greenhouse gas emission
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Monitoring is an important aspect in verifying the integrity of the geological storage of greenhouse gases. Geoscience Australia is working with CSIRO, the CO2CRC, the Australian National University, the University of Adelaide and the University of Wollongong to develop and evaluate new techniques to detect and quantify greenhouse gas emissions.
Geological storage of greenhouse gases is one approach that the Australian Government is pursuing to assist Australia, and the world, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Understanding the geology of Australia's sedimentary basins and their potential for greenhouse gas storage is an important component of Geoscience Australia's work in supporting emission reductions.
CO2CRC Project 1 - Site Specific Studies for Geological Storage of carbon Dioxide Part 1: Southeast Queensland CO2 Storage Sites - Basin Desk-top, Geological Interpretation and Reservoir Simulation of Regional Model
This animation has been developed by Geoscience Australia to illustrate the carbon dioxide capture, transportation and storage process. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the technologies that we can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, particularly from sources such as coal or natural gas fired power stations and industrial plants. In this process carbon dioxide (CO2) is captured at the source (e.g. power station), transported via pipeline and injected deep underground into a porous rock, such as sandstone. There it is trapped by the overlying fine grained and impermeable mud rocks.
Australia has embarked on a process of potential commitment through the Kyoto Protocol to contain growth in greenhouse gas emissions to 8% between 1990 and the reporting period of 2008 - 2012. The target is well below the estimated growth of about 28% under the `business as usual' condition. Australia's greenhouse gas inventory estimates that 502 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents were emitted in the base year of 1990. This report examines over 175 candidate options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to identify their technical feasibility, cost per tonne of carbon dioxide avoided and capability to reduce emissions under Australian conditions. The candidate options were not intended to represent an exhaustive list but they encompass major and some lesser options being canvassed in Australia and overseas. Preferred options were selected on their performance towards the criteria of technical feasibility, cost and capability.
A Bayesian inversion technique to determine the location and strength of trace gas emissions from a point source in open air is presented. It was tested using atmospheric measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) released at known rates from a source located within an array of eight evenly spaced sampling points on a 20 m radius circle. The analysis requires knowledge of concentration enhancement downwind of the source and the normalized, three-dimensional distribution (shape) of concentration in the dispersion plume. The influence of varying background concentrations of ~1% for N2O and ~10% for CO2 was removed by subtracting upwind concentrations from those downwind of the source to yield only concentration enhancements. Continuous measurements of turbulent wind and temperature statistics were used to model the dispersion plume. The analysis localized the source to within 0.8 m of the true position and the emission rates were determined to better than 3% accuracy. This technique will be useful in assurance monitoring for geological storage of CO2 and for applications requiring knowledge of the location and rate of fugitive emissions.
In July 2010 Geoscience Australia and CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research jointly commissioned a new atmospheric composition monitoring station (' Arcturus') in central Queensland. The facility is designed as a proto-type remotely operated `baseline monitoring station' such as could be deployed in areas that are likely targets for commercial scale carbon capture and geological storage (CCS). It is envisaged that such a station could act as a high quality reference point for later in-fill, site based, atmospheric monitoring associated with geological storage of CO2. The station uses two wavelength scanned cavity ringdown instruments to measure concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapour and the isotopic signature (?13C) of CO2. Meteorological parameters such as wind speed and wind direction are also measured. In combination with CSIRO's TAPM (The Air Pollution Model), data will be used to understand the local variations in CO2 and CH4 and the contributions of natural and anthropogenic sources in the area to this variability. The site is located in a region that supports cropping, grazing, cattle feedlotting, coal mining and gas production activities, which may be associated with fluxes of CO2 and CH4. We present in this paper some of the challenges found during the installation and operation of the station in a remote, sub-tropical environment and how these were resolved. We will also present the first results from the site coupled with preliminary modelling of the relative contribution of large point source anthropogenic emissions and their contribution to the background.
Quantification of leakage into the atmosphere from geologically stored CO2 is achievable by means of atmospheric monitoring techniques if the position of the leak can be located and the perturbation above the background concentration is sufficiently large for discrimination. Geoscience Australia and the CO2CRC have recently constructed a site in northern Canberra for the controlled release of greenhouse gases. This facility enables the simulation of leak events and provides an opportunity to investigate techniques for the detection and quantification of emissions of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere under controlled conditions. The facility is modelled on the ZERT controlled release facility in Montana. The first phase of the installation is complete and has supported an above ground, point source, release experiment (e.g. simulating leakage from a compromised well). Phase 2 involves the installation of a shallow underground horizontal well for line source CO2 release experiments and this will be installed during the first half of 2011. A release experiment was conducted at the site to explore the application of a technique, termed atmospheric tomography, to simultaneously determine the location and emission rate of a leak when both are unknown. The technique was applied to the release of two gas species, N2O and CO2, with continuous sampling of atmospheric trace gas concentrations from 8 locations 20m distant from a central release point and measurement of atmospheric turbulence and dispersive conditions. The release rate was 1.10 ± 0.02 g min-1 for N2O and 58.5 ± 0.4 g min-1 for CO2 (equivalent to 30.7 ± 0.2 tonnes CO2 yr-1). Localisation using both release species occurred within 0.5 m (2% error) of the known location. Determination of emission rate was possible to within 7% for CO2 and 5% for N2O.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This point dataset contains the major power stations in Australia including all those that feed into the electricity transmission network.
A short animation of an atmospheric simulation of methane emissions from a coal mine (produced using TAPM) compared to actual methane concentrations detected by the Atmospheric Monitoring Station, Arcturus in Central Queensland. It illustrates the effectiveness of both the detection and simulation techniques in the monitoring of atmospheric methane emissions. The animation shows a moving trace of both the simulated and actual recorded emissions data, along with windspeed and direction indicators. Some data provided by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.