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  • Unconformity-type uranium deposits are high-grade and constitute over a third of the world's uranium resources. The Cariewerloo Basin, South Australia, is a region of high prospectivity for unconformity-related uranium as it contains many similarities to an Athabasca-style unconformity deposit. These include features such as Mesoproterozoic red-bed sediments, Paleoproterozoic reduced crystalline basement enriched in uranium (~15-20 ppm) and reactivated basement faults. An airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown in 2010 using the Fugro TEMPEST system to delineate the unconformity surface at the base of the Pandurra Formation. However highly-conductive regolith attenuated the signal in the northern and eastern regions, requiring application of deeper geophysical methods. In 2012 a magnetotelluric (MT) survey was conducted along a 110 km transect of the north-south trending AEM line. MT data were collected at 29 stations and successfully imaged the depth to basement, and additionally providing evidence for deeper fluid pathways. The AEM data were integrated into the regularisation mesh as a-priori information generating an AEM constrained resistivity model and also correcting for static shift. The AEM constrained resistivity model best resolved resistive structures, allowing strong contrast with conductive zones.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) is a leading promoter of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveying for regional mapping of cover thickness, under-cover basement geology and sedimentary basin architecture. Geoscience Australia flew three regional AEM surveys during the 2006-2011 Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP): Paterson (Western Australia, 2007-08); Pine Creek-Kombolgie (Northern Territory, 2009); and Frome (South Australia, 2010). Results from these surveys have produced a new understanding of the architecture of critical mineral system elements and mineral prospectivity (for a wide range of commodities) of these regions in the regolith, sedimentary basins and buried basement terrains. The OESP AEM survey data were processed using the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) at the Australian National University to produce GIS-ready interpretation products and GOCADTM objects. The AEM data link scattered stratigraphic boreholes and seismic lines and allow the extrapolation of these 1D and 2D objects into 3D, often to explorable depths (~ 500 m). These data sets can then be combined with solid geology interpretations to allow researchers in government, industry and academia to build more reliable 3D models of basement geology, unconformities, the depth of weathering, structures, sedimentary facies changes and basin architecture across a wide area. The AEM data can also be used to describe the depth of weathering on unconformity surfaces that affects the geophysical signatures of underlying rocks. A number of 3D models developed at GA interpret the under-cover geology of cratons and mobile zones, the unconformity surfaces between these and the overlying sedimentary basins, and the architecture of those basins. These models are constructed primarily from AEM data using stratigraphic borehole control and show how AEM data can be used to map the cross-over area between surface geological mapping, stratigraphic drilling and seismic reflection mapping. These models can be used by minerals explorers to more confidently explore in areas of shallow to moderate sedimentary basin cover by providing more accurate cover thickness and depth to target information. The impacts of the three OESP AEM surveys are now beginning to be recognised. The success of the Paterson AEM Survey has led to the Geological Survey of Western Australia announcing a series of OESP-style regional AEM surveys for the future, the first of which (the Capricorn Orogen AEM Survey) completed acquisition in January 2014. Several new discoveries have been attributed to the OESP AEM data sets including deposits at Yeneena (copper) and Beadell (copper-lead-zinc) in the Paterson region, Thunderball (uranium) in the Pine Creek region and Farina (copper) in the Frome region. New tenements for uranium, copper and gold have also been announced on the results of these surveys. Regional AEM is now being applied in a joint State and Commonwealth Government initiative between GA, the Geological Survey of Queensland and the Geological Survey of New South Wales to assess the geology and prospectivity of the Southern Thomson Orogen around Hungerford and Eulo. These data will be used to map the depth of the unconformity between the Thomson Orogen rocks and overlying sedimentary basins, interpret the nature of covered basement rocks and provide more reliable cover thickness and depth to target information for explorers in this frontier area.

  • AusLAMP is a collaborative national project to cover Australia with long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data in an approximately 55 km spaced array. Signatures from past tectonothermal events can be retained in the lithosphere for hundreds of millions of years when these events deposit conductive mineralogy that is imaged by MT as electrically conductive pathways. MT also images regions of different bulk conductivity and can help to understand the continuation of crustal domains down into the mantle, and address questions on the tectonic evolution of Australia. The AusLAMP data presented here were collected as part of three separate collaborative projects involving several organisations. Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of South Australia, the Geological Survey of New South Wales, the Geological Survey of Victoria, and the University of Adelaide all contributed staff and/or funding to collection of AusLAMP data; GA and AuScope contributed instrumentation. The data cover the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Curnamona Province, the Neoproterozoic Flinders Ranges, and the Cambrian Delamerian Orogen, encompassing eastern South Australia and western New South Wales and western Victoria. This project represents the first electrical resistivity model to image the entire Curnamona Province and most of the onshore extent of the Delamerian Orogen, crossing the geographical state borders between South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.

  • The magnetotelluric (MT) method is increasingly being applied to map tectonic architecture and mineral systems. Under the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, Geoscience Australia has invested significantly in the collection of new MT data. The science outputs from these data are underpinned by an open-source data analysis and visualisation software package called MTPy. MTPy started at the University of Adelaide as a means to share academic code among the MT community. Under EFTF, we have applied software engineering best practices to the code base, including adding automated documentation and unit testing, code refactoring, workshop tutorial materials and detailed installation instructions. New functionality has been developed, targeted to support EFTF-related products, and includes data analysis and visualisation. Significant development has focused on modules to work with 3D MT inversions, including capability to export to commonly used software such as Gocad and ArcGIS. This export capability has been particularly important in supporting integration of resistivity models with other EFTF datasets. The increased functionality, and improvements to code quality and usability, have directly supported the EFTF program and assisted with uptake of MTPy among the international MT community. <b>Citation:</b> Kirkby, A.L., Zhang, F., Peacock, J., Hassan, R. and Duan, J., 2020. Development of the open-source MTPy package for magnetotelluric data analysis and visualisation. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • We present a resistivity model of the southern Tasmanides of southeastern Australia using Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) data. Modelled lower crustal conductivity anomalies resemble concentric geometries revealed in the upper crust by potential field and passive seismic data. These geometries are a key part of the crustal architecture predicted by the Lachlan Orocline model for the evolution of the southern Tasmanides, in which the Proterozoic Selwyn Block drives oroclinal rotation against the eastern Gondwana margin during the Silurian period. For the first time, we image these structures in three dimensions (3D) and show they persist below the Moho. These include a lower crustal conductor largely following the northern Selwyn Block margin. Spatial association between lower crustal conductors and both Paleozoic to Cenozoic mafic to intermediate alkaline volcanism and gold deposits suggests a genetic association i.e. fluid flow into the lower crust resulting in the deposition of conductive phases such as hydrogen, iron, sulphides and/or graphite. The 3D model resolves a different pattern of conductors in the lithospheric mantle, including northeast trending anomalies in the northern part of the model. Three of these conductors correspond to Cenozoic leucitite volcanoes along the Cosgrove mantle hotspot track which likely map the metasomatised mantle source region of these volcanoes. The northeasterly alignment of the conductors correlates with variations in the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) and the direction of Australian plate movement, and may be related to movement of an irregular LAB topography over the asthenosphere. By revealing the tectonic architecture of a Phanerozoic orogen and the overprint of more recent tectono-magmatic events, our resistivity model enhances our understanding of the lithospheric architecture and geodynamic processes in southeast Australia, demonstrating the ability of magnetotelluric data to image geological processes over time.

  • The GEOPHYS_SURV database describes geophysical surveys (air, land, and marine), the datasets derived from those surveys, and the methods used for delivery of those datasets. The database includes metadata for all surveys conducted or managed by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor agencies, as well as data and surveys from State and Territory geological survey agencies.

  • Geoscience Australia flew three regional airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys as part of the Australian Government's 5-year Onshore Energy Security Program in 2007-08 (Paterson, WA), 2009 (Pine Creek, NT) and 2010 (Frome, SA). The aims of the surveys were to reduce risk and stimulate exploration investment for uranium by providing reliable pre-competitive data. When the data and interpretations of the surveys were released, there was a measurable upswing in industry investment in and around the survey areas and a number of new discoveries were made using the new data. Geoscience Australia is committed to the Australian Academy of Science's Searching the Deep Earth (UNCOVER) initiative, which has been adopted by Geoscience Australia as part of its long-term strategic planning. To assist this initiative, we are assessing the potential of AEM to characterise areas that are prospective for a range of commodities including gold, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, platinum group elements and rare earth elements, as well as uranium. The assessment will also extend to the potential for mapping geology under cover to explorable depths (< 400 m), mapping cover thickness around the flanks of major outcrop areas and providing new information on groundwater resources. Potential new areas for regional AEM surveying could include (in no particular order of priority): the Westmoreland region; the Georgetown Inlier; the Mt Isa region; the Broken Hill region, the Peake and Denison Ranges; the Eyre Peninsula (Gawler Craton); the Ngalia-Amadeus region; the Musgrave Province; the Windimurra Igneous Complex; the Capricorn-Ashburton area; the Lachlan-Thomson orogens; the Stawell and Ballarat areas; the southeast Yilgarn region (Yilgarn Craton flanks); and, the Tanami area.

  • Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data are an immensely useful tool for mapping cover thickness and under cover geology in Australia. The regional AEM surveys conducted by Geoscience Australia (GA) are an ideal starting point for integrating legacy AEM datasets across a range of scales with other information, e.g. borehole stratigraphy and shallow seismic data, to add to a national cover thickness map. Geoscience Australia is working towards this end as part of the UNCOVER Initiative.

  • The Frome airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was designed to provide reliable pre-competitive AEM data to aid the search for energy and mineral resources around the Lake Frome region of South Australia. Flown in 2010, a total of 32,317 line kilometres of high quality airborne geophysical data were collected over an area of 95,450 km2 at a flight line spacing mostly of 2.5 km, opening to 5 km spaced lines in the Marree-Strzelecki Desert area to the north. The Lake Frome region hosts a large number of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits with known resources of ~60,000 tonnes of U3O8 including the working In Situ Recovery (ISR) operations at Beverley, Pepegoona, Pannikin and Honeymoon, and deposits at Four Mile East, Four Mile West, Yagdlin, Goulds Dam, Oban and Junction Dam. The aims of the Frome AEM Survey were to map critical elements of sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems including basin architecture, palaeovalley morphology, sedimentary facies changes, hydrological connections between uranium sources and uranium sinks and structures that may control uranium mineralisation. Interpretations of the data show the utility of regional AEM surveying for mapping sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems as well as for mapping geological surfaces and depth of cover over a wide area. Data from the Frome AEM Survey allow mineral explorers to put their own high-resolution AEM surveys into a regional context. Survey data were used to map a range of geological features that are associated with, or control the location of, sandstone-hosted uranium mineral systems and have been used to map and assess the prospectivity of new areas to the north of the Flinders Ranges.

  • As part of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (2006-2011) Geoscience Australia in collaboration with Geological Survey of Western Australia acquired magnetotelluric (MT) data along the deep crustal seismic reflection transect across the Yilgarn Craton, Officer Basin and Musgrave Province in Central Western Australia. The aim of the MT survey is to map the electrical resistivity distribution and improve scientific understanding of the crustal and upper mantle structure in this region. This information is complementary to that obtained from deep crustal seismic reflection, seismic refraction, potential field and geological data, which together provide new knowledge of the crustal architecture and geodynamics of the region. It is important for helping to determine the potential for both mineral and energy resources. Data are supplied as EDI files with support information.