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  • ABSTRACT Oil and gas reservoirs below the sea bed can experience seepage through the seafloor, resulting in oil slicks on the sea surface. Remote sensing has the potential to cost-effectively scan extensive and/or remote regions for such surface slicks, thereby identifying areas in producing and frontier basins that are prospective for hydrocarbons. Accordingly, we are developing a two-pronged, remote sensing-based approach for seepage slick studies in the Australian Marine Jurisdiction (AMJ): 1) Detection : building a semi-automated processing and classification system in order to scan large numbers of SAR scenes for potential natural slick targets. This includes time series analysis. 2) Identification : investigating the potential of optical remote sensing as a diagnostic tool for further, targeted study. Here, we present the.....

  • Ingest Method for UNIX Operators of Data from ACRES CCRS (BIL) Tapes. ACRES Technical Document, Version: 2, October 1997

  • The product SAR.PRI is a digital image generated from raw SAR data using up-to-date auxiliary parameters, corrected for antenna elevation gain and range spreading loss. The image, projected on ground range, covers an area 75km wide and at least 75 km long. The JERS SAR.PRI format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPO-GS-5902).

  • This CCT format specification follows the format coding conventions defined in the document " SAR DATA PRODUCTS FORMAT STANDARD Rev 2.0 10 March 1989 by CEOS SAR Data Standards Subgroup ". To improve compatibility between different installations, certain conventions have been used for the specification of the data formats on the CCT.

  • ACRES Tehnical Document - updated 4 September 2000. Dynamic range values for ACRES TM data products.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Improving techniques for mapping land surface composition at regional- to continental-scale is the next step in delivering the benefits of remote sensing technology to Australia. New methodologies and collaborative efforts have been made as part of a multi-agency project to facilitate uptake of these techniques. Calibration of ASTER data with HyMAP has been very promising, and following an program in Queensland, a mosaic has been made for the Gawler-Curnamona region in South Australia. These programs, undertaken by Geoscience Australia, CSIRO, and state and industry partners, aims to refine and standardise processing and to make them easily integrated with other datasets in a GIS.

  • The RADARSAT Data Products Specification provides and overview of the endorsed products generated by the RADARSAT program. These products may be produced at the CDPF or at any of the RADARSAT network stations.

  • The product SAR.GTC is a digital image generated from raw SAR data takes using up-tp-date auxiliary parameters, with the best available instrumental corrections applied, precisely located, corrected for terrain varieations and rectified onto a map projection. The ESA SAR.GTC format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPO-GS-5902).

  • The product SAR.SLC is a single look complex digital image generated from raw SAR data using up-to-date auxiliary parameters. The image, projected on sland range, referred to as 'quarter scene' or quadrant corresponds to approximately one half (range) by one half (azimuth) of a full scence image. The ESA SAR.SLC format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPS-GS-5902).