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This disc contains scanned PDF copies of uranium-related reports held by Geoscience Australia from the archives of the former Australian Atomic Energy Commission. These reports date from the 1950s to the 1980s. The reports are a mix of exploration reports, geological and geographical maps, proposals, feasibility studies, estimations, reserve information, drill hole data and drill cross section files.
This is an executable for re-addressing ArcView projects to a new location by changing paths in the project APR file.
Papers from the symposium
No abstract available
NEXIS is a unique modelling capability designed to compile best publicly available information, statistics, spatial and survey data to create comprehensive and nationally consistent exposure information. NEXIS provides aggregated exposure information for residential, commercial and industrial buildings, and agricultural commodities in Australia. This product is a ABS Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) aggregated version of NEXIS Building Exposure version 15, 2024. Previous versions may be available on request.
The Corporate Administrative Records Collection of Geoscience Australia (GA) is a bi fold collection; consisting of electronic/digital documents and records in physical paper format. The digital collection consists of electronic information, which may be "born digital" (created using computer technology) or converted into digital form from their original format (e.g. scans of paper documents). These records are created by all GA employees and are evidence of business conducted by GA and its predecessors. The location of these digital records is in TRIM (electronic document management system). This product treats documents and records in the same way, so that end users perform the same task on all items that are stored in the system, irrespective of whether the item is a document or is to be declared as a record. The digital records can be captured in any format; e.g. excel document, word document, pdf document, emails, etc. When a user saves a document for the first time in TRIM they are prompted for metadata, which is then used to create the record.
A user interactive guide to Geoscience Australia's Antarctic information sources and related online content
The files and data that appear in this directory have been compiled for the purpose of training AGSO staff in the use of Arcview, in particular for geological applications. The files and data are used in conjuction with formal Arcview training courses.
This is an excel spreadsheet for calculating easting and northing coordinates from a input latitude and longitude, using Redfearn's formula. The calculation may also be done in reverse.
This disc contains scanned PDF copies of uranium-related reports held by Geoscience Australia from the archives of the former Australian Atomic Energy Commission. These reports date from the early 1960s to 1980. The reports are a mix of exploration reports, geological and geographical maps, proposals, feasibility studies, estimations, reserve information, drill hole data and drill cross section files. These reports pertain to various regions around South Australia, including From Embayment, Mount Painter Province, Olary/Willyama province, Gawler Craton, Eucla Basin, Lake Eyre basin, Adelaide geosyncline and Peak & Denison Ranges. Two other discs with PDF scans of drillhole logs and gamma ray probe results in South Australia also exist and may be of interest.