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  • Overall, the cruise met its objectives of studying rift and drift sedimentation, and obtaining cores for palaeo-oceanography. The east Tasmanian seismic program was completely successful. The planned sampling program was somewhat curtailed by bad weather, equipment failures and other factors. It was least successful off east Tasmania. A total of about 1300 km of 8-fold multichannel seismic data were acquired along 8 transects across the east Tasmanian margin. The quality of the seismic profiles was excellent, with good resolution and penetration, given the bad weather and the limitations of the acquisition system. The seismic source comprised 2 GI airguns (each 45/105 cu. in. capacity) giving a penetration of 2-2.5 s twt (2.5-3 km) in places. The seismic profiles indicate a structurally complex margin with rugged basement relief that includes large-scale horst/graben structures and volcanic intrusions. The sedimentary section on the continental slope is at least 1.5 s twt thick in some graben and includes Campanian-Paleocene early sag-phase deposits, which are 0.5-1.0 s twt thick. Regional compressive tectonism in the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene has produced widespread inversion (folding/faulting) in this succession. A wedge of Neogene shallow-water carbonates underlies the continental shelf. It shows seaward progradation and attains a maximum thickness of ~700 m beneath the shelf edge. Oceanic basement (?Campanian) adjacent to the margin lies at a depth of 7.0-7.5 s twt. The continental rise and Tasman Abyssal Plain in this zone are underlain by 1.5-2.0 s twt of post-breakup sedimentary section. The East Tasman Saddle is underlain by `transitional? basement and contains a sedimentary section of similar thickness. During the sampling program 58 of 86 stations were successful: 38 gravity cores (21 successful), 4 piston cores (3), 16 dredges (7) and 28 grabs (28). Total core recovery was 81.4 metres from the 16 successful cores taken in soft sediments, an average recovery of about 5 metres. The fairly low success rate with the gravity corer can be ascribed to problems with foram sand east of Tasmania, and shelly sand in Storm Bay. The low success rate with the dredge was related to the lightness of the gear. The deployment of the heavy piston corer for the first time on Franklin was successful. However, we did not attempt to piston core in deep water. East of Tasmania we recovered 8 gravity cores, and 7 dredge hauls. Deepwater dredging and coring were surprisingly unsuccessful. The upper slope stations, designed to sample older rocks, were reasonably successful. From these results and some existing information, general conclusions can be drawn about changes along the margin with increasing water depth. The shelf and upper slope wedge of Neogene, seaward-prograding sediments was sampled out to 1640 m. The sediments recovered include muddy sand, clayey sandstone with siliceous nodules, siliceous sandstone and calcarenite. The calcarenite is presumably part of the Middle Miocene shelf limestone sequence that is widespread off St Helens. Somewhat deeper on the upper slope, basement outcrops occur in steep slopes: granite, arkose, metasediments, conglomerate, quartz sandstone and gritty mudstone. The granites are probably from Devonian batholiths like those onshore up the east coast. Volcanic rocks and conglomerate form a basement block in deeper water on a ridge off northeast Tasmania at ~3750m. Deepwater outcrop ridges support manganese nodules and crusts. Nannofossil oozes cling to the slope, particularly in local basins, and are ubiquitous in deep water. The East Australian Current apparently winnows many of the oozes to form a blanket of foram sand.

  • Cold seeps and hydrothermal vents can be detected by a number of oceanographic and geophysical techniques as well as the recovery of characteristic organisms. While the definitive identification of a seep or vent and its accompanying fauna is seldom unequivocal without significant effort. We suggest an approach to identifying associated VMEs in the CCAMLR region that uses the results of scientific surveys to identify confirmed features while documenting a series of criteria that can be used by fishing vessels to reduce the accidental disturbance of seep communities.

  • The rifting history of the magma-poor conjugate margins of Australia (Great Australian Bight) and Antarctica (Terre Adélie) is still a controversial issue. In this paper, we present a model for lithosphere-scale rifting and deformation history from initial rifting to breakup, based on the interpretation of two regional conjugate seismic profiles of the margins, and the construction of a lithosphere-scale, balanced cross section, sequentially restored through time. The model scenario highlights the symmetric pattern of initial stretching resulting to pure shear at lithospheric-scale accompanied by the development of four conjugate detachments and crustal half-graben systems. This system progressively evolves to completely asymmetric shearing along a single south-dipping detachment at the scale of the lithosphere. The detachment accounts for the exhumation of the mantle part of the Australian lithosphere, and the isolation of a crustal klippe separated from the margin by a peridotite ridge. Antarctica plays the role of the upper plate with the formation of an external crustal high separated from the unstretched continental crust by a highly extended zone still active during the Australian exhumation phase. The total elongation amount of the Australian-Antarctic conjugate system reaches ~413km (61%). Elongation was partitioned through time: ~189km and ~224km during symmetric and asymmetric stages, respectively. During symmetric stage, both margins suffered relatively the same elongation accommodated by crustal stretching (~105km (45%) and ~84km (38%) for Australia and Antarctica, respectively). Again, both margins accommodated relatively the same elongation during the asymmetric stage: the Antarctic upper plate records an elongation amount of ~225km (40%) as crustal tectonic stretching, above the inferred low-angle south dipping detachment zone, whereas the Australian lower plate suffered ~206km (61%) of elongation through mantle exhumation.

  • This record is a report of the operations carried out during Geoscience Australia Survey 229 off the Australian Antarctic Territory from January-April 2002. The survey acquired deep-seismic and potential field data along 8600 km of profiles as a part of the Australian Antarctic and Southern Ocean Profiling Project.

  • This Record contains a shipboard interpretation of the data acquired on Geoscience Australia Survey 229 off the Australian Antarctic Territory from January-April 2002. The survey acquired deep-seismic and potential field data along 8600 km of profiles as part of the Australian Antarctic and Southern Profiling Project.

  • This record is a compilation of the abstracts of oral and poster papers presented at a symposium held at the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra 13-16 February 1989. The symposium was entitled "Seismicity and Earthquake Studies in the Australian Plate and its Margins", and was co-sponsored by the Specialist Group on Solid Earth Geophysics of the Geological Society of Australia and the Bureau of Mineral Resources. The abstracts in this paper are in the same order as in the symposium program at the beginning of the paper.