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  • <div>The Exploring for the Future program (EFTF) is a $225M Federal Government-funded initiative spanning the period July 2016 to June 2024. This multi-disciplinary program involves aspects of method development and new pre-competitive data acquisition at a variety of scales, with the aim of building an integrated understanding of Australia’s mineral, energy and groundwater potential. Significant work has been undertaken across northern Australia within regional-scale projects and as part of national-scale data acquisition and mapping activities. Some of these activities have been largely completed, and have generated new data and products, while others are ongoing. A comprehensive overview of the EFTF program can be found via the program website ( Here, we overview a range of activities with implications for resource exploration in the Northern Territory.</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted & presented to the 2023 Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES), Alice Springs (

  • As part of Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future program, the East Tennant region, which is centred on the Barkly Roadhouse in the Northern Territory, was identified as having favourable geological and geophysical indicators of mineral systems potential. Potentially prospective stratigraphy in the East Tennant region is completely concealed beneath Mesoproterozoic to Quaternary cover sequences. Prior to 2020 basement rocks in the East Tennant region were only known from a handful of legacy boreholes, supported by geophysical interpretation. In order to test geophysical interpretations and obtain additional samples of basement rocks for detailed analysis, a stratigraphic drilling campaign was undertaken in the East Tennant region as part of the MinEx CRC’s National Drilling Initiative. Ten stratigraphic boreholes were drilled through the cover sequences and into basement for a total of nearly 4000 m, including over 1500 m of diamond cored basement rocks to be used for scientific purposes. Inorganic geochemical samples from East Tennant National Drilling Initiative boreholes were taken to characterise cover and basement rocks intersected during drilling. Two sampling approaches were implemented based on the rocks intersected: 1) Borehole NDIBK04 contained localised sulphide mineralisation and elevated concentrations of several economically-significant elements in portable X-ray fluorescence data. In order to understand the geochemical variability and distribution of elements important for mineral system characterisation, the entire basement interval was sampled at nominal one metre intervals. This spacing was reduced to between 0.5 and 0.25 m from 237 m to 263 m to better understand a more intense zone of mineralisation, and 2) Samples from boreholes NDIBK01, NDIBK02, NDIBK03, NDIBK05, NDIBK06, NDIBK07, NDIBK08, NDIBK09 and NDIBK10 were selected to capture lithological and geochemical variability to establish bulk rock geochemical compositions for further interpretation. Attempts were made to sample representative, lithologically consistent intervals. A total of 402 samples were selected for analysis. Sample preparation was completed at Geoscience Australia and Bureau Veritas, with all analyses performed by Bureau Veritas in Perth. All samples were submitted for X-ray fluorescence (XRF), laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), FeO determination, and loss on ignition (LOI). Samples from borehole NDIBK04 also underwent total combustion C and S, and Pb collection fire assay by ICP-MS for determination of Au, Pt and Pd concentrations. This data release presents inorganic geochemistry data acquired on rock samples from the ten East Tennant National Drilling Initiative boreholes.

  • A comprehensive geochemical program was carried out on rock samples collected in the NDI Carrara 1 drill hole, the first stratigraphic test of the newly discovered Carrara Sub-basin located in the South Nicholson region of northern Australia. The drill hole recovered continuous core from 284 m to total depth at 1750 m and intersected approximately 1120 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks, unconformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonate-rich rocks. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents from Rock-Eval pyrolysis highlight the potential for several thick black shales to be a source of petroleum for conventional and unconventional plays. Cambrian rocks contain an organic-rich section with TOC contents of up to 4.7 wt.% and excellent oil-generating potential. The Proterozoic section is overmature for oil generation but mature for gas generation, with potential for generating gas in carbonaceous mudstones showing TOC contents up to 5.5 wt.% between 680 and 725 m depth. A sustained release of methane (up to 2%) recorded during drilling from 1150 to 1500 m suggests potential for an unconventional gas system in the Proterozoic rocks from 950 to 1415 m depth, which exhibit favourable organic richness and thermal maturity. The Proterozoic rocks, which are comparable in age to the sediment-hosted deposits of the Century Mine, contain local occurrences of lead, zinc and copper sulfide minerals providing hints of mineralisation. The combined geochemical results offer the promise of a potential new resource province in northern Australia. <b>Citation:</b> E. Grosjean, A.J.M. Jarrett, C.J. Boreham, L. Wang, L. Johnson, J.M. Hope, P. Ranasinghe, J.J. Brocks, A.H.E. Bailey, G.A. Butcher, C.J. Carson, Resource potential of the Proterozoic–Paleozoic Carrara depocentre, South Nicholson region, Australia: Insights from stratigraphic drilling, <i>Organic Geochemistry</i>, Volume 186, 2023, 104688, ISSN 0146-6380, DOI:

  • NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-Basin, a depocentre newly discovered in the South Nicholson region based on interpretation from seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) recently acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1100 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks uncomformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. A comprehensive geochemical program designed to provide information about the region’s resource potential was carried out on samples collected at up to 4 meter intervals. This report presents part 1 of the data from Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses undertaken by Geoscience Australia on selected rock samples to establish their total organic carbon content, hydrocarbon-generating potential and thermal maturity.

  • <div>Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are useful in the earth sciences (e.g. recognising geological provinces, studying geological processes) as well in archaeological (e.g. informing on past human migrations), palaeontological/ecological (e.g. investigating extinct and extant taxa’s dietary range and migrations) and forensic (e.g. validating the origin of drinks and foodstuffs) sciences. Recently, Geoscience Australia and the University of Wollongong have teamed up to determine 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fluvial sediments selected mostly from the low-density National Geochemical Survey of Australia (, with a few additional Northern Australia Geochemical Survey infill samples. The present study targeted the northern parts of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland in Australia, north of 21.5 °S. The samples were taken mostly from a depth of ~60-80 cm depth in floodplain deposits at or near the outlet of large catchments (drainage basins). A coarse grain-size fraction (&lt;2 mm) was air-dried, sieved, milled then digested (hydrofluoric acid + nitric acid followed by aqua regia) to release total strontium. Preliminary results demonstrate a wide range of strontium isotopic values (0.7048 &lt; 87Sr/86Sr &lt; 1.0330) over the survey area, reflecting a large diversity of source rock lithologies, geological processes and bedrock ages. Spatial distribution of 87Sr/86Sr shows coherent (multi-point anomalies and smooth gradients), large-scale (&gt;100 km) patterns that appears to be consistent, in many places, with surface geology, regolith/soil type and/or nearby outcropping bedrock. For instance, the extensive black clay soils of the Barkly Tableland define a &gt;500 km-long northwest-southeast-trending low anomaly (87Sr/86Sr &lt; 0.7182). Where carbonate or mafic igneous rocks dominate, a low to moderate strontium isotope signature is observed. In proximity to the outcropping Proterozoic metamorphic provinces of the Tennant, McArthur, Murphy and Mount Isa geological regions, conversely, high 87Sr/86Sr values (&gt; 0.7655) are observed. A potential link between mineralisation and elevated 87Sr/86Sr values in these regions needs to be investigated in greater detail. Our results to-date indicate that incorporating soil/regolith strontium isotopes in regional, exploratory geoscience investigations can help identify basement rock types under (shallow) cover, constrain surface processes (e.g. weathering, dispersion), and, potentially, recognise components of mineral systems. Furthermore, the resulting strontium isoscape and model derived therefrom can also be utilised in archaeological, paleontological and ecological studies that aim to investigate past and modern animal (including humans) dietary habits and migrations. &nbsp;The new spatial dataset is publicly available through the Geoscience Australia portal</div>

  • The fundamental geological framework of the concealed Paleoproterozoic East Tennant area of northern Australia is very poorly understood, despite its relatively thin veneer of Phanerozoic cover and its position along strike from significant Au–Cu–Bi mineralisation of the Tennant Creek mining district within the outcropping Warramunga Province. We present 18 new U–Pb dates, obtained via Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP), constraining the geological evolution of predominantly Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary and igneous rocks intersected by 10 stratigraphic holes drilled in the East Tennant area. The oldest rocks identified in the East Tennant area are two metasedimentary units with maximum depositional ages of ca. 1970 Ma and ca. 1895 Ma respectively, plus ca. 1870 Ma metagranitic gneiss. These units, which are unknown in the nearby Murphy Province and outcropping Warramunga Province, underlie widespread metasedimentary rocks of the Alroy Formation, which yield maximum depositional ages of 1873–1864 Ma. While parts of this unit appear to be correlative with the ca. 1860 Ma Warramunga Formation of the Warramunga Province, our data suggest that the bulk of the Alroy Formation in the East Tennant area is slightly older, reflecting widespread sedimentation at ca. 1870 Ma. Throughout the East Tennant area, the Alroy Formation was intruded by voluminous 1854–1845 Ma granites, contemporaneous with similar felsic magmatism in the outcropping Warramunga Province (Tennant Creek Supersuite) and Murphy Province (Nicholson Granite Complex). In contrast with the outcropping Warramunga Province, supracrustal rocks equivalent to the 1845–1810 Ma Ooradidgee Group are rare in the East Tennant area. Detrital zircon data from younger sedimentary successions corroborate seismic evidence that at least some of the thick sedimentary sequences intersected along the southern margin of the recently defined Brunette Downs rift corridor are possible age equivalents of the ca. 1670–1600 Ma Isa Superbasin. Our new results strengthen ca. 1870–1860 Ma stratigraphic and ca. 1850 Ma tectono-magmatic affinities between the East Tennant area, the Murphy Province, and the mineralised Warramunga Province around Tennant Creek, with important implications for mineral prospectivity of the East Tennant area. Appeared in Precambrian Research Volume 383, December 2022.

  • As part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program, this study aims to analyse the hydrocarbon prospectivity in the Carrra Sub-basin through wireline log interpretation and shale gas reservoir characterisation. NDI Carrara 1 is the first stratigraphic test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a recently uncovered depocentre located within the South Nicholson region of the eastern Northern Territory and northwestern Queensland. Four chemostratigraphic packages were defined according to the informal sub-division of stratigraphy and inorganic geochemical properties. Wireline log interpretation has been conducted to derive the clay mineral compositions, porosity, gas saturation and gas contents for the unconventional shale gas reservoirs in the Proterozoic succession in NDI Carrara 1. The predominant clay minerals include illite/muscovite, mixed-layer clay, smectite, kaolinite, and minor contents of glauconite and chlorite. The average geothermal gradient is estimated to be 35.04 °C/km with a surface temperature of 29.4 °C. The average formation pressure gradient is calculated to be < 10.7 MPa/km from mud weight records. Artificial neural network technology is used to interpret the TOC content from wireline logs for unconventional shale gas reservoirs. TOC content is positively correlated with methane and ethane concentrations in mudlog gas profiles, shale porosity, formation resistivity and gas content for NDI Carrara 1. The organic-rich shales in P2 have favourable adsorbed, free and total gas contents. The organic-rich micrites within P3 have the potential in adsorbed gas, but with very low average gas saturation (< 0.01 m3/m3). Our interpretation has identified potential shale gas reservoirs, as well as tight non-organic-rich shales and siltstones with potential as gas reservoirs. These occur throughout several of the identified chemostratigraphic packages within the Proterozoic section of NDI Carrara 1.

  • NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole (~1751m) completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a depocentre newly discovered in the South Nicholson region based on interpretation from seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) recently acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1100 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks uncomformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. This report presents petrology and clay speciation XRD conducted on of 6 selected volcaniclastic rocks taken from NDI Carrara 1 between ca. 1579 m and ca. 1653 m depth. Petrology and XRD was undertaken by Microanalysis Australia (under contract to Geoscience Australia as part of the Exploring for the Future program). Borehole completion report can be found at

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. The deep stratigraphic drill hole, NDI Carrara 1 (~1751 m), was completed in December 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a depocentre newly discovered in the South Nicholson region based on interpretation from seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) recently acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1100 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks uncomformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. This contractor report (FIT - Schlumberger) presents hydrocarbon and aqueous fluid inclusion petrology and data (micro-thermometry, salinities etc.) on four hydrocarbon-bearing calcite veins sampled from NDI Carrara 1 between 762.56-763.60 m depth, (under contract to, and fully funded by, Geoscience Australia as part of the Exploring for the Future program).

  • <div>The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset. The present dataset contains additional mineralogical data obtained on NGSA samples selected from the Barkly-Isa-Georgetown (BIG) region of northeastern Australia for the second partial data release of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The HMMA project, a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and Curtin University underpinned by a pilot project establishing its feasibility, is part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program.</div><div>One-hundred and eighty eight NGSA sediment samples were selected from the HMMA project within the EFTF’s BIG polygon plus an approximately one-degree buffer. The samples were taken on average from 60 to 80 cm depth in floodplain landforms, dried and sieved to a 75-430 µm grainsize fraction, and the contained heavy minerals (HMs; i.e., those with a specific gravity > 2.9 g/cm3) were separated by dense fluids and mounted on cylindrical epoxy mounts. After polishing and carbon-coating, the mounts were subjected to automated mineralogical analysis on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). Using scanning electron microscopy and backscatter electron imaging integrated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, the TIMA identified 151 different HMs in the BIG area. The dataset, consisting of over 18 million individual mineral grains, was quality controlled and validated by an expert team. The data released here can be visualised, explored and downloaded using an online, bespoke mineral network analysis (MNA) tool built on a cloud-based platform. Preliminary analysis suggests that copper minerals cuprite and chalcopyrite may be indicative of base-metal/copper mineralisation in the area. Accompanying this report are two data files of TIMA results, and a minerals vocabulary file. </div><div>When completed in 2023, it is hoped the HMMA project will positively impact mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia, as well as have other applications in earth and environmental sciences.</div>