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A touch screen application based on the periodic table. Clicking on an element displays general information on the properties of, and minerals related to, that element. Selected elements have further links to commodity and resource information. This application has been prepared for display at both international and domestic conferences (examples of which include PDAC, China Mining, AMEC, Mining, and the AESC) and associated events. This version includes minor corrections, the addition of a back button and replacement of some photos. Maps of selected resources were added to commodity pages.
Animation for Kaggle showing laser path measurements of methane over a plume of methane gas. Reflectors arranged in a fan configuration.
A video created for the Australia Minerals booth at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 2014 conference. The video has 2 versions, one with an advert for the Australia Minerals seminar (for use on the Sunday and Monday morning of the conference) and one without an advert (to be used on the Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference).
A touch screen application based on the periodic table. Clicking on an element displays general information on the properties of, and minerals related to, that element. Selected elements have further links to commodity and resource information. This application has been prepared for display at both international and domestic conferences (examples of which include PDAC, China Mining, AMEC, Mining, and the AESC) and associated events.
This story map is a concept used to bring a more interactive approach to visualising scientific data. In this application, it is providing an opportunity to raise awareness of the role that Geoscience Australia plays within the nation's disaster risk reduction framework and showcase the innovative modelling and monitoring capability it provides to the nation.
The launch of Landsat 7 from Vandenberg Airforce Base on 15 April 1999. The operation of the Landsat series of satellites over 27 years.
Captured historical footage
Mount Merapi in Indonesia has experienced a number of VEI 3 (Volcano Explosivity Index) eruptions in historical times. This animation simulates a 'what if' scenario for a VEI 5 eruption of Mount Merapi using the output results from a volcanic ash hazard model called FALL3D-5.1.1. The simulated eruption occurs over a 12 hour period with a modelled eruption column height of 30 km. The prevailing wind direction is modelled to the southwest towards the nearby city of Yogyakarta (28 km). The animation shows the increase in volcanic ash thickness on the ground over time. The simulation shows that if Mount Merapi erupted under these conditions the city of Yogyakarta could experience ash thicknesses on the ground between 1 and 15 m including thicknesses of 7 - 8 m at the nearby Adisucipto International Airport.
A 3.30 minute movie that has the viewer flying around Australia to 6 release areas: Gippsland Basin, Money Shoal Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Canning Basin, Browse Basin and Carnarvon Basin. The movie also stops at each release area to view, in detail, the: International/State seafloor boundaries; oil and gas fields; release areas; Basin/sub-basin outlines. Topographic markers are also shown, where possible.
A 3.30 minute movie, (based on the movie used in the 2007 Acreage Release Product CD - Geocat No. 65159), that has the viewer flying around Australia to 6 release areas: Gippsland Basin, Money Shoal Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Canning Basin, Browse Basin and Carnarvon Basin. The movie also stops at each release area to view, in detail, the: International/State seafloor boundaries; oil and gas fields; release areas; Basin/sub-basin outlines. Topographic markers are also shown, where possible. This movie has the addition of MUSIC.