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In November 1964, the Bureau of Mineral Resources Seismic Party No. 1 carried out a velocity survey in CBMR 12 (Cockroach) Well, Northern Territory, which had been drilled to 4000 feet and logged using sonic and other logging methods. The time/depth values obtained in the velocity survey were in good agreement with those obtained by integration of the sonic log. A curve showing the variation with time-of'the coefficient of reflection calculated from the sonic log showed an outstanding feature, which appeared to correlate with the best reflection recorded on an experimental seismic traverse nearby. According to the geological interpretation of the well log, this reflection arises from velocity changes near the boundary of the ArrinthrungaTormation and the Marqua Beds at a depth of 2,721 feet.
This report outlines the field geophysical work carried out in the vicinity of Wilkes Base (Lat. 660 15' 8, Long. 1100 31' E), Australian Antarctic Territory, during the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition of 1965-66. The work can be broadly divided into four parts. 1. An autumn traverse where seismic reflection stations were established every 10 miles around a triangle with corners at Cape Folger, the Dome Centre and Cape Poinsett. 2. A mid winter traverse to the inland glaciology station S-2 for a programme of seismic ice velocity studies. 3. A spring traverse where a rectangular grid network of seismic, gravity, and elevation stations were installed in a region between S-2 and 80 miles south of S-2. 4. Two attempts at recording reflections off the Mohorovicic discontinuity shot in the vicinity of Wilkes.
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