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  • This abstract is to be submitted for the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee Researcher's Forum on 27th-28th of March 2013, as part of the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment launch at the event.

  • This abstract is to be submitted for the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee Researcher's Forum on 27th-28th of March, as part of the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment launch at the event.

  • This Carpentaria Basin dataset contains descriptive attribute information for the areas bounded by the relevant spatial groundwater feature in the associated Hydrogeology Index map. Descriptive topics are grouped into the following themes: Location and administration; Demographics; Physical geography; Surface water; Geology; Hydrogeology; Groundwater; Groundwater management and use; Environment; Land use and industry types; and Scientific stimulus. The Carpentaria Basin is a vast intra-cratonic sedimentary basin situated on and offshore in north-eastern Australia, covering around 550,000 square kilometres across Queensland and the Northern Territory. It comprises predominantly sandstone-rich rock units deposited during sea level highs from the Late Jurassic to Mid Cretaceous. The basin overlies a heterogeneous Proterozoic basement and is separated from contemporaneous sedimentary structures by basement highs and inliers. Four main depocentres within the larger Carpentaria Basin form four major sub-basins: the Western Gulf Sub-basin, Staaten Sub-basin, Weipa Sub-basin, and Boomara Sub-basin. While the basin is extensive and continuous in Queensland, it becomes more heterogeneous and discontinuous in the Northern Territory. Remnants of the basin's stratigraphy, referred to as the Dunmarra Basin, are found along the Northern Territory coast and inland. The depositional history commenced during the Jurassic with down warping near Cape York Peninsula, resulting in the Helby beds and Albany Pass beds' concurrent deposition. The basin experienced marine transgressions during the Cretaceous, with the Gilbert River Formation widespread and the Wallumbilla Formation occurring during sea level highs. The Carpentaria Basin's strata are relatively undeformed and unmetamorphosed. The Northern Territory sequence displays slightly different stratigraphy, limited to the height of the Aptian marine transgression above the Georgina Basin. The Walker River Formation and Yirrkala Formation represent key units in this area, outcropping as tablelands and mesas largely unaffected by tectonism.

  • The ‘Australia’s Future Energy Resources’ (AFER) project is a four-year multidisciplinary investigation of the potential energy commodity resources in selected onshore sedimentary basins. The resource assessment component of the project incorporates a series of stacked sedimentary basins in the greater Pedirka-western Eromanga region in eastern central Australia. Using newly reprocessed seismic data and applying spatially enabled, exploration play-based mapping tools, a suite of energy commodity resources have been assessed for their relative prospectivity. One important aspects of this study has been the expansion of the hydrocarbon resource assessment work flow to include the evaluation of geological storage of carbon dioxide (GSC) opportunities. This form of resource assessment is likely to be applied as a template for future exploration and resource development, since the storage of greenhouse gases has become paramount in achieving the net-zero emissions target. It is anticipated that the AFER project will be able to highlight future exploration opportunities that match the requirement to place the Australian economy firmly on the path of decarbonisation.

  • NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a newly discovered Proterozoic depocentre in the South Nicholson region, based on interpretation from new seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1120 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks unconformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. Continuous cores recovered from 283 m to a total depth of 1751 m. Geoscience Australia conducted an extensive post-drilling analytical program that generated over 30 datasets which the interested reader can find under the EFTF webpage (under the "Data and publications" drop down menu) at This record links to the Exploring for the Future 'borehole completion report' for NDI Carrara 1 and access to all on-site downhole geophysical datasets.

  • Geoscience Australia has undertaken a regional seismic mapping study that extends into the frontier deep-water region of the offshore Otway Basin. This work builds on seismic mapping and petroleum systems modelling published in the 2021 Otway Basin Regional Study. Seismic interpretation spans over 18 000 line-km of new and reprocessed data collected in the 2020 Otway Basin seismic program and over 40 000 line-km of legacy 2D seismic data. Fault mapping has resulted in refinement and reinterpretation of regional structural elements, particularly in the deep-water areas. Structure surfaces and isochron maps highlight Shipwreck (Turonian–Santonian) and Sherbrook (Campanian–Maastrichtian) supersequence depocentres across the deep-water part of the basin. These observations will inform the characterisation of petroleum systems within the Upper Cretaceous succession, especially in the underexplored deep-water region. Presented at the 2022 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)

  • <p>This data package includes raw (Level 0) and reprocessed (Level 1) HyLogging data from 25 wells in the Georgina Basin, onshore Australia. This work was commissioned by Geoscience Australia, and includes an accompanying meta-data report that documents the data processing steps undertaken and a description of the various filters (scalars) used in the processed datasets. <p>Please note: Data can be made available on request to

  • The Onshore Basin Inventory is a summary of data and geological knowledge of hydrocarbon-prone onshore basins of Australia. Volume 1 of the inventory covers the McArthur, South Nicholson, Georgina, Wiso, Amadeus, Warburton, Cooper and Galilee basins. Under the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, Geoscience Australia expanded this work to compile the Onshore Basin Inventory volume 2, which covers the Officer, onshore Canning and Perth basins. These reports provide a whole-of-basin inventory of geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage. Each report also summarises aspects that require further work. The Onshore Basin Inventory has provided scientific and strategic direction for pre-competitive data acquisition under the EFTF energy work program. Here we provide an overview of the Onshore Basin Inventory, with emphasis on its utility in shaping the EFTF energy systems data acquisition and analysis program. <b>Citation:</b> Carr, L.K., Bailey, A.H.E., Palu, T.J. and Henson, P., 2020. Onshore Basin Inventory: building on Geoscience Australia’s pre-competitive work program with Exploring for the Future In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • This Karumba Basin dataset contains descriptive attribute information for the areas bounded by the relevant spatial groundwater feature in the associated Hydrogeology Index map. Descriptive topics are grouped into the following themes: Location and administration; Demographics; Physical geography; Surface water; Geology; Hydrogeology; Groundwater; Groundwater management and use; Environment; Land use and industry types; and Scientific stimulus. The Karumba Basin is a shallow geological basin in Queensland, Australia, composed of sedimentary rocks and unconsolidated sediments that cover the Mesozoic Carpentaria Basin. Deposition started during the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene and has continued into the Holocene. The basin extends from western Cape York Peninsula into the Gulf of Carpentaria, where it connects with Cenozoic sediment deposits in Papua New Guinea. Although the sediments in both areas share lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic similarities, their tectonic histories differ. The basin's structural geology is relatively uniform, with a significant downwarp known as the Gilbert-Mitchell Trough in Cape York Peninsula and another depocenter offshore in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The depositional history and stratigraphy of the Karumba Basin can be divided into three cycles of deposition, erosion, weathering, and the formation of stratigraphic units. The earliest cycle (the Bulimba Cycle) began in the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene, with episodes of significant uplift along the eastern margins of the basin. This resulted in the deposition of the Bulimba Formation and the Weipa Beds, primarily consisting of claystone, sandstone, conglomerate, and siltstone with minor coal layers. This cycle was followed by a period of planation and deep weathering, creating the Aurukun Surface. The second cycle (the Wyaaba Cycle) was initiated by large-scale earth movements along the Great Dividing Ranges, forming much of the eastern boundary of the Karumba Basin, and leading to the formation of the Wyaaba beds and other equivalent units. These beds consist mainly of fluvial to paralic clay-rich sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, and claystone. In the south-west, Oligocene to Pliocene limestone deposits also formed in lacustrine settings, and were sourced from and deposited upon the underlying Georgina Basin. The cycle ended with ensuing periods of erosion and weathering and the development of the Pliocene Kendall Surface, as well as widespread basaltic volcanism. The final cycle (the Claraville Cycle) started in the Pliocene and continues to the present. It has experienced several episodes of uplift and deposition controlled by sea level change, climate variability and volcanism in the south. The Claraville beds are unconsolidated sediments, chiefly comprised of clayey quartzose sand and mud with minor gravels, reaching approximately 148 m thickness offshore, and approximately 70 m onshore. As this cycle is still ongoing, no terminal surface has been formed, and most units consist of unconsolidated surficial sediments.

  • Hydrogeological assessment of the Maryborough Basin, submitted as an abstract for the 2013 IAH Congress.