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  • This document contains metadata for the hydrodynamics products produced by the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment

  • Geoscience Australia and its predecessors have analysed hydrochemistry of water sampled from boreholes (both pore water and groundwater), surface features, and rainwater. Sampling was undertaken during drilling or monitoring projects, and this dataset represents a significant subset of stored analyses. Water chemistry including isotopic data is essential to better understand groundwater origins, ages and dynamics, processes such as recharge and inter-aquifer connectivity and for informing conceptual and numerical groundwater models. This GA dataset underpins a nationally consistent data delivery tool and web-based mapping to visualise, analyse and download groundwater chemistry and environmental isotope data. This dataset is a spatially-enabled groundwater hydrochemistry database based on hydrochemistry data from projects completed in Geoscience Australia. The database includes information on physical-chemical parameters (EC, pH, redox potential, dissolved oxygen), major and minor ions, trace elements, nutrients, pesticides, isotopes and organic chemicals. Basic calculations for piper plots colours are derived from Peeters, 2013 - A Background Color Scheme for Piper Plots to Spatially Visualize Hydrochemical Patterns - Groundwater, Volume 52(1) <>. Upon loading the data to the database, all hydrochemistry data are assessed for reliability using Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures and all datasets were standardised. This data is made accessible with open geospatial consortium (OGC) web services and is discoverable via the Geoscience Australia Portal (<a href=""></a>). This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • Grids representing chemical parameter concentrations and isotopic variations in groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin for the following aquifers: Adori Sandstone; Cadna-owie - Hooray and equivalents; Hutton Sandstone and Winton-Mackunda Formation. (Note: Stable isotope carbon variations, Carbon-14 variation and Chlorine ratios produced for the Cadna-owie-Hooray and equivalents only) Hydrochemical parameters and isotopic variations mapped are: - Total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/L) (adori_tds.txt, cad-hoor_tds.txt, hutton_tds.txt, wint-mack_tds.txt) - Total alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) (adori_alk, cad-hoor_alk, hutton_alk, wint-mack_alk) - Sulphate (mg/L) ( adori_so4, cad-hoor_so4, hutton_so4, wint-mack_so4) - Fluoride (mg/L) ( adori_flu, cad-hoor_flu, hutton_flu, wint-mack_flu) - Sodium adsorption ratio (adori_sar, cad-hoor_sar, hutton_sar, wint-mack_sar) - Stable carbon isotope variations (d13C % PDB) ( tp-rs_13c_ch) - Carbon-14 variation (14C pMC) ( tp-rs_14c_ch) - Chlorine-36 to Chloride ratio ( t-rs_36clr_ch) Grid cell size (X, Y) = 0.015 DD, 0.015 DD. These GIS data sets were produced for the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment and used in Figures 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.10, 8.12 and 8.13 of Ransley TR and Smerdon BD (eds) (2012) Hydrostratigraphy, hydrogeology and system conceptualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. A technical report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from, using catalogue number 76942.

  • This report presents key results from hydrogeological investigations in the Tennant Creek region, completed as part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF)—an eight year, $225 million Australian Government funded geoscience data and information acquisition program focused on better understanding the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources across Australia. The EFTF Southern Stuart Corridor (SSC) Project area is located in the Northern Territory and extends in a north–south corridor from Tennant Creek to Alice Springs, encompassing four water control districts and a number of remote communities. Water allocation planning and agricultural expansion in the SSC is limited by a paucity of data and information regarding the volume and extent of groundwater resources and groundwater systems more generally. Geoscience Australia, in partnership with the Northern Territory Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Power and Water Corporation, undertook an extensive program of hydrogeological investigations in the SSC Project area between 2017 and 2019. Data acquisition included; helicopter airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic data; water bore drilling; ground-based and downhole geophysical data for mapping water content and defining geological formations; hydrochemistry for characterising groundwater systems; and landscape assessment to identify potential managed aquifer recharge (MAR) targets. This report focuses on the Tennant Creek region—part of the Barkly region of the Northern Territory. Investigations in this region utilised existing geological and geophysical data and information, which were applied in the interpretation and integration of AEM and ground-based geophysical data, as well as existing and newly acquired groundwater hydrochemical and isotope data. The AEM and borehole lithological data reveal the highly weathered (decomposed) nature of the geology, which is reflected in the hydrochemistry. These data offer revised parameters, such as lower bulk electrical conductivity values and increased potential aquifer volumes, for improved modelling of local groundwater systems. In many instances the groundwater is shown to be young and of relatively good quality (salinity generally <1000 mg/L total dissolved solids), with evidence that parts of the system are rapidly recharged by large rainfall events. The exception to this is in the Wiso Basin to the west of Tennant Creek. Here lower quality groundwater occurs extensively in the upper 100 m below ground level, but this may sit above potentially potable groundwater and that possibility should be investigated further. Faults are demonstrated to have significantly influenced the occurrence and distribution of weathered rocks and of groundwater, with implications for groundwater storage and movement. Previously unrecognised faults in the existing borefield areas should be investigated for their potential role in compartmentalising groundwater. Additionally a previously unrecognised sub-basin proximal to Tennant Creek may have potential as a groundwater resource or a target for MAR. This study has improved understanding of the quantity and character of existing groundwater resources in the region and identified a managed aquifer recharge target and potential new groundwater resources. The outcomes of the study support informed water management decisions and improved water security for communities; providing a basis for future economic investment and protection of environmental and cultural values in the Tennant Creek and broader Barkly region. Data and information related to the project are summarised in the conclusions of this report and are accessible via the EFTF portal (

  • This web service provides access to geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical digital datasets that have been published by Geoscience Australia for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB).

  • This report presents a summary of the groundwater hydrochemistry data release from the Alice Springs project conducted as part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF). This data release records the groundwater sample collection methods and hydrochemistry and isotope data from monitoring bores in the Alice Springs project area, Northern Territory (NT). The Alice Springs project is a collaborative study between Geoscience Australia and the NT Government. Hydrochemistry and isotope data were collected from existing and newly drilled bores in the Alice Springs area.

  • This web service provides access to geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical digital datasets that have been published by Geoscience Australia for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB).

  • Recent national and state assessments have concluded that sedimentary formations that underlie or are within the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) may be suitable for the storage of greenhouse gases. These same formations contain methane and naturally generated carbon dioxide that has been trapped for millions of years. The Queensland government has released exploration permits for Greenhouse Gas Storage in the Bowen and Surat basins. An important consideration in assessing the potential economic, environmental, health and safety risks of such projects is the potential impact CO2 migrating out of storage reservoirs could have on overlying groundwater resources. The risk and impact of CO2 migrating from a greenhouse gas storage reservoir into groundwater cannot be objectively assessed without knowledge of the natural baseline characteristics of the groundwater within these systems. Due to the phase behaviour of CO2, geological storage of carbon dioxide in the supercritical state requires depths greater than 800m, but there are no hydrochemical studies of such deeper aquifers in the prospective storage areas. Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ), Queensland Department of Mines and Energy, worked collaboratively under the National Geoscience Agreement (NGA) to characterise the regional hydrochemistry of the Denison Trough and Surat Basin and trialled different groundwater monitoring strategies. The output from this Project constitutes part of a regional baseline reference set for future site-specific and semi-regional monitoring and verification programmes conducted by geological storage proponents. The dataset provides a reference of hydrochemistry for future competing resource users.

  • Poster prepared for International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2013 Surface-groundwater interactions are often poorly understood. This is particularly true of many floodplain landscapes in Australia, where there is limited mapping of recharge and discharge zones along the major river systems, and only generalised quantification of hydrological fluxes based on widely spaced surface gauging stations. This is compounded by a lack of temporal data, with poor understanding of how surface-groundwater interactions change under different rainfall, river flow and flood regimes. In this study, high resolution LiDAR, in-river sonar, and airborne electromagnetic (AEM) datasets (validated by drilling) have been integrated to produce detailed 3-dimensional mapping that combines surface geomorphology and hydrogeology. This mapping enables potential recharge zones in the river and adjacent landscape to be identified and assessed under different flow regimes. These potential recharge zones and groundwater flow pathways were then compared against the spatial distribution of discontinuities in near-surface and deeper aquitard layers derived from the AEM interpretation. These 3D mapping constructs provide a framework for considering groundwater processes. Hydrochemistry data, allied with hydraulic data from a bore monitoring network, demonstrate the importance of recharge during significant flood events. In many places, the AEM data also affirm the spatial association between fresher groundwater resources and sites of river and floodplain leakage. At a more localised scale, hydrogeochemical data allows discrimination of lateral and vertical fluxes. Overall, this integrated approach provides an important conceptual framework to constrain hydrogeological modelling, and assessments of sustainable yield. The constructs are also invaluable in targeting and assessing managed aquifer recharge (MAR) options.

  • This service provides access to hydrochemistry data (groundwater and surface water analyses) obtained from water samples collected from Australian water bores or field sites.