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  • This Oil and Gas Resources of Australia 2009 publication is the successor to Oil and Gas Resources of Australia 2008 and continues as the definitive reference on exploration, development and production of Australia's petroleum resources. The tables describe: - wells drilled - seismic surveys - petroleum discoveries - petroleum reserves - production and development, including forecasts of crude oil and condensate form 2010 to 2025 and a listing of offshore facilities

  • Oil and gas discoveries in Australia's offshore basins are concentrated on the North West Shelf (Northern Carnarvon, Browse and Bonaparte basins) and Bass Strait (Gippsland, Otway and Bass basins). While discoveries have been made in a few regions outside these areas (e.g. Perth Basin), a large proportion of Australia's offshore basins remain exploration frontiers. However, the decline in oil production from the North West Shelf and Bass Strait basins since 2000 has led to an increasing exploration interest in the frontier basins. In order to improve our knowledge of the offshore frontiers and encourage exploration to these areas, from 2003-2011, Geoscience Australia was funded by the Australian Government to undertake a series of pre-competitive data acquisition and analyses programs in frontier basins around the Australian margin. This Record presents a comprehensive inventory of the geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage for 35 frontier basins, sub-basins and provinces, that draws on the results of those pre-competitive data programs, as well as exploration results and the geoscience literature. The Record also provides an assessment of the critical science and exploration questions and issues for each area. The results of each basin assessment are summarised in a prospectivity ranking. The availability of data and level of knowledge in each area is reflected in a confidence rating for that ranking. While the prospectivity of some areas is widely acknowledged to be high (e.g. Ceduna Sub-basin), the perception of prospectivity in many basins is negatively affected by the amount or quality of data available; in these basins, the acquisition of new data or targeted research could make a significant difference to the understanding of petroleum potential and likelihood of success. Therefore, recommendations for future work that could assist in addressing key knowledge or data gaps are included in each basin assessment.

  • In 2008-09, under the Offshore Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia (GA) acquired 800 km of 2D seismic (Southwest Margin seismic survey) along with regional gravity and magnetic data (Southwest Margin Marine Reconnaissance survey) in the southern Carnarvon Basin. Data acquisition targeted the western Bernier Platform, as well as the adjoining poorly explored deepwater (>500m) parts of the margin, where prominent gravity lows indicated likely southern extension of the Exmouth Sub-basin and northern extension of the Houtman Sub-basin. The 2011 Acreage Release areas in the frontier part of the southern Carnarvon Basin are about the same size as the combined Rankin Platform, Barrow and Dampier Sub-basins. Only two wells (Pendock 1A and Herdsman 1) have been drilled in and in close proximity to these Acreage Release areas, providing only limited information on stratigraphy and petroleum systems of the region. The newly acquired seismic and potential field data were used to evaluate structure, stratigraphy and petroleum potential of the area. Analysis of the seismic data resulted in better understanding of tectonic and depositional history, including the role of extensive Early Cretaceous volcanism. Sufficient sediment thickness and a wide-range of possible structural and stratigraphic plays have been identified in the 2011 Acreage Release areas.

  • Petroleum prospectivity package<br><br>Please report any errors or omissions regarding this publication to: <a href=" error">Geoscience Australia Library</a>

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the Gawler-Officer-Musgrave-Amadeus (GOMA) Deep Crustal Seismic survey (L190) acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) in collaboration with AuScope and Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data for line 09GA-OM1 as well as CDP coordinates data. This 634 line km traverse follows the Alice Springs to Adelaide railway line begining near Erldunda in the Northern Territory and finishing near Tarcoola in South Australia. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Georgina - Arunta Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was primarily funded through the Onshore Energy Security Program and was acquired in collaboration the Northern Territory Geological Survey. The objectives of the survey were to image the Georgina and Amadeus basins to enhance the knowledge of their petroleum prospectivity, and to investigate the uranium potential of the Arunta Inlier. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Southern Carnarvon Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program. The objective of the survey was to image the Byro Sub-basin of the onshore Carnarvon Basin. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Four Basin Lithostratigraphy Charts: Offshore Northern Perth Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy, 2012- Chart 38; Perth Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy, 2012 - Chart 39; Gippsland Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy, 2012 - Chart 40; Bight Basin Biozonation and Stratigraphy, 2012 - Chart 35

  • In early 2008 Geoscience Australia and Mineral Resources Tasmania acquired 141,234 km of high resolution (800m line spacing) aeromagnetic data over Bass Strait and the offshore marginal basins of western Tasmania. The data fill a gap in the existing aeromagnetic coverage between Tasmania and mainland Australia and provide fresh insights into basement structure and its control on basin architecture and sedimentation patterns during Gondwanan continental break-up and the separation of Australia from Antarctica. Prominent in the new data are several northwest-trending basement faults that extend from the mainland into westernmost Tasmania and the South Tasman Rise; they appear to represent an offshore extension of previously mapped structures in western Victoria (Hummocks and Yarramyljup Faults). These structures postdate, truncate and offset in a sinistral sense many older north- and northeast-trending basement structures, including the late Neoproterozoic Arthur lineament in Tasmania, the Bambra fault in central Victoria and the boundary between the Lachlan and Delamerian Orogens (Moyston Thrust) in western Victoria. The Hummocks Fault coincides with a narrow belt of ultramafic rocks and possibly continues offshore as a series of prominent magnetic anomalies whereas the Yarramyljup Fault may form the western limit of Proterozoic (Tyennan) basement in Tasmania. The distribution and geometry of Mesozoic-Tertiary offshore sedimentary basins in western Tasmania and the South Tasman Rise is consistent with reactivation of the older basement structures in a north-south-directed transtensional tectonic regime. Magmatic rocks intruded into the Bass, Otway and Sorell Basins and Torquay Sub-Basin are clearly delineated in the new aeromagnetic data.