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  • These datasets are a subset of the mosaic of Australian Landsat MSS images of Australia. ldsatmss.bil is a 500m pixel Lambert Conformal Conic projected dataset. ldsatmssdd.bil is a 0.0048 degree geographic projected dataset. NOTE The original image is located in the corporate storage system at /d/geo/store/data/image/landsat_mss/aus_mosaic. In this directory there is extensive documentation (OVERVIEW.TXT) which describes all contents.

  • This dataset is part of a digital geological map of the Granites-Tanami Block which Australian Geological Survey Organisation has prepared by joining together as a seamless coverage 15 of the 1:250 000 geological maps which cover the province.The data layers in the digital map include geology, faults, lineaments structural data, mineral deposits and Australian Geological Survey Organisation drill hole locations. The digital data is available in Arcinfo/ Arcview or Mapinfo format. Topographic and cultural layers are not included: these can be purchased separately from AUSLIG.

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data