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  • The Blackall Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) survey of Central Queensland was flown between March 11th to 6th April 2024. Contracted to Xcalibur Smart Mapping, Geoscience Australia undertook the project management, contract management and quality control on behalf of the Geological Survey of Queensland. The located data, gridded data and quality control reports are contained within this record. Survey area was centered on longitude 147° 21’ E and latitude 25° 16’ S to the south of Blackall. A total of 34 production flights were flown for a combined total of 15,705.4 line kilometres of data and acquired on 1000 m line spacing at 100 m nominal terrain clearance. Quality control was performed by airborne gravity consultant Dr Mark Dransfield on behalf of Geoscience Australia, with his report included here. The survey was designed to supplement the regional legacy ground gravity data and improve the definition of gravimetric anomalies in the region. In addition, the AGG survey will provide better understanding of the cover sequence thickness and characteristics of the underlying basement geology. The data will be released by the Geological Survey of Queensland and can be found at: Survey Name: Blackall airborne gravity gradiometery survey, 2024 Datasets Acquired: Gravity gradiometry, gravity, digital terrain model Geoscience Australia Project Number: P5024 Acquisition Start Date: 11/03/2024 Acquisition End Date: 06/04/2024 Flight line spacing: 1000 m Flight line direction: East-West (090-270) Total distance flown: 15,705.4 line km Nominal terrain clearance: 100 m Blocks: 1 Data Acquisition: Xcalibur Smart Mapping Project Management: Geoscience Australia Quality Control: Mark Dransfield on behalf of Geoscience Australia Dataset Ownership: Geological Survey of Queensland and Geoscience Australia Included in this release: 1. Point-located Data ASCII-column data in ASEG-GDF format with accompanying description and definition files. • Gravity gradiometry data including the various corrections • Gravity gradiometry data noise estimates • Vertical gravity estimate including various reduction and levelled corrections • Digital terrain model 2. Grids Gridded data in ERMapper (.ers) format (GDA2020/MGA zone 55): • Free-air vertical gravity gradiometry • Free-air corrected vertical gravity • Terrain and bouguer corrected vertical gravity gradiometry (densities for terrain correction: 2.0g/cm3 and 2.67 g/cm3) • Terrain and bouguer corrected vertical gravity (densities for terrain correction: 2.0g/cm3 and 2.67 g/cm3) • Conformed, terrain and bouguer corrected vertical gravity gradiometry (densities for terrain correction: 2.0g/cm3 and 2.67 g/cm3) • Conformed, terrain and bouguer vertical gravity (densities for terrain correction: 2.0g/cm3 and 2.67 g/cm3) • Digital terrain model 3. Reports • Contractors Logistics Report • Quality Control Report (Mark Dransfield)