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Water is to be conveyed from the projected Sogeri Dam, about half a mile above Rouna Falls, to the projected Power Station No.2 at the foot of the falls. One proposal is that a low-pressure penstock should be laid from the dam to a surge tank near the head of the falls, and a high-pressure penstock conveys the water from this point to the power station. The rocks are volcanic agglomerate, a few tuffs, and basal conglomerate, all part of the Astrolabe Agglomerate. They are flat-lying and undisturbed, except for jointing and one instance of minor shearing. The agglomerate and conglomerate are generally competent, but the tuff which marks the conglomerate-agglomerate transition is probably weak and incompetent. Investigation has centred on the high-pressure penstock route and power station site, and has involved outcrop mapping and seventeen diamond drill holes. The main problem on the penstock route is the upper scree slope, where boulders and rubble are up to thirty feet deep. The best route appears to be a direct one from near peg T8 over hole P5 to the power station. Power station foundations appear to be sound. Alternative routes for the low-pressure penstock are at present being investigated. Three or four shallow diamond drill holes will be needed at a later date.
Lower Cretaceous strata of the Roper River and the Urapunga 1:250,000 Sheets were examined during the 1960 and 1961 field seasons. Field observations on lithology and palaeogeography were summarised in previous Records (Skwarko,1961a,b), and these, together with the identification of the fossils collected and their dating has provided material for this Record. Fossils were collected at only three localities on the Roper River 1:250,000 Sheet area, the greater portion of which is at present covered by the sea, and it has been found convenient to discuss these two sheets under a common title.
Mesozoic strata of the Bauhinia Downs 1:250,000 Sheet area were examined during the 1960 field season when observations were made on lithology and palaeogeography, and Lower Cretaceous fossils were collected at fourteen localities. Results of field observations have been recorded in Skwarko (1961a, b) and these, together with results of detailed examinations of fossils and the close dating of strata provide material for the present paper. Of the fourteen assemblages of fossils listed from the Bauhinia Downs 1:250,000 Sheet area seven are marine, six non-marine and one inconclusive. They range in age from Neocomian to Aptian.
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