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  • The most important known deposits of what are commonly referred to as the beach sand minerals are situated along the most easterly part of the Australian coast. The geographical distribution, physiography, formation, origin, composition, and reserves of heavy minerals along the east coast are discussed in this report.

  • A report on the testing of bauxite deposits in the Tasmanian districts of Ouse, Launceston, Rosevale and Myalla. This report is supplementary to Mr. Owen's report (1946/2).

  • Boring commenced in the Broadbeach area on an East-West line 500 feet south of the northern boundary of DC22. Subsequent boring was carried out along lines 1300 feet, 2100 feet, 2900 feet, 4500 feet, 6125 feet, 7740 feet, 9300 feet, and 10900 feet south of the northern boundary of DC22. The results of the beach sands investigation are presented here. Estimates of the tonnages of heavy-mineral concentrates, the average grades of the heavy-mineral bearing sands and the average thickness of overburden, are tabulated. The complete set of data, from which these figures have been calculated, is attached as an appendix to the report.

  • An area of about 190 acres lying within the boundaries of Allotment 26D, Budgeree, County of Buln Buln was taken up for prospecting purposes on 21st May, 1947. The topography, general geology of the area, and the occurrence, volume and grade of the bauxite bodies, are discussed in this report. Three accompanying plans are included.

  • During the period 10th October to 15th November 1950, the writer visited the Rum Jungle area in order to direct the local and regional geological mapping, with a view to establishing the geological relationship between the various prospects, the manner of occurrence of the ore bodies, and if possible the control of mineralisation. Owing to the short time available for the field work, the present report must be regarded as a critical preliminary study of the area to aid future planning, rather than a complete investigation. Only the broader aspects of mineralisation are dealt with in this report.

  • During the last three years much work has been done on laterites in Northern Australia by geologists of the Bureau and in particular those attached to the North Australian Regional Survey. The co-operation of soils officers and geologists in this survey has led to a better understanding of the significance of laterites and of the zones within the profiles. Since several parties from the Bureau are now working in Northern Australia it seemed opportune to discuss the nomenclature of laterites and to suggest terms and definitions so that laterites can be described and mapped in the same way by the several field parties. With this object in view geologists from the Bureau and officers from the North Australian Regional Survey discussed the matter and the following terminology and definitions are circulated now for criticism within the Bureau.

  • In October, 1951, the Geological Section of the Bureau of Mineral Resources recommended a geophysical survey at the newly-developed Rye Park tungsten deposit. The purpose of the survey was the delineation of the main mineralised areas around a granite cupola. The geology of the area, survey methods, and field operations are described in this report. The result of the survey and of diamond drill hole testing are discussed.

  • Specimens of radioactive ferruginous sandstone from Madigan's Prospect, Bynoe Harbour, N.T., have been examined by autoradiographic, mineragraphic, mineralogical, and petrographic methods, and tested treated, and analysed chemically; radiation measurements have been made at appropriate stages in the investigation to ascertain the behaviour and distribution of the radioactive material.

  • During the Mullins Harbour - Wedau Reconnaissance (South Eastern Papua) carried [out] in 1953 by Mr. J.E. Thompson, Senior Geologist of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, a section was sampled along the Middle Nigo-Nigo River. Of a number of samples sent to Canberra for petrological and palaeontological examination only eight proved fossiliferous. The following is a list of samples examined listing lithology and microfauna determined by the author and the age assigned to each.

  • Dr Andy Barnicoat's presentation at the China Mining Conference 2012 in Tianjin.