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This service has been created specifically for display in the National Map and the chosen symbology may not suit other mapping applications. The Australian Topographic web map service is seamless national dataset coverage for the whole of Australia. These data are best suited to graphical applications. These data may vary greatly in quality depending on the method of capture and digitising specifications in place at the time of capture. The web map service portrays detailed graphic representation of features that appear on the Earth's surface. These features include the administration boundaries from the Geoscience Australia 250K Topographic Data, including state forest and reserves.
The Historical Bushfire Boundaries service represents the aggregation of jurisdictional supplied burnt areas polygons stemming from the early 1900's through to 2022 (excluding the Northern Territory). The burnt area data represents curated jurisdictional owned polygons of both bushfires and prescribed (planned) burns. To ensure the dataset adhered to the nationally approved and agreed data dictionary for fire history Geoscience Australia had to modify some of the attributes presented. The information provided within this service is reflective only of data supplied by participating authoritative agencies and may or may not represent all fire history within a state.
This service contains features as defined under the Offshore Petroleum and Greeenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006. The Petroleum blocks defined under the Act, are delivered separately in the 'Australia - OPGGSA 2006 - Petroleum Blocks' service.
The 2021 Offshore Greenhouse Gas Storage Acreage Release is a key strategy of the Australian Government to reduce emissions and support Australia's resource sector. The GHG acreage release will provide companies the opportunity to explore for offshore carbon dioxide injection and storage locations. The 2021 GHG acreage release consists of 5 areas across the Bonaparte, Browse and Northern Carnarvon Basins.
This web service shows the spatial locations of potential CO2 storage sites that are at an advanced stage of characterisation and/or development. The areas considered to be at an advanced stage are parts of the Cooper Basin in central Australia, a portion of the Surat Basin (Queensland), the offshore Gippsland Basin (Victoria), where the CarbonNet Project is currently at an advanced stage of development and the Petrel Sub-basin. This service will be presented in the AusH2 Portal.
Offshore Minerals Act (OMA 1994) - Mineral Blocks. This service displays the most recent realisation of the Mineral Blocks as defined under the Offshore Minerals Act 1994 (OMA 1994) as realised in GDA94. Block data extends beyond the area of operation of the OMA and includes areas of coastal waters and land within the constitutional limits of the States and Territories.
The annual offshore petroleum exploration acreage release is part of the government’s strategy to promote offshore oil and gas exploration. Each year, the government invites companies to bid for the opportunity to invest in oil and gas exploration in Australian waters. The areas shown have been nominated by petroleum industry stakeholders to be considered for the 2022 acreage release. Areas nominated for release will not receive endorsement from government until submissions resulting from a public consultation process can be considered. This publication does not indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.
The National Drilling Initiative (NDI) will manage and deliver drilling programs in multiple case study areas proposed by MinEx CRC’s partner geological survey organisations. The NDI vision is to drill multiple holes in a region to map the regional geology and architecture and define the potential for mineral systems in 3D. The areas shown in this web service describe the spatial locations of the study areas.
The service contains all maritime boundaries treaties signed by Australia (NOT ALL ARE IN FORCE). Where the original datum of the treaty is not specified as GDA94, all defined points have been transformed by Geoscience Australia's National Geospatial Reference Systems Section to GDA94.
This service contains the topographic map indexes of 1:1 Million, 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale maps available from Geoscience Australia. These indexes drive the online topographic map index dashboards and contain value-add attributes, including a link to download the map. There are two 1:250,000 layers in the index; one layer which represents the new 1:250,000 AUSTopo Australian Digital Map Series index and one layer which represents the existing 1:250,000 scale index. The datasets for the 1:1 Million, 1:100,000 and existing 1:250,000 scale maps can be found in the eCat record 145830. The dataset for the 1:250,000 AUSTopo Australian Digital Topographic Map Series can be found in the eCat record 148692.