3D model
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This interactive training module is an introduction to the theory, application and interpretation of gamma-ray spectrometry for regolith science. It uses descriptions, diagrams and three dimensional models to describe gamma-ray spectrometry for regolith science. The tutorial was created by Geoscience Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration.
The combined analysis of airborne electromagnetics (AEM), airborne gamma-ray spectrometry (AGRS), magnetics and a digital elevation model with ground-based calibration, has enable construction of a 3D architectural and landscape evolution model of valley fill deposits around the township of Jamestown in South Australia. The valley fill sediments consist of traction, suspension and debris-flow deposits that range in age (optically stimulated luminescence OSL dating) from 102 ka (±12) to the present day. A sediment isopach map generated from the AEM dataset reveals the 3D structure of the valley-fill deposits. The sediments are up to 40 m thick within asymmetrical valleys and are the result of colluvial fan, floodplain and sheet-wash processes. The sediments fine upwards with a higher proportion of coarser bed load deposits toward the base and fine sand, silt and clay towards the top of the sequence. A strong linear correlation between airborne K response and soil texture allowed the percentage of surface silt to be modelled over the depositional landforms. The sediments are thought to have been derived by a combination of aeolian dust accessions, and weathering and erosion of bedrock materials within the catchment. Older drainage lines reflected in the distribution of relatively closely spaced and well connected 'magnetic channels' differ markedly from present day streams that are largely ephemeral and interrupted. This is thought to reflect a change in local hydrology and associated geomorphic processes from relatively high to lower energy conditions as the valley alluviated. These hydrological changes are likely to be associated with a drying climate, lower recharge and runoff.
Geoscience Australia's World Wind Viewer is an application developed using NASA's World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) to display Australia's continental data sets. The viewer allows you to compare national data sets such as the radioelements, the gravity and magnetic anomalies, and other mapping layers, and show the data draped over the Australian terrain in three dimensions.
Layer 01 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface Surface produced for the Great Artesian Water Resource Assessment (GABWRA) by Geoscience Australia (http://www.ga.gov.au). This surface was created for 3D visualisation of the 3 second DEM The surface is in the following format 1. GOCAD surface Use limitations: 1. GOCAD surface requires program capable of reading GOCAD *.ts (triangulated surface) files. This layer is part of a set comprised of: Layer 01 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface (catalogue #75990) Layer 02 Base of Cenozoic surface (catalogue #75991) Layer 03 Base of Mackunda Formation and equivalents surface (catalogue #76021) Layer 04 Base of Rolling Downs Group surface (catalogue #76022) Layer 05 Base of Hooray Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76023) Layer 06 Base of Injune Creek Group surface (catalogue #76024) Layer 07 Base of Hutton Sandstone surface (catalogue #76025) Layer 05-07 Base of Algebuckina Sandstone surface (catalogue #76952) Layer 08A Base of Evergreen and Marburg formations (catalogue #76026) Layer 08B Base of Poolowanna Formation (catalogue #76953) Layer 09 Base of Precipice Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76027) Layer 10 Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface (catalogue #76028) This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from www.ga.gov.au, using catalogue number 75990.
Following the tragic events of the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 it became obvious there were shortcomings in the response and alert systems for the threat of tsunami to Western Australia's (WA) coastal communities. The relative risk of a tsunami event to the towns, remote indigenous communities, and infrastructure for the oil, gas and mining industries was not clearly understood in 2004. Consequently, no current detailed response plans for a tsunami event in WA coastal areas existed. The Boxing Day event affected the WA coastline from Bremer Bay on the south coast, to areas north of Exmouth on the north-west coast, with a number of people requiring rescue from abnormally strong currents and rips. There were also reports of personal belongings at some beaches inundated by wave activity. More than 30 cm of water flowed down a coast-side road in Geraldton on the mid-west coast, and Geordie Bay at Rottnest Island (19 km of the coast of Fremantle) experienced five 'tides' in three hours, resulting in boats hitting the ocean bed a number of times. The vivid images of the devastation caused by the 2004 event across a wide geographical area changed the perception of tsunami and achieved an appreciation of the potential enormity of impact from this low frequency but high consequence natural hazard. With WA's proximity to the Sunda Arc, which is widely recognised as a high probability area for intra-plate earthquakes, the need to develop a better understanding of tsunami risk and model the potential social and economic impacts on communities and critical infrastructure along the Western Australian coast, became a high priority. Under WA's emergency management arrangements, the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) has responsibility for ensuring effective emergency management is in place for tsunami events across the PPRR framework.
The subsurface of the Earth is a complex system, one that we are yet to fully understand and model. It is hence impossible to automate the process of mapping and modelling, and the input of user experience and knowledge ('prior knowledge') is required to produce meaningful and useful outputs. This form of solution does not lend itself to a simple programmatic approach. However, by taking advantage of advances in computer technology and the application of numerical methods for modeling complex environments, we can do much to improve upon past results. Introduction As Australia's national geoscience organisation, Geoscience Australia (GA) plays an important role in the creation and delivery of fundamental geoscientific information. Studies are carried out at a wide range of scales, from a continental perspective to highly detailed local site investigations. In most situations, direct geological observations are supplemented by the inferences that can be made from geophysical measurements. Observations of the Earth's gravity and magnetic fields contain signals from subsurface materials, and extensive holdings of these measurements are commonly used to help create 3D subsurface models. With sparse hard constraints and incomplete, insufficient, noisy observations, knowledge workers or experts continue to play an important role in providing implicit prior constraints on any system to model this volume. The interface to these people becomes an important part of any set of tools for performing geological modeling of gravity and magnetic data. Users constantly demand a better experience and better outcomes when modeling the subsurface. Some of their recurring requests are for: * A simpler, more intuitive user-experience * Higher resolution * Models with larger extents * Faster processing * Inclusion of a greater number of geological and rock property constraints * Estimates of the uncertainty in the outcomes * Improved 3D visualisation * Tracking of input provenance and subsequent processing that is carried out * Organised management of 3D models Integration of the elements is a key consideration when developing solutions, as users are loathe to adopt procedures that become more involved and more difficult to understand and to piece together. Today, developments to produce world-class solutions typically take place across multiple agencies, involving many people, and at locations spread around the globe. This in itself is a challenge! We have focused our efforts on the following: * The management and delivery of rock properties * Spherical and Cartesian coordinate gravity and magnetic modelling software * Use of High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities * Use of a virtual globe application for 3D visualisation
Geoscience Australia (GA) has developed an interactive 3D virtual globe viewer to present global, national and regional scale geoscience data to government, geoscience industries, the scientific community and the general public. The interactive virtual globe is built on NASA's open source World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) and provides users with easy and rich access to a growing number of geoscience datasets, including subsurface data, from within GA and around the world. The tool has been used by GA as a platform for the public launch of a number of national datasets, including the Radiometric Map of Australia, the Magnetic Anomaly Map of Australia and the Gravity Anomaly Map of Australia. More recently it has been used to display sub-surface datasets such as seismic and airborne electromagnetic data (AEM) alongside other relevant geoscience data to facilitate effective communication of scientific findings. In this paper the authors address the considerations used for selecting the World Wind SDK over other solutions, the current state of the 3D viewer tool, including display of subsurface data, and the benefits that GA has seen from its adoption.
Joint seismic tomography exploiting P and S wave arrivals conducted before the 2011 Offshore Tohoku earthquake reveals an area comparable to the faulting surface for the 2011 March 11 event with different properties from other areas along the shallow part of the subduction zone. The differences are revealed by using a measure R of the relative variations in shear wavespeed and bulk-sound speed. Within the faulting area there are patches on the subduction zone with slightly reduced S wavespeed, and thus negative R, that appear to separate portions of the rupture with very different character. On the down-dip side there is strong short-period radiation, whilst the largest slip occurs up-dip with most energy release at longer periods. Segmentation of the slip process can be imaged by back projection of seismograms from the US Array; the areas of greatest energy release at short periods lie down-dip from the negative R anomalies. The main seismic moment release from broad-band seismograms lies on the updip side of the same anomalies. The structural variations on the subduction zone thus separate two regions with fundamental differences in the rupture process, stronger long-period radiation up-dip and stronger short-period radiation down-dip. These variations are likely to reflect features brought into the subduction zone, which may have acted as asperities that allowed this event to build up 30-40 m of strain in the near trench zone, making it much bigger than expected. Thus minor changes in the character of the subducted plate can have a significant influence on the behaviour of a great earthquake.
Australia's marine jurisdiction is one of the largest and most diverse in the world and surprisingly our knowledge of the biological diversity, marine ecosystems and the physical environment is limited. Acquiring and assembling high resolution seabed bathymetric data is a mandatory step in achieving the goal of increasing our knowledge of the marine environment because models of seabed morphology derived from these data provide useful insights into the physical processes acting on the seabed and the location of different types of habitats. Another important application of detailed bathymetric data is the modelling of hazards such tsunami and storms as they interact with the shelf and coast. Hydrodynamic equations used in tsunami modelling are insensitive to small changes in the earthquake source model, however, small changes in the bathymetry of the shelf and nearshore can have a dramatic effect on model outputs. Therefore, accurate detailed bathymetry data are essential. Geoscience Australia has created high resolution bathymetry grids (at 250, 100, 50 and 10 metres) for Christmas, Cocos (Keeling), Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. An exhaustive search was conducted finding all available bathymetry such as multibeam swath, laser airborne depth sounder, conventional echo sounder, satellite derived bathymetry and naval charts. Much of this data has been sourced from Geoscience Australia's holdings as well as the CSIRO, the Australian Hydrographic Service and foreign institutions. Onshore data was sourced from Geoscience Australia and other Commonwealth institutions. The final product is a seamless combined Digital Bathymetric Model (DBM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The new Geoscience Australia grids are a vast improvement on the existing publicly available grids. These grids are suitable for: tsunami modelling, storm surge modelling, ocean dynamics, environmental impact studies, marine conservation and fisheries management.
With the increasing exploration interest in onshore unconventional resources, Geoscience Australia's onshore hydrocarbons section, in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Australian States and The Northern Territory Geological Surveys, will undertake a pilot unconventional resource assessment of the entire Georgina Basin. As part of this process to produce a nationally consistent dataset in this space, new geochemistry and petroleum systems modelling will be presented for the basin. The Georgina Basin is a northwest-southeast trending extensional basin, which covers up to 325,000 km2 in both Queensland and the Northern Territory. The basin contains thick successions of Neoproterzoic through to Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks and potential Cambrian hydrocarbon systems, with some parts of the Northern Territory portion of the basin considered to be within the oil window, with prospective Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks (Questa, 1994). The assessment will use the USGS probabilistic framework of assessment, based on predicted productivity (either from actual production data or analogues), which distinguishes it from the commonly used volumetric methods. The geological framework uses inputs for the resource assessments constructed through the integrated interpretation of a variety of geological and geophysical datasets to produce, for the first time, basin wide volumetric assessment of unconventional hydrocarbon plays for the Georgina Basin.