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  • A comprehensive compilation of rock, regolith and groundwater geochemistry across the Curnamona Province and overlying basins. This product is part of the Curnamona Geochemistry module of GA's Exploring for the Future program, which is seeking to understand geochemical baselines within the Curnamona Province to support mineral exploration under cover. Data is sourced from GA, CSIRO and state databases, and run through a quality control process to address common database issues (such as unit errors). The data has been separated by sample type and migrated into a standard data structure to make the data internally consistent. A central source for cleaned geochemical data in the same data format is a valuable resource for further research and exploration in the region.

  • <div>The Curnamona Province and overlying basins (herein referred to as the Broken Hill region) contain many discrete groundwater systems. These include sedimentary aquifers of the Lake Eyre Basin, Eromanga Basin, Darling Basin and Arrowie Basin, as well as fractured rock aquifers of the Adelaide Superbasin and Curnamona Province. However, there is little known about the hydrogeology or hydrogeochemistry of these aquifers in the Broken Hill region. Given the semi-arid climate in this region, understanding these groundwater systems can better support sustainable use of the groundwater for agriculture, mining and potable water supplies.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Aquifer attribution provides a fundamental starting point for any hydrogeological study. We will present recently released hydrogeochemical data for the Broken Hill region, and our subsequent process for assessing and attributing hydrostratigraphy to the samples. </div><div>The Broken Hill Groundwater Geochemistry dataset (BHGG) was recently released in its entirety (Caritat et al. 2022 It contains a compilation of archival CRC LEME hydrochemistry data that was collected as part of several projects from 1999 to 2005. This high-quality dataset contains 275 groundwater samples and includes a comprehensive suite of majors, minors, trace elements and stable isotopes (δ34S, δ18O, δ2H, δ13C, 87Sr/86Sr, 208/207/206Pb/204Pb). </div><div> At the time of collection, some key bore metadata (e.g. bore depths, screen and aquifer information) were missing from the original data compilations and these metadata are crucial for any hydrogeological analysis and interpretation. Therefore, as part of the new BHGG data release we have developed a robust and consistent approach to add bore information and aquifer attribution, value-adding to the original BHGG chemical and isotopic data. This workflow utilises a combination of State databases, reports, field notes, drillhole compilations and geological maps, but still relied on local hydrological expertise to make decisions when encountering incomplete or conflicting information (which is reflected by a confidence rating on the attribution). </div><div> The resulting BHGG product has supported re-assessment of the key hydrogeological and geochemical knowledge gaps in each groundwater system. An overview of knowledge gaps and the new sampling program being undertaken will be included in the presentation. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (

  • <div>In June to September 2022 an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown over parts of the Curnamona Province, Delamerian Orogen and Darling Region in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.&nbsp;Geoscience Australia commissioned the survey in collaboration with the Department of Regional New South Wales as part of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future program. A total of 14,509 line kilometres of new data were acquired, of which 3,407 line kilometres were funded by the Department of Regional New South Wales. GA managed all aspects of the acquisition, quality control and processing of the AEM data.</div><div><br></div><div>The survey was flown by Skytem Australia Pty Ltd using its SkyTEM312Fast AEM system. The survey was conducted on east-west lines spaced at 2,500 m and 5,000 m apart.&nbsp;Skytem Australia Pty Ltd also processed the data. This data package includes the acquisition and processing report, the final processed AEM data and the results of the 1D laterally constrained inversion of the data to conductivity-depth estimates that was carried out by the contractor. The data package additionally contains the results and derived products from a 1D inversion carried out by Geoscience Australia with its own inversion software.</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>This study is part of the Mineral Potential Assessment (MPA) module of Geoscience Australia's Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) project, a deep-dive project within the Exploring for the Future Program (EFTF) 2020-2024. An objective of the DCD project is to further the understanding of the geological architecture of the Delamerian Orogen into a cohesive framework enable a regional mineral potential assessment of this under-explored and mostly under cover Orogen. The MPA module is one of eight modules under the umbrella of the DCD project. To facilitate assessment of the mineral potential of the project area, the mineral potential assessment study has 3 key scientific objectives: (1) Defining the characteristics of the mineral systems / prospects. (2)&nbsp;&nbsp;Evaluating the temporal framework of the formation of mineral systems / prospects; and (3) Understanding the regional magma fertility. This study delivers Objective 1, i.e., outlining the principle geological and metallogenic characteristics of reported mineral prospects in the project area.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Legacy drill cores best demonstrating metallogenic features of different mineral system types at key prospects across the project area were selected for viewing and sampling following review of historical exploration reports and assay results. Four sets of data are included in the appendices of this report: (1)&nbsp;&nbsp;HyLogger spectral images of 20 drill holes of 8 prospects in New South Wales. (2)&nbsp;&nbsp;143 high-resolution scan files of legacy drill core samples across the project area. (3)&nbsp;&nbsp;16 microscopic images of thin sections for 4 prospects of the Loch Lilly-Kars Belt, New South Wales. (4)&nbsp;&nbsp;53 Backscattered Electron (BSE) images and 53 Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterization System (AMICS) high-resolution mineral maps of 53 samples from 18 prospects across the whole Delamerian Margin.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Metallogenic characteristics of samples from four different mineral deposit types were studied, along deposits of uncertain affiliation (referred here as undefined systems), including (1) Porphyry-epithermal mineral systems. (2)&nbsp;&nbsp;Volcanic hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) mineral systems. (3)&nbsp;&nbsp;Orogenic gold mineral systems. (4)&nbsp;&nbsp;Mafic-ultramafic Cu-Ni-PGE mineral systems. (5)&nbsp;&nbsp;Metallogenetically undefined systems. Detailed metallogenic characteristics of the samples from 22 key prospects in Delamerian Orogen are documented in this report.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>This is the first systemic study on the essential metallogenic characteristics of the mineral systems in Delamerian. The characterisations outlined in this report are foundational for understanding the regional metallogenesis and assessing the potential of multiple types of mineral systems in the Delamerian Belt, which should be useful in both academic and the mineral exploration sector.</div><div><br></div><div>The high-resolution BSE and AMICS mineral maps are available at Geoscience Australia. Please reach out to the senior author of this GA Record, Dr. Yanbo Cheng ( </div>

  • <div>A groundwater chemistry, regolith chemistry and metadata record for legacy geochemical studies over the southern Curnamona Province done by GA and partners as part of CRC LEME from 1999 to 2005, that was never fully released. This includes comprehensive groundwater chemistry from more than 250 bores in the Broken Hill region, containing physicochemical parameters, major and trace elements, and a suite of isotopes (34S, Pb, Sr, 18O, D). Recent work on this dataset (in 2021) has added hydrostratigraphic information for these groundwater samples. Also included is a regolith geochemistry dataset collected adjacent to some of the groundwater bores which tests the geochemical response of a range of different size fractions, depths and digests.</div>

  • <div>This report presents key results from the Upper Darling River Floodplain groundwater study conducted as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program in north-western New South Wales. The Australian Government funded EFTF program aimed to improve understanding of potential mineral, energy, and groundwater resources in priority areas for each resource.</div><div><br></div><div>The Upper Darling River Floodplain study area is located in semi-arid zone northwest New South Wales is characterised by communities facing critical water shortages and water quality issues, along with ecosystem degradation. As such, there is an imperative to improve our understanding of groundwater systems including the processes of inter-aquifer and groundwater-surface water connectivity. The key interest is in the fresh and saline groundwater systems within alluvium deposited by the Darling River (the Darling alluvium - DA) which comprises sediment sequences from 30 m to 140 m thick beneath the present-day floodplain.</div><div><br></div><div>The study acquired airborne, surface and borehole geophysical data plus hydrochemical data, and compiled geological, hydrometric, and remote sensing datasets. The integration of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data with supporting datasets including surface and borehole magnetic resonance, borehole induction conductivity and gamma, and hydrochemistry data has allowed unprecedented, high resolution delineation of interpreted low salinity groundwater resources within the alluvium and highly saline aquifers which pose salination risk to both the river and fresher groundwater. Improved delineation of the palaeovalley architecture using AEM, seismic, and borehole datasets has permitted interpretation of the bedrock topography forming the base of the palaeovalley, and which has influenced sediment deposition and the present-day groundwater system pathways and gradients.</div><div><br></div><div>The integrated assessment demonstrates that the alluvial groundwater systems within the study area can be sub-divided on the basis of groundwater system characteristics relevant to water resource availability and management. Broadly, the northern part of the study area has low permeability stratigraphy underlying the river and a generally upward groundwater gradient resulting in limited zone of freshwater ingress into the alluvium around the river. A bedrock high south of Bourke partially restricts groundwater flow and forces saline groundwater from deeper in the alluvium to the surface in the vicinity of the Upper Darling salt interception scheme. From approximately Tilpa to Wilcannia, sufficiently permeable stratigraphy in hydraulic connection with the river and a negligible upward groundwater gradient allows recharge from the river, creating significant freshwater zones around the river within the alluvium.</div><div><br></div><div>Hydrometric and hydrochemical tracer data demonstrate that the alluvial groundwater systems are highly coupled with the rivers. Results support the conceptual understanding that bank-exchange processes and overbank floods associated with higher river flows are the primary recharge mechanism for the lower salinity groundwater within the alluvium. When river levels drop, tracers indicative of groundwater discharge confirm that groundwater contributes significant baseflow to the river. Analysis of groundwater levels and surface water discharge indicates that the previously identified declining trends in river discharge are likely to produce the significant decline in groundwater pressure observed across the unconfined aquifer within the alluvium. Improved quantification and prediction of groundwater-surface water connectivity, water level and flux is considered a high priority for both the Darling River and the wider Murray–Darling Basin. This information will assist in understanding and managing water resource availability in these highly connected systems, and enhance knowledge regarding cultural values and groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs).</div><div><br></div><div>This study identifies several aquifers containing groundwater of potentially suitable quality for a range of applications in the south of the study area between Wilcannia and Tilpa and assessed the geological and hydrological processes controlling their distribution and occurrence. Potential risks associated with the use of this groundwater, such as unsustainable extraction, impacts on GDEs, and saline intrusion into aquifers or the river, are outside the scope of this work and have not been quantified.</div>

  • <div>Lithospheric and crustal architecture — the framework of major tectonic blocks, terranes and their boundaries — represents a fundamental first-order control on major geological systems, including the location of world-class mineral camps. Traditionally, lithospheric and crustal architecture are constrained using predominantly geophysical methods. However, Champion and Cassidy (2007) pioneered the use of regional Sm–Nd isotopic data from felsic igneous rocks to produce isotopic contour maps of the Yilgarn Craton, demonstrating the effectiveness of ‘isotopic mapping’, and the potential to map ‘time-constrained’ crustal architecture. Mole et al. (2013) demonstrated the association between lithospheric architecture and mineral systems, highlighting the potential of isotopic mapping as a greenfield area selection tool. Additional work, using Lu-Hf isotopes (Mole et al., 2014), demonstrated that the technique could constrain a range of temporal events via ‘time-slice mapping’, explaining how Ni-Cu-PGE mineralized komatiite systems migrated with the evolving lithospheric boundary of the Yilgarn Craton from 2.9 to 2.7 Ga. Similar studies have since been conducted in West Africa (Parra-Avila et al., 2018), Tibet (Hou et al., 2015), and Canada (Bjorkman, 2017; Mole et al., 2021; 2022). This work continues in Geoscience Australia’s $225 million Exploring for the Future program (2016-present). Isotopic mapping, which forms an integral part of a combined geology-geophysics-geochemistry approach, is currently being applied across southeast Australia, covering the eastern Gawler Craton, Delamerian Orogen, and western Lachlan Orogen, encompassing more than 3 Gyrs of Earth history with demonstrable potential for large mineral systems.</div><div> <b>Reference(s):</b></div><div> Bjorkman, K.E., 2017. 4D crust-mantle evolution of the Western Superior Craton: Implications for Archean granite-greenstone petrogenesis and geodynamics. University of Western Australia, PhD Thesis, 134 pp.</div><div> Champion, D.C. and Cassidy, K.F., 2007. An overview of the Yilgarn Craton and its crustal evolution. In: F.P. Bierlein and C.M. Knox-Robinson (Editors), Proceedings of Geoconferences (WA) Inc. Kalgoorlie '07 Conference. Geoscience Australia Record 2007/14, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, pp. 8-13.</div><div> Hou, Z., Duan, L., Lu, Y., Zheng, Y., Zhu, D., Yang, Z., Yang, Z., Wang, B., Pei, Y., Zhao, Z. and McCuaig, T.C., 2015. Lithospheric architecture of the Lhasa terrane and its control on ore deposits in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen. Economic Geology, 110(6): 1541-1575.</div><div> Mole, D.R., Fiorentini, M.L., Cassidy, K.F., Kirkland, C.L., Thebaud, N., McCuaig, T.C., Doublier, M.P., Duuring, P., Romano, S.S., Maas, R., Belousova, E.A., Barnes, S.J. and Miller, J., 2013. Crustal evolution, intra-cratonic architecture and the metallogeny of an Archaean craton. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 393: pp. 23-80.</div><div> Mole, D.R., Fiorentini, M.L., Thebaud, N., Cassidy, K.F., McCuaig, T.C., Kirkland, C.L., Romano, S.S., Doublier, M.P., Belousova, E.A., Barnes, S.J. and Miller, J., 2014. Archean komatiite volcanism controlled by the evolution of early continents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(28): 10083-10088.</div><div> Mole, D.R., Thurston, P.C., Marsh, J.H., Stern, R.A., Ayer, J.A., Martin, L.A.J. and Lu, Y., 2021. The formation of Neoarchean continental crust in the south-east Superior Craton by two distinct geodynamic processes. Precambrian Research, 356: 106104.</div><div> Mole, D.R., Frieman, B.M., Thurston, P.C., Marsh, J.H., Jørgensen, T.R.C., Stern, R.A., Martin, L.A.J., Lu, Y.J. and Gibson, H.L., 2022. Crustal architecture of the south-east Superior Craton and controls on mineral systems. Ore Geology Reviews, 148: 105017.</div><div> Parra-Avila, L.A., Belousova, E., Fiorentini, M.L., Eglinger, A., Block, S. and Miller, J., 2018. Zircon Hf and O-isotope constraints on the evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi domain of the southern West African Craton. Precambrian Research, 306: 174-188.</div><div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the Target 2023 Conference 28 July (

  • <div><strong>Output Type: </strong>Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Communities and ecosystems along the Darling-Baaka River have been impacted by critical water shortages and water quality issues including high salinity, algal blooms, and fish kills due to declining surface water flows. The river is characterised by naturally highly variable flows and is the primary water source for the region, but extraction and a meteorological drying trend associated with climate change have caused declines in discharge of 53–73% since the advent of post-settlement agriculture and industry. Understanding of the spatial extent, quality, and useability of lower salinity groundwater within the surrounding Darling Alluvium, which could provide an alternative and potentially more sustainable water source, was previously limited. Here we present the findings of an integrated study combining modelled ground and airborne geophysical data, groundwater and surface water levels, hydrochemistry, lithology, and remote sensing data to delineate groundwater systems and understand the geological and hydrological controls on their occurrence. The resolution and breadth of datasets acquired and collated permit mapping of the key factors controlling occurrence and quality of groundwater aquifers, namely basement topography and hydrostratigraphy, groundwater-surface water dynamics, and inter-aquifer connectivity. On this basis the study area can be sub-divided into regions with distinctive aquifer distribution and quality, recharge mechanisms, and pressure gradients between aquifers. We also showed that the groundwater levels in the unconfined aquifer have declined, an expected outcome of the decline in discharge in the Darling-Baaka River which forms the primary recharge mechanism for the alluvial aquifers. These outputs have direct implications for key management questions including location and quantity of potentially useable groundwater, risk of saline groundwater up-coning or discharging to the river, and likelihood of groundwater extraction impacting river flows and groundwater dependent ecosystems.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Buckerfield, S., McPherson, A., Tan, K.P., Walsh, C., Buchanan, S., Kilgour, P., Suckow, A., Raiber, M., Symington, N. & Pincus, J., 2024. Groundwater systems of the Upper Darling-Baaka River Floodplain. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.</div>

  • <div>As part of the Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative campaign, seventeen stratigraphic boreholes were drilled between Broken Hill and Wentworth, in Western NSW. These holes were designed to test stratigraphic, structural, and mineral systems questions in the New South Wales portion of the Delamerian Margin. Drilling was conducted between March and June 2023 and was undertaken by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with MinEx CRC. This report outlines basic borehole targeting rationale, borehole metadata, and analyses performed immediately following drilling to accompany data available through the Geoscience Australia portal.</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div>

  • <div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. This work contributes to building a better understanding of the Australian continent, whilst giving the Australian public the tools they need to help them make informed decisions in their areas of interest.</div><div><br></div><div>As part of the Australia's Resources Framework Project, in the Exploring for the Future Program, Geoscience Australia and CSIRO undertook a magnetic source depth study across four areas, with the objectives of generating cover model constraints from magnetic modelling to expand national coverage, and to improve our subsurface understanding of these areas. During this study, 2005 magnetic estimates of depth to the top of magnetization were generated, with solutions derived using a consistent methodology (targeted magnetic inversion modelling, or TMIM; also known as ‘sweet-spot’ modelling). The methodology for these estimates are detailed in a summary report by Foss et al (2024), and is available for download through Geoscience Australia’s enterprise catalogue ( </div><div><br></div><div>The new points were generated over four areas: 1) the western part of Tasmania that is the southernmost extension of the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) project area; 2) northeastern Queensland; 3) the Officer Basin area of western South Australia and southeastern West Australia; and 4) the Eastern Resources Corridor (ERC), covering eastern South Australia, southwest Queensland, western New South Wales and western Victoria. These depth estimates have been released, together with a summary report detailing the data and methodology used to generate the results, through Geoscience Australia's product catalogue (ecat) at</div><div><br></div><div>This supplementary data release contains the chronostratigraphic attribution of the new TMIM magnetic depth estimates, which range in depth from at surface to 13,294 m below ground. To ensure that the interpretations took into account the local geological features, the magnetic depth estimates were integrated and interpreted with other geological and geophysical datasets, including borehole stratigraphic logs, potential fields images, surface and solid geology maps, and airborne electromagnetic interpretations (where available). </div><div><br></div><div>Each depth-solution is interpretively ascribed to either a chronostratigraphic boundary with the stratigraphic units above and below the depth estimate, or the stratigraphic unit that the depth estimate occurs within, populated from the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD). Stratigraphic attribution adds value and informs users of the depth to certain stratigraphic units in their areas of interest. Each solution is accompanied by confidence estimates. The depth estimate points are formatted for compliance with Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) database, the national repository for standardised depth estimate points. </div><div><br></div><div>Results from these interpretations provided some support to stratigraphic drillhole targeting, as part of the Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative campaign, a collaboration between GA’s EFTF program, the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative and the Geological Survey of New South Wales. The magnetic depth-estimate solutions produced within this study provide important depth constraints in data-poor areas. These data help to construct a better understanding of the 3D geometry of the Australian continent and aid in cover thickness modelling activities. The availability of the depth-estimate solutions via the EGGS database through Geoscience Australia’s Portal creates enduring value to the public.</div>