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The Cobar field was visited during the period 18th to 24th July, mainly in connection with the exploration programme which is taking place in that area. During this visit, however, some information was obtained concerning the operations of the mines controlled by New Occidental Gold Mines, N.L., which company is being assisted financially by the Commonwealth. Estimated operational costs, grade, and production figures are given. The development, exploration, and future of the field are discussed.
A map showing the distribution of selected mines and mineral depsosits for a range of commodities. It also shows the distribution of petroleum resources in basic form. The map base is the Gravity Map of the Australian Region.
The presence of alluvial gold in the river gravels of Mastuj and Chitral has been known for many years, and local inhabitants have realised the value of the gold and have worked the deposits. Tipper (1923), Coulson (1937), Ikramuddin Ali (1951) and Tayyab Ali (1951), have reported on the placers but no accurate determinations have been made of their size or grade. In August, 1951, the Australian Geological Party, J.F. Ivanac, D.M. Traves, and D. King, examined the deposits between Mastuj and Drosh, with the objects of reporting on the size and nature of the placers, and if warranted, to suggest suitable sites for testing. This report gives an account of the examination and its results.
A map showing the distribution of selected mines and mineral depsosits for a range of commodities. It also shows the distribution of petroleum resources in basic form. The map base is the Radiometric Map of the Australian Region
Presented at the Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference, 20-22 June 2006, Alice Springs. The ca 1864 Ma Stubbins Formation is a sequence of turbiditic and mafic volcanic rocks that were informally called the Bald Hill sequence. The formation hosts the Kookaburra and Sandpiper deposits and a number of smaller prospects in the Bald Hill area of Western Australia. The ca 1835 Ma turbiditic Killi Killi Formation hosts the Coyote deposit and several nearby prospects. <p>Related product:<a href="">Evolution and metallogenesis of the North Australian Craton Conference Abstracts</p>
Geological investigation by the Bureau commenced late in July, 1948, and continued until the end of October of that year. The objects of the survey were to lay the foundation for future detailed studies of the mining field, to study the factors controlling ore localization, to assess the quantity and value of ore exposed to date, and to estimate the potential value of the field. In the search for orebodies, a knowledge of the geological factors can be of great assistance, and it is felt that the information given in this report and in the accompanying plans should be of considerable help in this respect. However, the prospector's methods - loaming, dollying, panning etc. are still quite fundamental to success in a prospecting field such as Tennant Creek and the suggestions made in this report are intended to supplement this type of work. The climate, topography, vegetation, gold production, general geology, and gold deposits of the area are described in this report. Detailed descriptions are given of the individual mines examined to date.
A map showing the distribution of selected mines and mineral depsosits for a range of commodities. It also shows the distribution of petroleum resources in basic form. The map base is Australia's Magnetic Anomaly Map (Fourth Edition).
Australian Proterozoic Mineralising events on Australian Gold Resources base, 1:4 000 000 July 2007 Version
The purpose of the presentation was to show mineral explorers how recent results from the Gawler Mineral Promotion Project may be used in their quest for blind iron-oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposits in the Gawler Craton. The Gawler Project ran from late 2000 to early 2006. The project developed new methods of exploring prospective basement beneath deep cover.
Australian Gold Resources Map, 1:10 000 000, December 2006 Version