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  • Australia's Identified Mineral Resources 2010 presents estimates of Australia's mineral resources at end of December 2009 for all major and several minor mineral commodities (Table 1) based on published and unpublished data available to Geoscience Australia. These resource estimates provide a long term view of what is likely to be mined. They are compared with national totals of ore reserves for each commodity, which provides the industry view of what is likely to be mined in the short to medium term. Mine production data are based on figures from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences. World ranking of Australia's mineral resources have been calculated mainly from information in publications of the United States Geological Survey. A summary of significant industry developments also is presented. Australia's Identified Mineral Resources 2010 provides information on and analysis of mineral exploration expenditures in Australia for 2008-09 and the calendar year 2009. Trends in expenditure are presented and discussed.

  • A map showing selected mines, mineral deposits and historice mines on the radiometric map of Australia. 1:5 million scale.

  • A geophysical survey was made in the Rum Jungle district in October and November, 1950, using self-potential and potential-ratio methods. This investigation formed part of a larger programme of geological and geophysical exploration for uranium minerals. Self-potential surveys were made over three areas, namely, Brown's Copper Mine Area, Intermediate Area, and White's Area. A potential-ratio survey was made over only the first of these. This report gives an account of the geophysical work conducted in each of these areas. The results of the survey are described, and recommendations for future drilling work are given, for each of the surveyed areas respectively.

  • This is the second progress report of the coal drilling programme near Ashford in the Parishes of Macdonald and Myall, County of Arrawatta. The first report (Record 1949/106) covered the drilling of D.D.H's 1-5. Drilling was continued to test the coal measures lying between old Ashford Colliery and the Severn River. Five more holes were drilled through the coal seam, north of No. 2 D.D.H. An account of the drilling work is set down in this report, together with a description of local geology, and estimates of the coal reserves in the field.

  • The deposits of heavy mineral sands along the East Coast of Australia are being investigated primarily to determine their content of monazite. These deposits contain most of the known world reserves of zircon and rutile for which they are being exploited at various localities. Monazite, a phosphate of cerium, lanthanum, praseodymium and other rare earths, with thorium silicate, is utilised commercially as a source of cerium and of thorium. In this investigation, the thorium content on the monazite is being determined on the basis of its radioactivity. Two deposits in the Tweed-Fingal area were examined. The geology of the area, methods of testing, and the results of the investigation are discussed in this report.

  • The deposits of heavy mineral sands along the East Coast of Australia are being investigated primarily to determine their content of monazite. These deposits contain most of the known world reserves of zircon and rutile for which they are being exploited at various localities. Monazite, a phosphate of cerium, lanthanum, praseodymium and other rare earths, with thorium silicate, is utilised commercially as a source of cerium and of thorium. In this investigation, the thorium content on the monazite is being determined on the basis of its radioactivity. A principal deposit, and two smaller deposits, in the Fingal-Cudgen area were investigated. The geology of the area, methods of testing, and the results of the investigation are discussed in this report.

  • This report has been written as the result of conversations between the writers and officers of the Joint Coal Board in Sydney, Lithgow and Cessnock, and with similar assistance from the Geological Survey of New South Wales. The writers visited the Western and Northern coalfields during August and inspected most of the operating open-cuts. The results of the enquiries are presented in five tables which are set out at the end of this report and which contain, in statistical form, the greater part of all the information elicited. The text matter of the report is explanatory of the tables and also discusses the methods which have been used in arriving at the estimates of coal reserves. In the ensuing discussion emphasis has been laid on coal reserves available for open-cut mining, and all enquiries directed to the Join Coal Board were concerned with open-cut coal only.

  • The writer received instructions to commence the geological mapping of the Port Moresby area with special attention to economic aspects, such as, raw materials for the manufacture of cement, materials for concrete aggregates, road surfacing materials, etc. This work was commenced on November, 30th, 1949, and a general rapid reconnaissance of the more readily accessible areas carried out.

  • This report gives an overview of the bauxite resources of the Inverell district, New South Wales, including, in particular, those deposits held or examined by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission. A description of each deposit is given, which includes information on the geology of the area, grade of bauxite, and production figures. Figures are given for the proven reserves of economic bauxite in the district.

  • The occurrence of ferruginous laterite in the vicinity of Moss Vale, Bundanoon and Wingello, County of Camden, has long been known. In order to define any zones enriched in alumina, a subsurface prospecting campaign was undertaken by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission at Wingello during July and August, 1948 and at Ellsmore in the early part of 1949. The results of this investigation and previous work are summarized in this report. Detailed descriptions of the laterite and of the individual deposits are given.