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  • Note on production, efficiency factors, and costs of twelve West Australian gold mines. Figures are provided for each mine respectively. A table showing mining and cost statistics is appended.

  • A request was made for an estimation of the ore reserves indicated to date in the King Island Scheelite Mine, and for a drilling campaign to be drawn up to prove a total of fifteen years supply of ore at an annual rate of consumption of 200,000 tons. These two matters are dealt with in this report.

  • In response to a request from Mr. W.H. Williams, Director of Mines, Tasmania, a geological survey was made of the asbestos deposits situated near the tunnel on the Emu Bay railway, 5 miles north-east of Zeehan. A programme of investigation was set out involving a detailed survey of the deposit, prospecting and development work, an assessment of potential fibre grades and ore values, and research into milling practice and market utilization of fibre. The geological survey and related investigation, which are the focus of this report, were concerned mainly with the first three items. Three plates, including a geological map, surface plan, and a plan showing underground workings and effective grades, are attached to this report.

  • The Pioneer tungsten-bismuth mine, Hatches Creek, was discovered in 1917 and worked on a small scale from then until a short time after the conclusion of World War I, when production ceased owing to a fall in tungsten prices. Prices rose again in 1937, and exploration resumed. The general geology, ore bodies, and working of the Pioneer mine are discussed in this report.

  • Summary report on the ore prospects of some Western Australian gold mines. The report provides details on production, ore deposits, and operations.

  • Five leases were taken up by the Commission in the Parishes of Jeeraland, Traralgon, Budgeree and Yinnar in the County of Buln Buln. These notes give brief descriptions of three of these leases and also contain some recommendations relative to prospecting on them. Two geological sketch maps are included.

  • The Mosquito Creek Wolfram Field was visited on 6th and 7th October, 1951. This report gives a brief account of the inspection. The general geology of the area, the ore-bearing reefs, and the mining leases inspected, are described.

  • This note concerns the request by the Midland Mining Co. Ltd. for financial assistance in the development of a deposit of kyanite to the north of Yanmah, in the Southern Division of Western Australia. The report comprises brief notes on the geology of the area, proposed work, and the occurrence of kyanite as these relate to the proposed further development of the deposit.

  • This report comprises notes on the geology, ores reserves, and exploration of the Maude and Yellow Girl Gold Mining Company.

  • Prospectors J.C. Paul and T.C. Ash claimed to have discovered wolfram near Lake Koolymilka in the area reserved for the Long Range Weapons project. The general geology and working of the area are briefly outlined in this report, and it is shown that no wolfram or any other minerals of economic importance are present.