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With the increasing number of workers engaged in the study of the foraminifera in Australia and elsewhere and with the increased amount of literature that has appeared on the subject since 1930, it is considered that a bibliography of Australian Foraminifera would be of some value. The intensive investigations undertaken in the last few years in connexion with the search for oil, with its ultimate discovery in North-West Australia in December, 1953, together with the important part played by the micropalaeontologists in this exploratory work, make it necessary for workers to have literature on foraminifera easily accessible. The present bibliography is an attempt to list all known works in which reference is made to fossil and Recent foraminifera in the Australian region up to 1954. All papers, whether they contain systematic descriptions, or refer to stratigraphy, or are of a general geological nature, are included. Consequently this bibliography is divided into two sections: A) Works containing systematic descriptions of genera, species and varieties; [and] B) Works in which lists of foraminifera and stratigraphical and general geological references are given.