Type of resources
Publication year
This dataset attempts to reflect the boundaries of claimant applications for Native Title as per the Register of Native Title Claims (s185, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset but data is stored by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these. This dataset depicts the spatial record of registered claimant applications. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member assigned to the application. Applicants of registered applications have the Right To Negotiate (RTN) with respect to certain types of Future Acts over the area being claimed. Whilst applications that are determined are recorded on a separate register, all registered applications remain on the Register of Native Title Claims until otherwise finalised.
This dataset attempts to reflect the boundaries of claimant applications for Native Title as per the Register of Native Title Claims (s185, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset but data is stored by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these. This dataset depicts the spatial record of registered claimant applications. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member assigned to the application. Applicants of registered applications have the Right To Negotiate (RTN) with respect to certain types of Future Acts over the area being claimed. Whilst applications that are determined are recorded on a separate register, all registered applications remain on the Register of Native Title Claims until otherwise finalised.
This dataset reflects the boundaries of those Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) that have entered the notification process or have been registered and placed on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements (s199A, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset. A spatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Name, Agreement Type, Proponent, Area and Registration Date.
This dataset reflects the boundaries of the Commonwealth Electoral Divisions of Australia. The dataset is comprised of individual state and territory datasets, which are created following periodic redistribution of electoral boundaries as required. The seven datasets were amalgamated into one dataset using the 100k state boarders. The individual datasets collectively form the Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries. Aspatial attribution includess Electoral Division names and area.
Australian Offshore Mineral Locations (AMSIS) is a graphical representation in the AMSIS web mapping application of the Australian Offshore Mineral Locations data. The Australian Offshore Mineral Locations data is derived as part of a joint project to compile the first offshore minerals map of Australia's marine jurisdiction. It is being undertaken by Geoscience Australia, CSIRO's Wealth from Oceans National Research Flagship and Division of Exploration and Mining, and all seven state/territory Geological Surveys. Drivers for this initiative include: (1) Australia's having one of the largest marine jurisdictions in the world, if its recent lodgement with the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf is agreed; (2) currently poorly known marine mineral potential in the New Australia for strategic and longer term resource planning; (3) anticipated increasing interest by the minerals industry in marine resources. The preparation of this data is a dynamic process and will develop over time. For the First Edition of the Australian Offshore Minerals Map, the data has been collated from sources including all of the State/Territory Geological Surveys, cruise reports, exploration reports and journal articles relating to the specific mineral occurrences. For each point the 'Offshore Minerals' attribute table includes ID number, commodity type, commodity mineralogy, decimal degree location and reference of each sample. For Points found outside state waters the 'Offshore Minerals' dataset also includes the Cruise, Station, Sample names and the percent of Mn, Fe, Cu, Co, Ni of the points in the attribute table.
Geodata TOPO250K Series 3 Topographic Data Horizontal Control Points (A point on the ground, the geographical position of which has been determined by geodetic survey). Series 3 contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following ten themes and 92 feature classes: Cartography: Annotations, CartographicLines, CartographicPoints, GraticuleAnnotations, Graticules, GridAnnotations and Grids Elevation: Contours, BenchMarks, HorizontalControlPoints and SpotElevations Framework: ProhibitedAreas, Reserves, FrameworkBoundaries, Islands, LargeAreaFeatures, Locations, Mainlands, Seas, GeodataIndexes and MapIndexes
This dataset reflects the external boundaries of all native title determination and compensation applications that are currently recognized and active within the Federal Court process. Applications that are non-active (i.e. withdrawn, dismissed, finalised, rejected or combined) are only included as aspatial records for completeness. This is a national dataset with data partitioned by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these for completeness. This dataset depicts the spatial definition of active Claimant and Non-claimant native title determination applications and compensation applications. Where possible these may include internal boundaries or areas excluded. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member where assigned to the application. Applications included on the Schedule of Native Title (Federal Court) include all registered and unregistered applications as well as determined applications that are yet to be finalized.
This dataset reflects the external boundaries of all native title determination and compensation applications that are currently recognized and active within the Federal Court process. Applications that are non-active (i.e. withdrawn, dismissed, finalised, rejected or combined) are only included as aspatial records for completeness. This is a national dataset with data partitioned by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these for completeness. This dataset depicts the spatial definition of active Claimant and Non-claimant native title determination applications and compensation applications. Where possible these may include internal boundaries or areas excluded. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member where assigned to the application. Applications included on the Schedule of Native Title (Federal Court) include all registered and unregistered applications as well as determined applications that are yet to be finalized.
Produced to aid a briefing for DRET Secretary on issues related to leases in Victoria - Block 1916. 12 February 2008. Modified 19 February 2008 by Col French. Not for sale or distribution - CONFIDENTIAL
This dataset reflects the external boundaries of all native title determination and compensation applications that are currently recognized and active within the Federal Court process. Applications that are non-active (i.e. withdrawn, dismissed, finalised, rejected or combined) are only included as aspatial records for completeness. This is a national dataset with data partitioned by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these for completeness. This dataset depicts the spatial definition of active Claimant and Non-claimant native title determination applications and compensation applications. Where possible these may include internal boundaries or areas excluded. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member where assigned to the application. Applications included on the Schedule of Native Title (Federal Court) include all registered and unregistered applications as well as determined applications that are yet to be finalized.