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Geoscience Australia contracted an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey over the Frome Embayment, South Australia, under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program. The Frome AEM survey was acquired using the Fugro Airborne Surveys (FAS) TEMPEST fixed wing time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) AEM system. The acquisition and processing of data were carried out by FAS under contract to Geoscience Australia. The Frome AEM survey consists of 32 300 line km, covering a total area of 95 000 km2 and was flown between 19 May and 2 November 2010. The survey was designed to deliver reliable, pre-competitive AEM data and scientific analysis of the energy resource potential of the Frome region of South Australia, including the flanks of the Northern Flinders Ranges, the Frome Embayment, the Olary Ranges and the northwestern Murray Basin. The survey data may also be used as an input to groundwater studies in the region. This presentation was given at a Frome AEM Workshop in Adelaide - November 2011.
Geoscience Australia undertook a marine survey of the Vlaming Sub-basin in March and April 2012 to provide seabed and shallow geological information to support an assessment of the CO2 storage potential of this sedimentary basin. The survey was undertaken under the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to help identify sites suitable for the long term storage of CO2 within reasonable distances of major sources of CO2 emissions. The Vlaming Sub-basin is located offshore from Perth, Western Australia, and was previously identified by the Carbon Storage Taskforce (2009) as potentially suitable for CO2 storage. The principal aim of the Vlaming Sub-basin marine survey (GA survey number GA0334) was to look for evidence of fault reactivation and of any past or current gas or fluid seepage at the seabed. The survey also mapped seabed habitats and biota in the areas of interest to provide information on communities and biophysical features that may be associated with seepage. This data package brings together the following datasets which describe biophysical aspects of seafloor sediments: GEOCAT#74276. Underwater video footage from the Vlaming Sub-basin (GA0334). GEOCAT#76463. GA0334 Vlaming sub-basin Species identification of worms from grab. GEOCAT#78540. Vlaming Sub-Basin Marine Environmental Survey (GA-0334/S. Supporter GP 1373) (NCIP Program) - High Resolution Bathymetry grids. GEOCAT# 78550. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Chlorin analyses of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#78551. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Inorganic elements of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#78552. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Bulk organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes and concentrations in seabed sediments. GEOCAT#78553. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Sediment oxygen demand of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#78564. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Chlorophyll a, b and c of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#78565. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: %carbonate and specific surface area of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#79176. Seabed environments and shallow geology of the Vlaming sub-basin, Western Australia: Grain size and carbonate concentrations of seabed sediments. GEOCAT#79345. Ecology / Infaunal morphospecies identifications from the Vlaming Sub-basin (GA0334). An account of the field operations is published in: GEOCAT 74626. Nicholas, W. A., Borissova, I., Radke, L., Tran, M., Bernardel, G., Jorgensen, D M., Siwabessy, J., Carroll, A. and Whiteway, T., 2012. Seabed Environments and Shallow Geology of the Vlaming Sub-Basin, Western Australia - Marine data for the Investigation of the Geological Storage of CO2. GA0334 Post-Survey Report. Geoscience Australia, Record 2013/09. A preliminary interpretation of seabed data is provided in: GEOCAT 78846. Nicholas, W. A., Howard, F., Carroll, A., Siwabessy, J., Tran, M., Picard, K., Przeslawski, R. and Radke, L. 2014. Seabed Environments and shallow sub-surface geology of the Vlaming Sub-basin, offshore Perth Basin: summary report on observed and potential seepage, and habitats. Geoscience Australia, Record 2014/XXX. Information on the broader study, evaluating the Vlaming Sub-basin CO2 storage potential and providing details of the suitable storage sites, is available in: GEOCAT 79332. Borissova, I, Lech, M.E., Jorgensen, D.C, Southby, C., Wang, L., Bernardel, G., Nicholas, T., Lescinsky, D.L. and Johnston, S. An integrated study of the CO2 storage potential in the offshore Vlaming Sub-basin. Geoscience Australia, Record 2014/XXX.
The national mineral deposits dataset covers 60 commodities and more than 1050 of Australia's most significant mineral deposits - current and historic mines and undeveloped deposits. Subsets can also be created based on any attribute in the database (e.g. commodity, geological region, state/territory).
This dataset provides the spatially continuous data of seabed gravel (sediment fraction >2000 µm), mud (sediment fraction < 63 µm) and sand content (sediment fraction 63-2000 µm) expressed as a weight percentage ranging from 0 to 100%, presented in 0.0025 decimal degree (dd) resolution raster grids format and ascii text file. The dataset covers the Vlaming sub-basin in the Australian continental EEZ. This dataset supersedes previous predictions of sediment gravel, mud and sand content for the basin with demonstrated improvements in accuracy. Accuracy of predictions varies based on density of underlying data and level of seabed complexity. Artefacts occur in this dataset as a result of insufficient samples in relevant regions. This dataset is intended for use at the basin scale. The dataset may not be appropriate for use at smaller scales in areas where sample density is insufficient to detect local variation in sediment properties. To obtain the most accurate interpretation of sediment distribution in these areas, it is recommended that additional samples be collected and interpolations updated.
The IGBA OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 2832 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. Data are from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.
This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 34395 Mk II airborne laser fluorosensor survey reprocessing and interpretation report: Great Australian Bight, Southern Australia 35927 Mk II airborne laser fluorosensor survey reprocessing and interpretation report: Perth Basin, Western Australia
The Dynamic Land Cover Dataset of Australia is the first nationally consistent and thematically comprehensive land cover reference for Australia. It is the result of a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences, and provides a base-line for identifying and reporting on change and trends in vegetation cover and extent. The dataset comprises digital files of the land cover classification, three trend datasets showing the change in behaviour of land cover across Australia for the period 2000 to 2008 and a digital copy of the technical report.
The processing, interpretation and mapping of slicks offshore of the South West Margins using ten ERS satellite radar scenes and four Radarsat scenes has been completed successfully. All slick interpretations have been attributed with a hydrocarbon likelihood Level ranging from Level 2 to Level 4 with Level 2 being the most likely. Given the absence of actual field data, no Level 1 slicks have been mapped (see Glossary of Slick and Other Interpretations, p3 below). For all the fourteen scenes interpreted and mapped, there is only one Level 2 slick. This significant slick is located on the western edge of scene ERS 2 WO 01907-01 Orbit 5883. No locations have been provided of the sources of mapped slicks. Although an approximate point source would normally be provided for Level 2 slicks, the only Level 2 slick mapped (as above) is not complete as it is on the edge of the image (and presumably would continue on to an adjacent image acquired at the same time if it were available) and given the depth to sea floor of between 2,500m to 3,000m, it is not possible to provide a point source. Likewise, while an approximate point source would normally be provided for Level 3 slicks, given the depth to sea floor in the locations of the two Level 3 slicks mapped (same scene as for the Level 2 slick) of between 2,500m to 5,500m, it is not possible to provide a point sources. As per normal, Level 4 slicks are not provided with a source point. Many of the Level 4 slicks are located along the coastline in or near to the surf break zone (some possibly adjacent to rocky outcrops) and as such are regarded as false slicks as they most likely relate to differences in sea surface conditions and not to the formation of hydrocarbons.
Induction conductivity data, commonly referred to as conductivity logs, were acquired from nineteen boreholes during September 2008 in support of the Paterson airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey, described in Roach (2010). The geophysical investigations were designed to deliver reliable, pre-competitive AEM data and scientific analysis of the energy resource potential of the Paterson region of Western Australia. The Paterson AEM survey was the first regional AEM survey conducted in the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP) at Geoscience Australia (GA). The survey was flown by Fugro Airborne Surveys Pty. Ltd. (FAS), for Geoscience Australia, as a combined TEMPESTTM time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) and magnetic survey between the 10th of September 2007 and the 28th of October 2008. The Paterson AEM survey covers a total area of 49 000 km2 in the Paterson region of Western Australia. Induction conductivity log data were acquired from the boreholes across a number of widespread, different geological units within the Paterson AEM survey area. The conductivity logs were used to assist in generating reference models for geophysical inversions of the AEM data, as well as for assessing the results of the inversions as an independent dataset.
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