The five deep crustal lines (22GA-DL1,DL2,CD1,CD2,CD3) were processed with record lengths of 20 and 8 seconds, while the shallow high-resolution line (22GA-UDF) was processed at a 4 second length. This processing yielded DMO Stack, Post-Stack Time Migration, and Pre-Stack Time Migration products. <strong>Raw shot gathers and processed gathers for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 147423</strong>