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  • <div>The A1 poster incorporates 4 images of Australia taken from space by Earth observing satellites. The accompanying text briefly introduces sensors and the bands within the electromagnetic spectrum. The images include examples of both true and false colour and the diverse range of applications of satellite images such as tracking visible changes to the Earth’s surface like crop growth, bushfires, coastal changes and floods. Scientists, land and emergency managers use satellite images to analyse vegetation, surface water or human activities as well as evaluate natural&nbsp;hazards.</div>

  • Results are given of investigations carried out to detect any variation in the relative proportions of the several heavy minerals in heavy concentrates separated out from beach sands of the Broadbeach Recreational Area. The possible variation of the thoria content of monazite in the area is also investigated. Results indicate a systematic variation from east to west in the proportion of Zircon, rutile and ilmenite in the concentrates. The thoria content of the monazite in the area is shown to be constant within experimental limits.

  • An assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on coastal communities has been undertaken in collaboration with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE). This first-pass national assessment includes an evaluation of the exposure infrastructure (residential and commercial buildings, as well as roads and rail) to sea-level rise (SLR), storm surge and coastal recession. Some of the information contained in this report was included in the Department of Climate Change (now Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency) report "Climate Change Risks to Australia's Coast", published in 2009, and its supplement published in 2011.

  • The upper Swan River estuary located in the eastern suburban area of Perth in Western Australia experiences periods of poor water quality in the form high nutrient levels, anoxic bottom water conditions and occasional nuisance algae blooms. It has long been suspected that oxygen uptake and nutrient release from estuarine sediments are major drivers for these poor water quality conditions. Geoscience Australia in conjunction with the Department of Water in Western Australia investigated water quality in the upper Swan River estuary through water and sediment quality studies in October 2006, September 2007 and May 2008. The objectives of these studies were (1) to characterise the distribution of sediments, in particular to identify areas of high nutrient release, (2) to better understand conditions leading to high oxygen consumption and nutrient release, and (3) to determine the influence of the bottom water oxygen status on nutrient release from sediments.

  • The historical record reveals that at least five tsunamis generated by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions along the Sunda Arc have impacted the West Australian coast (1883, 1977, 1994, 2004 and 2006). We have documented the geomorphic effects of these tsunamis through collation of historical reports, collection of eyewitness accounts, analysis of pre- and post-tsunami satellite imagery and field investigations. These tsunamis had flow depths of less than 3 m, inundation distances of up to several hundred metres and a maximum recorded run-up height of 8 m. Geomorphic effects include off-shore and near-shore erosion and extensive vegetation damage. In some cases, vegetated foredunes were severely depleted or completely removed. Gullies and scour pockets up to 1.5 m deep were eroded into topographic highs during tsunami outflow. Eroded sediments were redeposited as sand sheets several centimetres thick. Isolated coral blocks and rocks with oysters attached (~50 cm A-axis) were deposited over coastal dunes however, boulder ridges were often unaffected by tsunami flow. The extent of inundation from the most recent tsunamis can be distinguished as strandlines of coral rubble and rafted vegetation. It is likely that these features are ephemeral and seasonal coastal processes will obscure all traces of these signatures within years to decades. Recently reported evidence for Holocene palaeotsunamis on the West Australian coast suggests significantly larger run-up and inundation than observed from the historical record. The evidence includes signatures such as chevron dunes that have not been observed from historical events. We have compared the geomorphic effects of historical tsunami with reported palaeotsunami evidence from Coral Bay, the Cape Range Peninsula and Port Samson. We conclude that much of the palaeotsunami evidence can be accounted for via more traditional geomorphic processes such as reef evolution, aeolian dune formation and archaeological site formation.

  • This study examined the geomorphology of the sea bed, the spatial distribution of the various sediment types and the geomorphic evolution of Cockburn Sound.

  • There is growing global concern for the impact of increased fluvial sediment loads on tropical coral reefs and seagrass ecosystems. The Fitzroy River is a macrotidal, tide-dominated estuary in the dry tropics of central Queensland and is a major contributor of sediment to the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) lagoon. The estuary currently receives most of its sediment during large episodic flood events commonly associated with cyclonic depressions. The sediment dynamics of macrotidal estuaries and especially of wet-dry tropical systems, with intermittent flows and sediment discharge are poorly understood. Average annual sediment budgets for such a system are also difficult to estimate due to the sporadic nature of flood discharge events. Therefore we have estimated a long-term sediment accumulation rate of catchment-derived sediment trapped in the estuary using the Holocene stratigraphic sequence, determined from a series of sediment cores, dated with radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), and integrated with industry borehole data. We estimate that 17,400 million tonnes (Mt) of river sediment has accumulated in the estuary during the last 8000 years. This suggests a minimum mean annual bulk sediment discharge of the Fitzroy River of 2000 kt yr-1. This estimated 2175 kilotonnes per year (kt yr-1) of bulk sediment is equivalent to 25% of the estimated average annual modern bulk sediment discharge of the Fitzroy River of 8800 kt yr-1, (Kelly and Wong, 1996) suggesting that the sediment trapping efficiency of the Fitzroy estuary during the Holocene has been approximately 25%. This implies that 75% of the river sediment has been exported from the estuary into Keppel Bay and the adjacent GBR lagoon during the Holocene. With minimal accommodation space left in the floodplain, modern sediment accumulation appears to be focussed around the mangroves and tidal creeks, which cover an area of 130 km2. Cores from the tidal creeks were dated using 137Cs, excess 210Pb, and OSL and display sedimentation rates of approximately 1.5 cm yr-1 for the last 45-120 years, or 1700 kt yr-1, and suggest a modern sediment trapping efficiency for the estuary of around 19%. These results provide useful insights into the long-term sedimentation and quantification of the sediment trapping efficiency of a subtropical macro-tidal estuary with episodic floods, where sediment trapping will vary seasonally and inter-annually.