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  • The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) work together on the Australian Aid funded Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project (PSLGMP). The project is focused on determining the long-term variation in sea level through observation and analysis of changes in the height of the land (using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data) and changes in the sea level (using tide gauges managed and operated by the BoM. It is the role of GA and SPC to provide information about ‘absolute’ movement of the tide gauge (managed by BoM) using GNSS to continuously monitor land motion and using levelling (SPC) to measure the height difference between the tide gauge and GNSS pillar every 18 months. Land movement caused by earthquakes, subsidence and surface uplift have an important effect on sea level observations at tide gauges. For example, a tide gauge connected to a pier which is subsiding at a rate of 5 mm per year would be observed as a rate of 5 mm per year of sea level rise at the tide gauge. Because of this, it is important to measure, and account for, the movement of land when measuring ‘absolute’ sea level variation - the change in the sea level relative to the centre of the Earth. Relative sea level variation on the other hand is measured relative to local buildings and landmass around the coastline. Geoscience Australia’s work enables more accurate 'absolute' sea level estimates by providing observations of land motion which can be accounted for by BoM when analysing the tide gauge data. This report provides the results of the GNSS monitoring survey & high precision level survey completed between the Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment (SEAFRAME) tide gauge and the GNSS Continuously Operation Reference Station (CORS) in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 4th to 13th March 2019 It also provides an updated height of the tide gauge derived from GNSS time series analysis and precise levelling observations.

  • Many earthquakes in Indonesia have caused a large number of fatalities. Disaster risk-reduction of fatalities requires a representative fatality model derived from fatality data caused by historical earthquakes in Indonesia. We develop an empirical fatality model for Indonesia by relating macroseismic intensity to fatality rate using compiled subdistrict level fatality rate data and numerically simulated ground shaking intensity for four recent damaging events. The fatality rate data are compiled by collecting population and fatality statistics of the regions impacted by the selected events. The ground shaking intensity is numerically estimated by incorporating a finite fault model of each event and local site conditions approximated by topographically-based site amplifications. The macroseismic intensity distribution of each event is generated by using ShakeMap software with a selected pair of ground motion predictive equation (GMPE) and ground motion to intensity conversion equation (GMICE). The developed fatality model is a Bayesian generalized linear model where the fatality rate is assumed to follow a mixture of a Bernoulli and a gamma distribution. The probability of zero fatality rate and the mean non-zero fatality rate is linked to a linear function of shaking intensity by the logit and the log link functions, respectively. We estimate posterior distribution of the parameters of the model based on the Hamilton Monte Carlo algorithm. For validation of the developed model we calculate fatalities of the past events from the EXPO-CAT catalog and compare the estimates with the EXPO-CAT fatality records. While the developed fatality model can provide an estimate of the range of fatalities for future events it needs on-going refinement by incorporation of additional fatality rate data from past and future events.

  • With a population of over 250 million people, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world (United Nations, 2013). Indonesia also experiences more earthquakes than any other country in the world (USGS, 2015). Its borders encompass one of the most active tectonic regions on Earth including over 18 000 km of major tectonic plate boundary, more than twice that of Japan or Papua New Guinea (Bird, 2003). The potential for this tectonic activity to impact large populations has been tragically demonstrated by the 20004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami. In order to inform earthquake risk reduction in Indonesia, a new national earthquake hazard map was developed in 2010 (Irsyam et al., 2010). In this report historical records of damaging earthquakes from the 17th to 19th centuries are used to test our current understanding of earthquake hazard in Indonesia and identify areas where further research is needed. In this report we address the following questions: - How well does our current understanding of earthquake hazard in Indonesia reflect historical activity? - Can we associate major historical earthquakes with known active faults, and are these accounted for in current assessments of earthquake hazard? - Does the current earthquake hazard map predict a frequency and intensity of shaking commensurate with the historical record? - What would the impact of these historical earthquakes be if they were to reoccur today? To help answer questions like these, this report collates historical observations of eight large earthquakes from Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara between 1699 and 1867. These observations are then used to: - Identify plausible sources for each event; - Develop ground shaking models using the OpenQuake Engine (GEM Foundation, 2015); - Assess the validity of the current national seismic hazard map; and - Estimate fatalities were the historical events to occur today using the InaSAFE (, 2015) software.

  • On the 30th September 2009 a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck West Sumatra in the Padang and Pariaman regions. It caused widespread damage to buildings and resulted and an estimated 1,117 fatalities. Thankfully the event was not accompanied by a tsunami that could have had additional devastating impacts and a greatly increased mortality. Under its mandate the AIFDR responded to the earthquake event with the objective of deriving an understanding of the factors that had contributed to outcome. It supported a team of Indonesian and international engineers and scientists who collected and analysed damage information that could subsequently be used for future disaster risk reduction in West Sumatra and Indonesia more broadly. The activity was jointly led by the Centre for Disaster Mitigation at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Geoscience Australia. This report provides a background to the region, describes the nature of the earthquake and its impacts, details the survey activity and outlines the significant outcomes that has come from it. Importantly, it makes several recommendations to assist in the regional reconstruction after the event and to guide future development in the Padang region and Indonesia more generally.

  • Papua New Guinea (PNG) lies in a belt of intense tectonic activity that experiences high levels of seismicity. Although this seismicity poses significant risks to society, the Building Code of PNG and its underpinning seismic loading requirements have not been revised since 1982. This study aims to partially address this gap by updating the seismic zoning map on which the earthquake loading component of the building code is based. We performed a new probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for PNG using the OpenQuake software developed by the Global Earthquake Model Foundation (Pagani et al. 2014). Among other enhancements, for the first time together with background sources, individual fault sources are implemented to represent active major and microplate boundaries in the region to better constrain the earthquake-rate and seismic-source models. The seismic-source model also models intraslab, Wadati–Benioff zone seismicity in a more realistic way using a continuous slab volume to constrain the finite ruptures of such events. The results suggest a high level of hazard in the coastal areas of the Huon Peninsula and the New Britain – Bougainville region, and a relatively low level of hazard in the southwestern part of mainland PNG. In comparison with the seismic zonation map in the current design standard, it can be noted that the spatial distribution of seismic hazard used for building design does not match the bedrock hazard distribution of this study. In particular, the high seismic hazard of the Huon Peninsula in the revised assessment is not captured in the current building code of PNG. <b>Citation:</b> Ghasemi, H., Cummins, P., Weatherill, G. <i>et al.</i> Seismotectonic model and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Papua New Guinea. <i>Bull Earthquake Eng, </i><b>18</b>, 6571–6605 (2020).

  • Archive of the data and outputs from the Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risk in the Pacific Region project. See GA record 76213.

  • <div>The city of Lae is Papua New Guinea (PNG)’s second largest, and is the home of PNG’s largest port. Here, a convergence rate of ~50 mm/yr between the South Bismarck Plate and the Australian Plate is accommodated across the Ramu-Markham Fault Zone (RMFZ). The active structures of the RMFZ are relatively closely spaced to the west of Lae. However, the fault zone bifurcates immediately west of the Lae urban area, with one strand continuing to the east, and a second strand trending southeast through Lae City and connecting to the Markham Trench within the Huon Gulf. </div><div>The geomorphology of the Lae region relates to the interaction between riverine (and limited marine) deposition and erosion, and range-building over low-angle thrust faults of the RMFZ. Flights of river terraces imply repeated tectonic uplift events; dating of these terraces will constrain the timing of past earthquakes and associated recurrence intervals. Terrace riser heights are typically on the order of 3 m, indicating causative earthquake events of greater than magnitude 7. </div><div>Future work will expose the most recently active fault traces in trenches to assess single event displacements, and extend the study to the RMFZ north of Nadzab Airport. These results will inform a seismic hazard and risk assessment for Lae city and surrounding region.</div> Presented at the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference

  • The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) work together on the Australian Aid funded Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project (PSLGMP). The project is focused on determining the long-term variation in sea level through observation and analysis of changes in the height of the land (using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data) and changes in the sea level (using tide gauges managed and operated by the BoM. It is the role of GA and SPC to provide information about ‘absolute’ movement of the tide gauge (managed by BoM) using GNSS to continuously monitor land motion and using levelling (SPC) to measure the height difference between the tide gauge and GNSS pillar every 18 months. Land movement caused by earthquakes, subsidence and surface uplift have an important effect on sea level observations at tide gauges. For example, a tide gauge connected to a pier which is subsiding at a rate of 5 mm per year would be observed as a rate of 5 mm per year of sea level rise at the tide gauge. Because of this, it is important to measure, and account for, the movement of land when measuring ‘absolute’ sea level variation - the change in the sea level relative to the centre of the Earth. Relative sea level variation on the other hand is measured relative to local buildings and landmass around the coastline. Geoscience Australia’s work enables more accurate 'absolute' sea level estimates by providing observations of land motion which can be accounted for by BoM when analysing the tide gauge data. This report provides the results of the GNSS monument monitoring survey & high precision level survey completed between the Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment (SEAFRAME) tide gauge and the GNSS Continuously Operation Reference Station (CORS) in Majuro, Marshall Islands from 4th – 11th February 2020. It also provides an updated height of the tide gauge derived from GNSS time series analysis and precise levelling observations.

  • The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) work together on the Australian Aid funded Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project (PSLGMP). The project is focused on determining the long-term variation in sea level through observation and analysis of changes in the height of the land (using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data) and changes in the sea level (using tide gauges managed and operated by the BoM. It is the role of GA and SPC to provide information about ‘absolute’ movement of the tide gauge (managed by BoM) using GNSS to continuously monitor land motion and using levelling (SPC) to measure the height difference between the tide gauge and GNSS pillar every 18 months. Land movement caused by earthquakes, subsidence and surface uplift have an important effect on sea level observations at tide gauges. For example, a tide gauge connected to a pier which is subsiding at a rate of 5 mm per year would be observed as a rate of 5 mm per year of sea level rise at the tide gauge. Because of this, it is important to measure, and account for, the movement of land when measuring ‘absolute’ sea level variation - the change in the sea level relative to the centre of the Earth. Relative sea level variation on the other hand is measured relative to local buildings and landmass around the coastline. Geoscience Australia’s work enables more accurate 'absolute' sea level estimates by providing observations of land motion which can be accounted for by BoM when analysing the tide gauge data. This report provides the results of the GNSS monitoring survey & high precision level survey completed between the Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment (SEAFRAME) tide gauge and the GNSS Continuously Operation Reference Station (CORS) in Honiara, Solomon Islands from 4th to 11th August 2019. It also provides an updated height of the tide gauge derived from GNSS time series analysis and precise levelling observations.

  • The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) work together on the Australian Aid funded Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project (PSLGMP). The project is focused on determining the long-term variation in sea level through observation and analysis of changes in the height of the land (using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data) and changes in the sea level (using tide gauges managed and operated by the BoM. It is the role of GA and SPC to provide information about ‘absolute’ movement of the tide gauge (managed by BoM) using GNSS to continuously monitor land motion and using levelling (SPC) to measure the height difference between the tide gauge and GNSS pillar every 18 months. Land movement caused by earthquakes, subsidence and surface uplift have an important effect on sea level observations at tide gauges. For example, a tide gauge connected to a pier which is subsiding at a rate of 5 mm per year would be observed as a rate of 5 mm per year of sea level rise at the tide gauge. Because of this, it is important to measure, and account for, the movement of land when measuring ‘absolute’ sea level variation - the change in the sea level relative to the centre of the Earth. Relative sea level variation on the other hand is measured relative to local buildings and landmass around the coastline. Geoscience Australia’s work enables more accurate 'absolute' sea level estimates by providing observations of land motion which can be accounted for by BoM when analysing the tide gauge data. This report provides the results of the GNSS monument monitoring survey & high precision level survey completed between the Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment (SEAFRAME) tide gauge and the GNSS Continuously Operation Reference Station (CORS) in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 24th to 31st May 2019. It also provides an updated ellipsoidal height of the tide gauge derived from GNSS time series analysis and precise levelling observations.