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  • Interpretation of deep seismic reflection profiling coupled with forward modelling of gravity and aeromagnetic data, new zircon U-Pb age dating and the interpretation of the basement geology beneath the southern margin of the Eromanga Basin has provided insights into the southern part of the underlying Thomson Orogen and its relationship with the Lachlan Orogen to the south. Our interpretations of these data suggest that the northern Lachlan and southern Thomson orogens possessed a similar history from the mid-Late Silurian through to the Carboniferous. Major older differences, however, are suggested by the presence in the southern Thomson Orogen of relics of a possible Neoproterozoic arc, of Late Ordovician turbidites, by the geophysical evidence for crustal thickening caused by elevation of reflective lower crustal metavolcanic rocks high into the crust on a low-angle, north-dipping detachment thrust, and by old K-Ar age dates in southwestern Queensland. The seismically-imaged, north-dipping, crustal-scale Olepoloko Fault corresponds to the surface expression of Thomson-Lachlan boundary, and reflects the dip-slip and strike-slip partial reactivation and short-cutting of an older fault, which occurred in the Carboniferous, and probably also in the latest Silurian and Early Devonian.

  • Extended abstract version of the abstract (Geocat#73747) submitted in March 2012 and accepted for an oral presentation at the symposium.

  • Geoscience Australia is currently conducting a study under the National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to assess suitability of the Vlaming Sub-basin for CO2 storage. It involves characterisation of the potential seal, the Early Cretaceous South Perth Shale (SPS), by integrating seismic and well log interpretation into a sequence stratigraphic framework. The SPS, conventionally described as a regional seal deposited during a post-rift thermal subsidence phase, consists of a series of prograding units deposited in a deltaic to shallow marine setting. Mapping of the SPS has revealed differences in the geometries of progradational sequences between the northern and southern areas, related to the type and distance to the sediment source as well as the seafloor morphology. In the northern area, deltaic progradation and aggradation occurred over a flat topography between the two uplifted blocks. The succession is composed of prograding sequences commonly exhibiting sigmoidal to oblique geometries, prograding from the north-east to south-west. In the southern area the topography is more complex due to the presence of several paleotopographic highs associated with pre-existing structures. These sequences are sigmoidal to oblique in cross section. They were deposited in fan shaped lobes, successively infilling paleotopographic lows. Direction of the progradation is from southwest to northeast. The thickness of the SPS varies from 200 m between topographic highs to 700 m in the lows. Sedimentary facies are interpreted to vary from sandy delta front to muddy slope and prodelta deposits. These findings will be used in a 3D geological model for assessing CO2 storage potential.

  • Many of the onshore sedimentary basins in Australia are underexplored with respect to hydrocarbons. The Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government over five years (2006-2011) for Geoscience Australia to provide precompetitive geoscience data and assessments of the potential of some frontier onshore sedimentary basins for energy resources, including hydrocarbons, uranium, thorium and geothermal energy. The basins studied in this project include the Burke River Structural Zone of the Georgina Basin (northwest Queensland), the Yathong Trough in the eastern Darling Basin (western New South Wales), and the Arrowie Basin (South Australia). The interpretation of deep seismic reflection profiles and petroleum systems maturation modelling was undertaken in these basins to increase the understanding of their petroleum potential. The Arrowie Basin seismic data shows an asymmetrical basin architecture, with the basin fill being ~3800 m at its thickest. Several sequence boundaries are mapped in this seismic section, and are correlated with the sequence boundaries between the major Neoproterozoic stratigraphic groups in the Adelaide Rift System. In the easternmost part of the seismic section, a series of east-dipping thrust faults disrupt the stratigraphic section. The petroleum systems maturation modelling shows that potential Cambrian source rocks are likely immature to mature for oil generation. In contrast, potential Neoproterozoic source rocks are likely to be mature to overmature for oil generation, and immature to mature for gas generation. With hydrocarbon systems clearly present in the Arrowie Basin as shown by bitumen in shallow exploration wells drilled in the 1950's, future work, possibly with a focus on unconventional hydrocarbons, would be warranted. The Burke River Structural Zone of the Georgina Basin seismic data shows the basin is ~65 km wide, with a half-graben geometry, being bounded in the west by a rift border fault. The succession in the basin has a maximum thickness of ~2800 m, with the stratigraphy being relatively flat lying, and thickening towards the west. The petroleum systems maturation modelling shows potential Cambrian source rocks are likely to be oil mature. Significant generation and expulsion probably occurred early in the burial history, in response to Cambrian-Ordovician loading. Expulsion occurred after trap formation in the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian, but before later trap formation in the Devonian. The required long preservation time and unroofing are the major risk factors within the basin. The Yathong Trough of the Darling Basin seismic data interpretation shows that the basin fill consists of a thick succession characterised by alternating high and low amplitude seismic reflections, interpreted to represent the expected Devonian succession mudstones and sandstones. The basement units below the Yathong Trough are interpreted to be Ordovician turbidites and Ordovician-Silurian granites, considered to be part of the Lachlan Orogen. The petroleum systems maturation modelling shows that potential Lower and Middle Devonian source rocks are likely to be overmature for oil generation and mature for gas generation. Generation and expulsion from Lower and Middle Devonian potential marine source rocks occurred early during their burial history, prior to Carboniferous uplift and erosion, and thus, major trap formation. Later burial during the Permian and/or Cretaceous may have resulted in minor gas generation and expulsion from a Middle Devonian potential source rock.

  • The Tasman Frontier region includes c. 3,000,000 sq km of seabed that is thought to be underlain by crust with continental affinities: the Lord Howe Rise, Bellona Trough, Challenger Plateau, Dampier Ridge, Middleton Basin, Fairway Basin, New Caledonia Trough, Norfolk Ridge System, Reinga Basin, and deep-water parts of Taranaki and Northland basins. We have compiled and interpreted c. 100,000 line km of archival seismic reflection data. Using seismic stratigraphy tied to Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) wells, we identify a tectonic and stratigraphic event that we refer to as the 'Tectonic Event of the Cenozoic Tasman Area' (TECTA). This Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene event involved regional uplift followed by 1-2 km of tectonic subsidence of topographic highs, and >2 km of tectonic subsidence in the New Caledonia Trough. Strata below the TECTA reflector (or seismic unit in some places) are locally folded or reverse faulted. We present seismic-stratigraphic evidence that numerous islands were transiently created by uplift on the Lord Howe Rise during the TECTA event. We suggest that the underlying cause of the TECTA event was initiation of the subduction system that has since evolved into the Tonga-Kermadec system. Note: Abstract for initial submission; acceptance to be confirmed.

  • Gravity surveys were conducted of the Gippsland Lakes district during 1949 and 1951. Both surveys showed an anomaly immediately to the north of Lake Wellington, the magnetic anomaly being a little displaced to the north-west of the gravity anomaly. The size and nature of the magnetic anomaly suggested that it might be due to rocks with higher than normal magnetic susceptibility in the basement complex. The gravity anomaly might be due to a buried hill in the Jurassic or basement, perhaps associated with the same feature which is responsible for the magnetic anomaly. Such a buried hill could result in a geological structure favourable to the accumulation of oil being present in the overlying Tertiary rocks, and in order to test whether or not a favourable structure existed a seismic reflection survey was undertaken by the Bureau. This report deals with the results of the seismic survey. Two north-south traverses and one running east-west and crossing the other two were surveyed.

  • This report covers the results of a seismic reflection traverse on a portion of the Giralia anticline which has been mapped in Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks in the North-West basin. The work constitutes a part of a general programme of investigation which the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, has been carrying out on Permit areas held by Ampol Petroleum Ltd. in this area. The seismic traverse described herein lies along the main road joining Giralia and Bullara homesteads and crosses the northern end of the Giralia structure. Tests were made with shooting in shot holes and also by air shooting. In addition, a refraction spread was shot along the axis of the anticline. This report gives an account of this investigation. Technical matters, such as interpretation technique and the symbols used in plotting results, are briefly noted. The results of the study and subsequent conclusions are discussed.

  • The Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government for five years (2006-2011) to provide geological information on some of the frontier onshore sedimentary basins in Australia, many of which are underexplored with respect to hydrocarbons. As part of the Onshore Energy Security Program, deep seismic reflection data have been acquired across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. In 2009, Geoscience Australia, in conjunction with the Northern Territory Geological Survey, acquired a deep seismic transect 373 km long across (Figure 1) the Georgina Basin and northeast margin of the Amadeus Basin of the Northern Territory.

  • Abstract: The Tasman Frontier region is a vast submerged continental fragment of over 3,000,000 sq km between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. It hosts a number of unexplored sedimentary basins, some of which may share a common geological origin with the Taranaki and Gippsland basins, where petroleum production is established. The Tasman Frontier database is a compilation of all digital seismic reflection data that can be made publicly available. The database contains c. 100,000 km of seismic lines that have been modified to common segy format with uniform header information so that they can be easily loaded into a computer workstation. The project is a collaborative initiative between GNS Science, Geoscience Australia and Service Géologique de Nouvelle-Calédonie. GNS Science Report 2012/01, which contains the database as a supplement, can be obtained from GNS Science ( The report outlines the exploration history and geological setting of the region, gives a technical description of the database, and specifies licence terms and registration instructions for users.

  • For the last 50 years, Geoscience Australia and its predecessors have been collecting onshore near-vertical-incidence deep seismic reflection data, first as low fold explosive data and more recently as high fold vibroseis data. These data have been used in conjunction with other seismic data sets by various research groups to construct depth to Moho models. The Moho has been interpreted either as a strong reflector per se, or as the bottom of a reflective band in the lower crust. However the amplitude standout of the Moho can be very much dependent on the fold of the data and applied processing sequence. Some low fold explosive data was re-processed by Geoscience Australia to enhance the Moho for comparison with recent vibroseis data, in the Mt Isa province in Queensland, and in the Southern Delamerian and Lachlan Fold Belts in Victoria. Marked improvement was achieved by time-variant band-limited noise suppression of reverberations, as well as by coherency weighted common mid point stacking. Post stack migration can also improve the clarity of the Moho, provided there is enough continuity of the data to avoid migration 'smiles'. An important consideration was amplitude scaling, with a time variant automatic gain control (AGC) employed before stack, and a weighted AGC applied after stack, in order to preserve seismic character. These results demonstrate that processing and acquisition issues need to be understood in order to assess the reflective character of the Moho and indeed to interpret its location.