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<b>This record was retired 29/03/2022 with approval from S.Oliver as it has been superseded by eCat 132317 GA Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Analysis Ready Data Collection 3</b> The PQ25 product facilitates interpretation and processing of Surface Reflectance (SR-N/NT), Fractional Cover 25 (FC25) and all derivative products. PQ25 is an assessment of each image pixel to determine if it is an unobscured, unsaturated observation of the Earth's surface and also whether the pixel is represented in each spectral band. The PQ product allows users to produce masks which can be used to exclude pixels which don't meet their quality criteria from analysis . The capacity to automatically exclude such pixels is essential for emerging multi-temporal analysis techniques that make use of every quality assured pixel within a time series of observations. Users can choose to process only land pixels, or only sea pixels depending on their analytical requirements, leading to enhanced computationally efficient.
This collection is used to provide an environment for external access to the Australian Geoscience Data Cube Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI).
Factsheet for DEA with information relevant to stakeholders from the Australian Government
1. Band ratio: B7/B8 Blue-cyan is magnesite-dolomite, amphibole, chlorite Red is calcite, epidote, amphibole useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives. useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives. useful for mapping: (1) exposed parent material persisting through "cover"; (2) "dolomitization" alteration in carbonates - combine with Ferrous iron in MgOH product to help separate dolomite versus ankerite; (3) lithology-cutting hydrothermal (e.g. propyllitic) alteration - combine with FeOH content product and ferrous iron in Mg-OH to isolate chlorite from actinolite versus talc versus epidote; and (4) layering within mafic/ultramafic intrusives.
1. Band ratio: (B6+B9/(B7+B8) Blue is low content, Red is high content (potentially includes: calcite, dolomite, magnesite, chlorite, epidote, amphibole, talc, serpentine) Useful for mapping: (1) "hydrated" ferromagnesian rocks rich in OH-bearing tri-octahedral silicates like actinolite, serpentine, chlorite and talc; (2) carbonate-rich rocks, including shelf (palaeo-reef) and valley carbonates(calcretes, dolocretes and magnecretes); and (3) lithology-overprinting hydrothermal alteration, e.g. "propyllitic alteration" comprising chlorite, amphibole and carbonate. The nature (composition) of the silicate or carbonate mineral can be further assessed using the MgOH composition product.
The Australian Government is investing in a world first analysis platform for satellite imagery and other Earth observations. From sustainably managing the environment to developing resources and optimising our agricultural potential, Australia must overcome a number of challenges to meet the needs of our growing population. Digital Earth Australia (DEA) will deliver a unique capability to process, interrogate, and present Earth observation satellite data in response to these issues. It will track changes across Australia in unprecedented detail, identifying soil and coastal erosion, crop growth, water quality, and changes to cities and regions. DEA will build on the globally recognised innovation, the Australian Geoscience Data Cube1; which was the winner of the 2016 Content Platform of the Year at the Geospatial World Leadership Awards and was developed as a partnership between GA, CSIRO and the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) supported National Computational Infrastructure (NCI).
<p>This mangrove canopy cover product provides valuable information about the extent and canopy density of mangroves for each year between 1987 and 2018 for the entire Australian coastline. </p> <p>The canopy cover classes are 20-50% (pale green), 50-80% (mid green), 80-100% (dark green). The product consists of a sequence (one per year) of 25-metre resolution maps that are generated by analysing the Landsat fractional cover developed by the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program ( and the Global Mangrove Watch layers developed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency ( </p> <p>This product can be cited as Lymburner, L., Bunting, P., Lucas, R., Scarth, P., Alam, I., Phillips, C., Ticehurst, C. and Held, A. (2018). Mapping the multi-decadal mangrove dynamics of the Australian coastline. See </p>
The National Spectral Database (NSD) houses data taken by Australian remote sensing scientists. The database includes spectra covering targets as diverse as mineralogy, soils, plants, water bodies and various land surfaces.<br /> Currently the database holds spectral information from multiple locations across the country and as the collection grows in spatial / temporal coverage, the NSD will service continental scale validation requirements of the Earth observation community for satellite-based measurements of surface reflectance. The NSD is accessed with information provided at the NSD Geoscience Australia Content Management Interface (CMI) web page: <b>Value:</b> Curated spectral data provides a wealth of knowledge to remote sensing scientists. For other parties interested in calibration and validation (Cal/Val) of surface reflectance products, the Geoscience Australia (GA) Cal/Val dataset provides a useful resource of ground-truth data to compare to reflectance captured by Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellites. The Aquatic Library is a robust collection of Australian datasets from 1994 to present time, primarily of end-member and substratum measurements. The University of Wollongong collection represents immense value in end-member studies, both terrestrial and aquatic. <b>Scope:</b> The NSD covers Australian data including historical datasets as old as 1994. Physical study sites encompass locations around Australia, with spectra captured in every state. <b>Data types:</b> - Spectral data: raw digital numbers (DN), radiance and reflectance. - From spectral bands VIS-NIR, SWIR1 & SWIR2: wavelengths 350nm - 2500nm collected with instruments in the field or lab setting. Contact for further information: <b>To view the entire collection click on the keyword "HVC 144490" in the below Keyword listing <b>
Record for source data - Calibration & Validation Surface Reflectance Measurements for the National Spectral Database (NSD). This is a collection of Phase 1 & Phase 2 datasets from Geoscience Australia Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Calibration & Validation's field program. The data is intended to serve the GA ARD surface reflectance validation pipeline. Phase 1 field campaigns are summarised in the technical report: Byrne, G., Walsh, A., Thankappan, M., Broomhall, M., Hay, E. 2021. DEA Analysis Ready Data Phase 1 Validation Project : Data Summary. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
This collection contains processing environments and code repositories created by Geoscience Australia used to generate National Earth and Marine Observations products.