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  • The Australian Solar Energy Information System V3.0 has been developed as a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology. The product provides pre-competitive spatial information for investigations into suitable locations for solar energy infrastructure. The outcome of this project will be the production of new and improved solar resource data, to be used by solar researchers and the Australian solar power industry. it is aimed to facilitate broad analysis of both physical and socio-economic data parameters which will assist the solar industry to identify regions best suited for development of solar energy generation. It also has increased the quality and availability of national coverage solar exposure data, through the improved calibration and validation of satellite based solar exposure gridded data. The project is funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. The ASEIS V3.0 has a solar database of resource mapping data which records and/or map the following Solar Exposure over a large temporal range, energy networks, infrastructure, water sources and other relevant data. ASEIS V3.0 has additional solar exposure data provided by the Bureau of Meteorology. - Australian Daily Gridded Solar Exposure Data now ranges from 1990 to 2013 - Australian Monthly Solar Exposure Gridded Data now ranges from 1990 to 2013 - Australian Hourly Solar Exposure Gridded Data now ranges from 1990 to 2012 ASEIS V3.0 also has a new electricity transmission reference dataset which allows for information to be assessed on any chosen region against the distance to the closest transmission powerline.

  • A metadata report for the atmospheric monitoring station installed in Arcturus, south of Emerald in central Queensland. The station was installed for baseline atmospheric monitoring to contribute to emission modelling spanning 2010-2014. The station included compositional gas analysers, supporting meteorological sensors and an eddy covariance flux tower. The metadata covered in the report include: the major variables measured by each instrument, the data duration and frequency, data accuracy, calibration and corrections, the location the data is stored, and the primary contact for the data.

  • Global solar exposure is the total amount of solar energy falling on a horizontal surface. The hourly global solar exposure is the total solar energy for one hour. Typical values for hourly global exposure range up to 4 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). The values are usually highest in the middle of the day and around summer, with localised variations caused mainly by variations in atmospheric conditions, primarily cloudiness. See metadata statement for more information.

  • The ultimate purpose of carbon capture and storage is to keep CO2 out of the atmosphere. However there are some scenarios in which leakage to atmosphere may occur. Because of the large and variable level of naturallyoccurring CO2 , and rapid dispersion in the atmosphere, leakage to atmosphere can be difficult to detect from concentration measurements. By using prior information from risk assessments about plausible location of leaks, it is possible to design simple yet effective systems for identifying the location of a leak within a pre-defined area of surveillance. We have designed an inexpensive system of autonomous sensors that can locate leaks of CO2 , and have tested it during a controlled release at the CO2CRC Otway site. The system proved effective and it, and its associated workflow, could be adapted and implemented in a variety of storage settings.

  • To determine the magnitude of severe wind gust hazard due to thunderstorm downbursts using regional climate model output and analysis of observed data (including radar reflectivity and proximity soundings).

  • Source The data was sourced from CSIRO (Victoria) in 2012 by Bob Cechet. It is not known specifically which division of CSIRO, although it is likely to have been the Marine and Atmospheric Research Division (Aspendale), nor the contact details of the person who provided the data to Bob. The data was originally produced by CSIRO for their input into the South-East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI). Reference, from an email of 16 March 2012 sent from Bob Cechet to Chris Thomas (Appendix 1 of the README doc stored at the parent folder level with the data), is made to 'download NCEP AVN/GFS files' or to source them from the CSIRO archive. Content The data is compressed into 'tar' files. The name content is separated by a dot where the first section is the climatic variable as outlined in the table format below: Name Translation rain 24 hr accumulated precipitation rh1_3PM Relative humidity at 3pm local time tmax Maximum temperature tmin Minimum temperature tscr_3PM Screen temperature (2 m above ground) at 3pm local time u10_3PM 10-metre above ground eastward wind speed at 3pm local time v10_3PM 10-metre above ground northward wind speed at 3pm local time The second part of the name is the General Circulation Model (GCM) applied: Name Translation gfdlcm21 GFDL CM2.1 miroc3_2_medres MIROC 3.2 (medres) mpi_echam5 MPI ECHAM5 ncep NCEP The third, and final, part of the tarball name is the year range that the results relate to: 1961-2000, 1971-2000, 2001-2040 and 2041-2099 Data format and extent Inside each of the tarball files is a collection of NetCDF files covering each simulation that constitutes the year range (12 simulations for each year). A similar naming protocol is used for the NetCDF files with a two digit extension added to the year for each of the simulations for that year (e.g 01-12). The spatial coverage of the NetCDF files is shown in the bounding box extents as shown below. Max X: -9.92459297180176 Min X: -50.0749073028564 Max Y: 155.149784088135 Min Y: 134.924812316895 The cell size is 0.15 degrees by 0.15 degrees (approximately 17 km square at the equator) The data is stored relative to the WGS 1984 Geographic Coordinate System. The GCMs were forced with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A2 emission scenario as described in the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) inputs for the future climate. The GCM results were then downscaled from a 2 degree cell resolution by CSIRO using their Cubic Conformal Atmospheric Model (CCAM) to the 0.15 degree cell resolution. Use This data was used within the Rockhampton Project to identify the future climate changes based on the IPCC A2 SRES emissions scenario. The relative difference of the current climate GCM results to the future climate results was applied to the results of higher resolution current climate natural hazard modelling. Refer to GeoCat # 75085 for the details relating to the report and the 59 attached ANZLIC metadata entries for data outputs.

  • Weather radar data provided by the Bureau of Meteorology for initial investigation into thunderstorm tracking and analysis applications

  • Fugitive methane emissions, in particular relating to coal seam gas (CSG),has become an emerging issue in Australia over the last few years. There has been significant controversy in US regarding the magnitude of fugitive emissions during production from unconventional gas wells, with large differences in emissions reported between studies using different measurement approaches. . Preliminary research into a small number of Australia's unconventional fields suggest the average fugitive emissions per well are lower than that found in the US. The primary challenge is that the techniques for quantifying methane leakages are still at an early stage of development. Current methods for the small to medium scale use chamber based approaches or vehicles installed with fixed sampling lines and high precisions gas analysers. These technologies are promising, but generally have not been ground truthed in field conditions against known emission rates to estimate effectiveness. They also have limited application in environments where vehicle access is not possible. The Ginniderra facility is being upgraded to support a methane controlled release experiment in 2015. This will enable testing of and verifying methods and technologies for measuring and quantifying methane emissions. To address the absence of suitable techniques for emmission measurement at medium scales, several BOREAL lasers will be deployed which work at scales of 20-1000 m. It is also envisaged airborne techniques utilising laser and hyperspectral will be deployed, along with tomography work utilising multiple concurrent concentration measurements.

  • Global solar exposure is the total amount of solar energy falling on a horizontal surface. The daily global solar exposure is the total solar energy for a day. Typical values for daily global exposure range from 1 to 35 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). For mid-latitudes, the values are usually highest in clear sun conditions during the summer, and lowest during winter or very cloudy days. The monthly means are derived from the daily global solar exposure. See metadata statement for more information.

  • We have developed an autonomous CO2 monitoring station, based around the Vaisala GMP343 sensor. The station is powered by a solar panel and incorporates a data logger and a directional antenna for line-of-sight wireless communication with a base station. The base station communicates via the Telstra mobile phone data network. The concept of atmospheric tomography was tested at the Ginninderra site and proved very successful as a method of locating and quantifying a spatially small release of CO2. In this case the sensors were separated from the source by 40 m. The opportunity to test the method over a larger distance arose during the controlled release of Buttress gas during the stage 2B experiment at the Otway site. Gas was released at 8 tpd during daylight hours, and an approximate ring of 8 monitoring stations was deployed around the release point; the ring was about 800 m in diameter. Gas was released on 12 occasions, chosen to match wind directions that would carry the plume in the direction of one of the sensors. The dataset was too limited to carry out the full-scale Bayesian inversion that was demonstrated in the Ginninderra test (which lasted two months) but a simple inversion was possible. This located the source of the release correctly to within 20 m. The test demonstrated that inexpensive sensors could achieve enough stability and sensitivity to work (in this particular application) at the few ppm level. Moreover quite simple dispersion models could be used to predict plume geometry up to 500 m from the release. Overall the experiment indicates the basis of an inexpensive method for remotely monitoring areas of around a km2 for spatially small leakages.