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A seismic aluvey was made between St George and the Queensland/South Australia border in the latter half of 1962. The results of the part of the survey over the Surat Basin, the Nebina Ridge, and the Eulo Shelf are presented in this Record. The survey aimed at providing information on the nature and structure,of the rocks underlying the Mesozoic sediments of the Great Artesian Basin, in particular across the Nebine Ridge and Eulo Shelf. The results of the survey between St George and Bollon indicated a sedimentary section of the order of 5000 ft overlying a basement rock of either metamorphic or igneous origin. The-deepest section recorded was of about 5700 ft, about 12 miles west of St George and probably corresponds to the Boolba Trough suggested by Jenkins (1958). The sedimentary section becomes gradually thinner westward as the Nebine Ridge is approached and about 3000 ft of sediments were recorded about ten miles west of Bollon. A reflection traverse northwards along the axis of the Boolba Trough indicated a thinning of sedimentary section of about 40 ft per mile. No structural explanation for a magnetic lineament interpreted from aeromagnetic work was found. Velocities of over 19,000 ft/s were recorded from granitic rocks at shallow depths over the Nebine Ridge. A velocity of 19,500 ft's was measured close to a granite outcrop at Eulo. A thickening of the sedimentary section between the Eulo Shelf and Nebine Ridge was confirmed by refraction shooting and depths indicated that the total section (3300 ft) was not significantly greater than the depth of the water bores. No apparent development of the trough to the north or west was indicated.
In November 1964, the Bureau of Mineral Resources made a brief experimental seismic survey near Cockroach Wdterhole in the centre of the Tobermory 1:250,000 map area, Northern Territory. This survey was designed as part of a more extensive reconnaissance seismic survey to be made in 1964 and 1965 on areas of outcropping Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the southern part of the Georgina Basln. In this initial part of the survey a shortial profile was shot using a simple recording technique and noise tests and tests of various shot and geophone arrangements were carried out. It was established that, despite diffibult drilling conditions and the prevalence of random, high frequency noise, a suitable seismic technique for reconnaissance in this area, which it was hoped was representative of a very extensive region, could be developed.
The Bureau of Mineral Resources has again'extended its geophysical programme in the search for oil to the continental shelf area of Australia by carrying out a combined gravity, and seismic survey in the Timor Sea/Joseph Bonaparte Gulf area of northwest Australia. The survey investigated the capabilities of the surface marine gravity meter for reconnaissance gravitywork at sea, and the penetration and quality of seismic reflections obtainable using a spark discharge source consisting of an array of electrodes. The possibility of operating the two methods simultaneously was also investigated. The seismic reflection sections recorded were much better than expected, with good-quality reflections being recorded to 1.6.sec. the gravity meter and seismic'equiPment were operated simultaneously at boat speeds of 8 to 9 miles per hour. The-seismic results have shown that a large Permian and Mesozoic sedimentary basin exists in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf and extends to the north and north-west into the Timor Sea. It is an offshore extension of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, and contains at least 10,000 feet of post-Permian sediments. .Although the trends of the gravity anomalies agree with the general shape of the basin as defined by the seismic results, a large positive anomaly occupies the central deep part of the basinand does not seem to be related to basement relief.
This report outlines the field geophysical work carried out in the vicinity of Wilkes Base (Lat. 660 15' 8, Long. 1100 31' E), Australian Antarctic Territory, during the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition of 1965-66. The work can be broadly divided into four parts. 1. An autumn traverse where seismic reflection stations were established every 10 miles around a triangle with corners at Cape Folger, the Dome Centre and Cape Poinsett. 2. A mid winter traverse to the inland glaciology station S-2 for a programme of seismic ice velocity studies. 3. A spring traverse where a rectangular grid network of seismic, gravity, and elevation stations were installed in a region between S-2 and 80 miles south of S-2. 4. Two attempts at recording reflections off the Mohorovicic discontinuity shot in the vicinity of Wilkes.
The Bureau of Mineral Resources made an experimental seismic survey in the Otway Basin, Victoria and SA, and in the Sydney Basin, NSW, from April to November 1965 and from mid February to mid March 1966. The survey used explosives as an energy source to obtain seismic reflection data for comparison with the results from an experimental 'Vibroseis' survey carried out for the Bureau by Seismograph Service Ltd during 1964.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
This Bulletin is the first part of a monograph on the Upper Cretaceous Ammonoidea of the Carnarvon Basin, and deals with the Heteromorph Lytoceratina of Santon-Campanian and Maastrichtian age. It is proposed to subdivide the Heteromorph Lytoceratina further by removing a number of genera from Turrilitaceae to form a new superfamily Diplomocerataceae. It is shown that Diplomocerataceae are derived from Cicatritidae, whereas Turrilitaceae stem from Macroscaphitidae. Diplomocerataceae are represented in Western Australia by the genera Hyphantoceras Hyatt, Diplomoceras Spath, Bostrychoceras Hyatt, and Eudiplomoceras nov.; Turrilitaceae by Baculites Lamarck, Eubaculites Spath, Giralites nov., Eubaculiceras nov., Cardabites nov., Nostoceras Hyatt, Glyptoxoceras Spath, and Neohamites novo Scaphitaceae are represented by a single specimen of a new species of lndoscaphites Spath. Thirty species of the above 13 genera are described, 17 of which are new.
The region described here lies inland from the coastal towns of Cairns and Townsville in North Queensland, and extends west 250 miles to Croydon: it is rectangular and has an area of about 37,000 square miles (PI. 38). The map area extends from longitude 145° 30' E. to longitude 142° 10' E.: the most northerly point is at latitude 16° 20' S. and the southern boundary is along latitude 20 00' S. It includes the whole of the Clarke River, Georgetown, Einasleigh, and Atherton 1: 250,000 Sheet areas, and parts of the Mossman, Normanton, Red River, Croydon, and Gilberton Sheet areas. The first geologists visited the area about 1870 after the discovery of economic deposits of gold and later of tin, copper, tungsten, and silver-lead. Most of the early geological mapping was carried out in the mineral fields, although a few syntheses of the regional geology were made. In 1956, a combined party of the Bureau of Mineral Resources and the Geological Survey of Queensland commenced mapping on the Georgetown, Einasleigh, Gilberton, Clarke River, and Atherton 1: 250,000 Sheet areas, under the leadership of D.A. White (BMR). This survey continued each year and by 1963 had extended north to the Cooktown/Cape Melville area. I was a member of the survey in North Queensland from 1957 to 1963.
The object of this publication is to present statistical information which may be utilized in conjunction with the Australian mineral deposits described in Bulletin No. 72. The minerals and metals dealt with are arranged in alphabetical order. As far as possible the ore minerals are described under the name of the metal, but there are some exceptions to this rule. All tonnages are in long tons (2,240 lb.) unless otherwise stated. Statistics of Australian mine production are compiled mainly from data supplied by the State Departments of Mines, supplemented in places by other information made available to the Bureau of Mineral Resources. Such additional data are obtained from producers unless otherwise stated. The figures thus derived are more detailed than those of the Commonwealth Statistician's mine production statistics a series begun in 1952, and based also on information from the Mines Departments with some adjustment. Because of the difference in sources drawn upon and the degree of supplementary information employed, the two sets of figures do not agree in a few places. Import data shown represent full imports. The values of imports prior to 15th November, 1947 were recorded in British currency values f.o.b. and are so given in this Bulletin; as from that date, quoted values of all imports represent the f.o.b. values converted to Australian currency at the current rate of exchange on the day of import of the goods, and are as they appear in the Overseas Trade Bulletin. ? refers to £Australian, except where £ sterling is quoted in the same context when £A is used to avoid confusion. Australia changed to decimal currency on 14th February, 1966. Values expressed in £ (or£A) in this Bulletin should be multiplied by 2 to obtain values in $ (Australian). $1 = 1 0 / - (Aust.) [ = 8 / - (stg.) = $1*12 (U.S.) approx.].