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  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2007 AuScope Deep Crustal Seismic Survey (L186), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) and funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. Field logistics and processing were carried out by the Seismic Acquisition and Processing team from Geoscience Australia. Stack and migrated data for line 07GA-A1 as well as CDP coordinates. The seismic line is oriented approximately northeast-southwest and extends from near Mt Surprise in the southwest to near Mareeba in the northeast. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the Arrowie line acquired as part of the 2008 Curnamona-Gawler-Arrowie Deep Crustal Seismic Survey (L189), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). Stack and migrated data for line 08GA-A1 as well as CDP coordinates and gravity data. The Arrrowie line is 60km in length and was sited south of Lake Torrens and north of Port Augusta. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the Gawler-Officer-Musgrave-Amadeus (GOMA) Deep Crustal Seismic survey (L190) acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) in collaboration with AuScope and Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data for line 09GA-OM1 as well as CDP coordinates data. This 634 line km traverse follows the Alice Springs to Adelaide railway line begining near Erldunda in the Northern Territory and finishing near Tarcoola in South Australia. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2009 Southern Delamerian Seismic Survey (L193) acquied by Geoscience Australia, in conjunction with AuScope, Victoria Department of Primary Industries, and Primary Industries and Resources, SA (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data are included for lines 09GA-SD1 and 09GA-SD2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Southern Carnarvon Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program. The objective of the survey was to image the Byro Sub-basin of the onshore Carnarvon Basin. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Geoscience Australia conducted the Yilgarn-Officer-Musgrave 2D Seismic Survey. The survey involves the acquisition of seismic reflection over the Yilgarn Craton, Officer Basin and Musgrave Province of Western Australia. The survey consisted of one line, totalling 484.2 kms. The project is a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Western Australia and is part of the ongoing cooperation under the National Geoscience Agreement (NGA). Funding of this project is through the Western Australian Government's Royalties for Regions Exploration Incentive Scheme and Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program. The primary objective of the project is to image the western Officer Basin, one of the Australia's underexplored sedimentary basins. In addition this survey will gather new data to improve the understanding of the Yilgarn Craton and its boundary with the Musgrave Province. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • The 2005 Broken Hill High Resolution 2D Seismic Survey, contracted to Terrex Seismic Pty Ltd for ANSIR (Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource) and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries - Mineral Resources. The survey operation was located approximately 6km north east of the town of Broken Hill in western New South Wales. The high resolution 120 fold seismic reflection survey was carried out in August 2005 along a 12 km portion of the seismic line 96AGS-BH1B in the Broken Hill region that was recorded by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) in 1996-97. The purpose of the new survey was to compare high resolution seismic data with low fold explosive seismic data along the same line and to image geological structures at shallow crustal levels. Two HEMI-60 Vibroseis trucks were used as sources. A total of 12.2 km of 120 fold seismic reflection data were acquired to 16 s TWT, except for the last 2 km of the profile where the fold was decreased to 60. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Terracorp under its facilities management agreement with ANSIR was contracted to conduct the 1999 Yilgarn Seismic Survey located in the Kalgoorlie Goldfields region of Western Australia. In total 194.64 kms of 60 and 120 fold, 240 channel data was recorded between 19th August and 3rd September 1999. This high resolution and regional seismic profiles were acquired in order to image the major structural features of the region, particularly the highly mineralised Bardoc-Boorara Shear and to provide three-dimensional information about the relationship between the greenstones and the granites. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Terracorp under its facilities management agreement with ANSIR was contracted to conduct the 1999 Lachlan and Marsden Seismic Surveys located around West Wyalong, NSW. In total 206.47 kms of 60, 80 and 120 fold, 160 & 240 channel data was recorded between 11th September 1999 and 29th September 1999. This Eastern Lachlan Orogen project was part of the research conducted by the Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC), which was established under the auspices of the Commonwealth Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program in 1993. The Ordovician volcanics and associated rocks of the Eastern Lachlan Orogen are important as a significant Australian gold province. To assist mineral exploration companies in understanding the geodynamics and mineral systems of this region, the AGCRC has been collecting information that will assist in the development of geodynamic and exploration models of the region. To understand the size and architecture of the mineral system, we need to know the threedimensional geometry of the system we are dealing with. To start to address this, in 1997 the AGCRC commenced a project in the Eastern Lachlan Orogen by collecting seismic information to examine the regional scale crustal architecture as a first step towards building exploration models for the region. We continued this work in 1999 with the collection of further deep seismic reflection data along two traverses in the Forbes-West Wyalong region. The northern traverse was jointly funded by the AGCRC and the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) as a cooperative research project. The southern traverse was funded by the AGCRC, and co-investigators in the seismic interpretation involved staff from the AGCRC at AGSO, the GSNSW, and AGSO's Gilmore Project. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • The survey 1999 CABGAS 2D seismic Survey was contracted to Terracorp Pty Ltd for Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR). The survey operation consisted of 160 kilometres of seismic line in the unassigned acreage of the Darling Basin area, located approximately 150 kilometres north east of Broken Hill in western New South Wales. Raw data for this survey are available on request from