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Legacy product - no abstract available
This report describes the physiography and the history of the development of the North Stradbroke Island. Two accompanying plates are included.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from a depth of 1 to 266 feet down.
Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the surface down to a depth of 2130 feet.
The Leigh Creek Coalfield is approximately 350 miles north of Adelaide. Coal seams of economic importance are known to occur in two basins about 5 miles apart. Immediately to the north of the known coal basins is an area of some hundred or more square miles, much of which is covered by a thin layer of rocks younger than the coal measures. Other coal basins could exist beneath this cover, and it is considered necessary to the sound development of the coalfield as a whole, that the prospecting of this area should be completed at an early date. The present survey was undertaken at the request of the South Australian Government and was carried out during October, November and December, 1947. The report is a preliminary one since the analysis of the results is not complete. However, sufficient work has been done to make possible the selection of sites for test drill holes. The geology of the area, geophysical method and application, results, interpretation, and testing are discussed in this report. The results of the gravimetric survey are shown on an accompanying plan.
The first geological reconnaissance of the proposed diversion of the Snowy River to the Murray Valley was undertaken in late 1946. This work was followed by more detailed work in the summer of 1947-8 when field parties carried out a reconnaissance of a strip of country covering the approximate route which the main tunnel is expected to follow. Part I of this report deals briefly with the geological work accomplished during the two field seasons and provides a summary of the engineering geology of the main and subsidiary tunnel lines. Parts II and III consist of the geological reports by the leaders of the two field parties. Part II covers the survey area from Waste Point to the Geehi River. Part III covers the survey area from the Geehi River to Khancoban. Accompanying plans are included.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from a depth of 10 feet down to 101 feet 6 inches.
Brief description of limestone from a locality half a mile north of Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse.
The report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the depth of 30 to 100 feet.
This report covers the plane table survey work carried out from December, 1947, to February, 1948, on the ridge running N.W. from the U.S.A. Legation, and from Brick Trig. Station to the Brick Works. The stratigraphy, soil, structure, and topography of the area are discussed in the report.