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  • Geoscience Australia houses one of the world's largest collections of petroleum data. Much of this data is non-confidential and available to the petroleum industry, research organisations and the public. The collection includes seismic survey data submitted by industry under legislative requirements as well as data collected by research projects and marine surveys undertaken by Geoscience Australia or other government agencies or institutions. The collection comprises digital 2D and 3D seismic survey field data, navigation data, processed data, velocity data, observer's logs, operational reports, processing reports, bathymetry data, potential field data (gravity and magnetic) and also hard-copy data submitted during the pre-digital era including seismic sections and other analogue formats <b>Value: </b> Data used for interpreting the geologic structure of the subsurface. This work can be used for the assessment of resource potential. <b>This data can be discovered through the National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) -</b>

  • Analysis Ready Data (ARD) takes medium resolution satellite imagery captured over the Australian continent and corrects for inconsistencies across land and coastal fringes. The result is accurate and standardised surface reflectance data, which is instrumental in identifying and quantifying environmental change. This product is a single, cohesive ARD package, which allows you to analyse surface reflectance data as is, without the need to apply additional corrections. ARD consists of sub products, including : 1) NBAR Surface Reflectance which produces standardised optical surface reflectance data using robust physical models which correct for variations and inconsistencies in image radiance values. Corrections are performed using Nadir corrected Bi-directional reflectance distribution function Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR). 2) NBART Surface Reflectance which performs the same function as NBAR Surface Reflectance, but also applies terrain illumination correction. 3) OA Observation Attributes product which provides accurate and reliable contextual information about the data. This 'data provenance' provides a chain of information which allows the data to be replicated or utilised by derivative applications. It takes a number of different forms, including satellite, solar and surface geometry and classification attribution labels. ARD enables generation of Derivative Data and information products that represent biophysical parameters, either summarised as statistics, or as observations, which underpin an understanding of environmental dynamics. The development of derivative products to monitor land, inland waterways and coastal features, such as: - urban growth - coastal habitats - mining activities - agricultural activity (e.g. pastoral, irrigated cropping, rain-fed cropping) - water extent Derivative products include: - Water Observations from Space (WOfS) - National Intertidal Digital Elevation Model (NIDEM) - Fractional Cover (FC) - Geomedian ARD and Derivative products are reproduced through a period collection upgrade process for each sensor platform. This process applied improvements to the algorithms and techniques and benefits from improvements applied to the baseline data that feeds into the ARD production processes. <b>Value: </b>These data are used to understand distributions of and changes in surface character, environmental systems, land use. <b>Scope: </b>Australian mainland and some part of adjacent nations. Access data via the DEA web page - <a href=""></a>

  • The Geoscience Australia Rock Properties database stores the result measurements of scalar and vector petrophysical properties of rock and regolith specimens and hydrogeological data. Oracle database and Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services. Links to Samples, Field Sites, Boreholes. <b>Value:</b> Essential for relating geophysical measurements to geology and hydrogeology and thereby constraining geological, geophysical and groundwater models of the Earth <b>Scope:</b> Data are sourced from all states and territories of Australia

  • Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data measure variations in the conductivity of the ground by transmitting an electromagnetic signal from a system attached to a plane or helicopter. Depending on the AEM system used and the sub-surface conditions, AEM techniques can detect variations in the conductivity of the ground to a depth of several hundred metres. The responses recorded are commonly caused by the presence of electrically conductive materials such as salt or saline water, graphite, clays and sulphide minerals. <b>Value:</b> Data used for interpreting the geologic structure of the subsurface. This work can be used for the assessment of resource potential. <b>Scope:</b> Systematic coverage of large portions of the Australian continent.

  • Collection of mineral, gem, meteorite, fossil (including the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection) and petrographic thin section specimens dating back to the early 1900s. The collection is of scientific, historic, aesthetic, and social significance. Geoscience Australia is responsible for the management and preservation of the collection, as well as facilitating access to the collection for research, and geoscience education and outreach. Over 700 specimens from the collection are displayed in our public gallery . The collection contains: • 15,000 gem, mineral and meteorite specimens from localities in Australia and across the globe. • 45,000 published palaeontological specimens contained in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection (CPC) mainly from Australia. • 1,000,000 unpublished fossils in a ‘Bulk Fossil’ collection. • 250,000 petrographic thin section slides. • 200 historical geoscience instruments including: cartography, geophysical, and laboratory equipment." <b>Value: </b>Specimens in the collection are derived from Geoscience Australia (GA) surveys, submissions by researchers, donations, purchases and bequests. A number of mineral specimens are held on behalf of the National Museum of Australia. <b>Scope: </b>This is a national collection that began in the early 1900s with early Commonwealth surveys collecting material across the country and British territories. The mineral specimens are mainly from across Australia, with a strong representation from major mineral deposits such as Broken Hill, and almost 40% from the rest of the world. The majority of fossils are from Australia, with a small proportion from lands historically or currently under Australian control, such as Papua New Guinea and the Australian Antarctic Territory.

  • The collection includes 17,247 measurements of temperature and temperature gradients collected down 5513 individual wells. This information formed the basis for the 'OZTemp Interpreted Temperature at 5km Depth' image of Australia <b>Value: </b>These observations are used to assess heat flow which can be used to infer deep geologic structure, which is valuable for exploration and reconstructions of Australia's evolution <b>Scope: </b>Nationwide collection corresponding to accessible boreholes and published measurements

  • Data in the GEOCHEM database comprises inorganic geochemical analytical data and associated metadata. Geochemical data comprises concentration data (value, error, unit of measure) measured on a range of analytical instruments, for a range of elements of the periodic table. Associated metadata includes information on analytical techniques, analytical methodology, laboratory, analysts, date of analysis, detection limits, accuracy, and precision. The GEOCHEM database also records results for reference standards. Data is specifically for rocks, soils and other unconsolidated geological material and does not include oils, gases or water analyses. Geochemical data may be total rock (i.e., whole rock analysed) or for a variety of fractions of the total rock, e.g., various non-total acid digests, mineral separates, differing size fractions. It also includes quantitative to semi-quantitative data from field measurements, such as portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF). It does not include geochemical data for individual minerals. <b>Value: </b>Geochemical data underpins much geoscientific study, and is used directly to classify, characterise and understand geological material and its formation. It has direct relevance to understanding the formation of the earth, the continents, and the processes that create and shape the surface we live on. For example, this information is used within: both discovering and the understanding of mineral deposits we depend on; the nature, health and sustainability of the soils we live and farm on; as well as providing input into a range of potential geohazards. <b>Scope: </b>The collection includes data from over 60 years of Geoscience Australia (GA) and state/territory partner regional geological projects within Australia, as well as continental-scale and regional geochemical surveys like National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) and Northern Australia Geochemical Survey (NAGS) (Exploring for the Future- EFTF). It also includes data from other countries that GA has worked with, e.g., Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Explore the <b>Geoscience Australia portal - <a href=""></a></b>

  • This data collection are comprised of magnetic surveys acquired across Australia by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory governments and the private sector with project management and quality control undertaken by Geoscience Australia. Magnetic surveying is a geophysical method for measuring the intensity (or strength) of the Earth's magnetic field, which includes the fields associated with the Earth's core and the magnetism of rocks in the Earth's crust. Measuring the magnetism of rocks, in particular, provides a means for the direct detection of several different types of mineral deposits and for geological mapping. The magnetism of rocks depends on the volume, orientation and distribution of their constituent magnetic minerals (namely magnetite, monoclinic pyrrhotite, maghaemite and ilmenite). The instrument used in magnetic surveys is a magnetometer, which can measure the intensity of the magnetic field in nanoteslas (nT). Magnetic surveys in this collection have been acquired using aircraft or ship-mounted magnetometers and are a non-invasive method for investigating subsurface geology.

  • Relatively little is known about what the seafloor of Australia's continental shelf looks like or has living on it. Geoscience Australia (GA), together with other partners, undertakes a range of marine surveys to improve our understanding and management of Australia's marine environments. One component of the research involves the collection of underwater imagery to directly observe and characterise coastal and deep sea habitats. In some regions these surveys build on existing baseline knowledge, but in many areas, particularly deep offshore locations, these surveys provide the first images of the seafloor. The imagery collection includes both still and video imagery collected using various systems, including towed platforms, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Post-survey reports and metadata files are included as part of the collection, which describe further details of the surveys and respective imagery collections. The seafloor imagery provides a wealth of information about the geological features, habitats and life forms occurring throughout Australia's marine jurisdiction. <b>Value: </b>Improve the understanding and management of Australia's marine environments. <b>Scope: </b>GA surveys from 2007 onwards in waters around Australia and Australia's Antarctic Territory.

  • Wind multipliers are factors that transform wind speeds over open, flat terrain (regional wind speeds) to local wind speeds that consider the effects of direction, terrain (surface roughness), shielding (buildings and structures) and topography (hills and ridges). During the assessment of local wind hazards (spatial significance in the order 10's of metres), wind multipliers allow for regional wind speeds (order 10 to 100's of kilometres) to be factored to provide local wind speeds. <b>Value: </b>The wind multiplier data is used in modelling the impacts (i.e. physical damage) of wind-related events such as tropical cyclones (an input for Tropical Cyclone Risk assessment), thunderstorms and other windstorms. <b>Scope: </b>Includes terrain, shielding and topographic multipliers for national coverage. Each multiplier further contains 8 directions.