Type of resources
Publication year
Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.
Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.
The geology, ore reserves, development, costs, and surface operations of the Iron King mine are discussed in this report.
A visit was paid to Wiluna on July 28th and 29th, and an inspection made of the underground workings and of the plant. The extraction programme and production of arsenic at Wiluna are discussed in this report.
Salt is harvested from the surface of Lake Cowan, approximately 8 miles east of Widgiemooltha. This report follows a visit to the lake in July, 1945, and comprises notes on geology, salt deposits, grade, and harvesting.
Sediments of Lower Cretaceous age are widely distributed in Queensland, northern New South Wales and northern South Australia. Their distribution is closely linked with the Great Artesian Basin, which covers an area exceeding 500,000 square miles. Many bores have been put down in this Basin to tap the aquifers which are present in the Jurassic rocks underlying the Cretaceous. Much material remains to be examined and a full report will be prepared after the examinations have been completed. This report comprises notes on the source of microfossil material, notes on the microfauna, a list of localities, and a distribution list of foraminifera. A map of the localities from which samples have been examined is included.
The stock saleyards comprise Block 41, Gungahlin district and are on the southeastern side of Federal Highway, 3.5 miles north from Civic Centre. A smaller area on the western extremity of the block, including stock pens, huts etc. is without water supply. The topography, geology and possibilities of obtaining underground water are discussed in this report.
A geological examination of the Hog Farm and its vicinity in Gungahlin District was undertaken in response to a request from the Property and Survey Branch, Department of the Interior. The object of the survey was to determine the possibilities of obtaining underground water and to indicate any areas considered favourable. The location, topography, geology, and possibilities of obtaining supplies of underground water at Hog Farm are discussed in this report. A geological plan of the vicinity is included.
Findings from a micro-examination of samples taken from the depths of 2,110 feet down to 3,533 feet 11 inches. The series is in continuation of that reported upon 11/10/44.
Bore No. 3831 on W.L. Fennell's property is situated about 30 miles northeast of Langbien's bores. This report describes the results of a micro-examination of samples taken from 6 feet down to 1118 feet.