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How the sensor works and sample imagery.
Create a bathymetric flythrough of the South East Region of Australia, namely Tasmania to Victoria, showing the Marine Protection boundaries. Featured to be seen are the Tasmanian and Cascade Seamounts, Bass and Murray Canyons and the Tasmanian Fracture Zone. This version of the revised version of WTS 06-125, is to be used as an educational tool at various Dept. of Environment & Heritage presentations.
Help-file for Alpha release of the CIAP Application for Pipeline planning using CIAP
The Lord Howe Rise survey (SS0608, GA survey #2461) was conducted on the Southern Surveyor in collaboration with the University of Wollongong between 16 and 29 April 2008. The survey was operated as part of the Surrogates Program of the CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub. The objective was to collect high-quality, accurately co-located data to enable the robust testing of a range of physical parameters as surrogates of patterns of benthic biodiversity. A video transect was undertaken at a single station (station 9) in 35 m water depth (31.58°S, 159.04°E to 31.59°S, 159.03°E). Video footage was recorded to mini DV tapes and copied to digital format.
From February to March 2010, Geoscience Australia (GA) conducted an multibeam survey of the coastal waters of the Vestfold Hills in the Australian Antarctic Territory. The survey was conducted jointly with Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) and the Deployable Geospatial Survey Team (DGST) of the Royal Australian Navy. The survey was aimed primarily at understanding the the character of the sea floora round Davis to better inform studies of the benthic biota and the possible impacts of the Davis Station sewage outfall. DGST were involved so the data could be used to update and extend the nautical charts of the Davis area.
Aim: Use a map such as the seafloor and land topography of Australia and surrounding region (GeoCat 64057 MP 03/2457.44) as a base to create an interactive animation which illustrates the geological formation of: - Heard Island an active sub-marine volcano; and - The Warrumbungle volcano an inactive volcano formed by hot spot volcanism.
A survey of the Solitary Islands Key Ecological Feature (KEF - GA survey 0338) was conducted on the R.V. Bombora between Tuesday, August 7th 2012 and Thursday, August 16th 2012, in collaboration with the New South Wales (NSW) Office of Environment and Heritage as part of GA's commitment to the National Environmental Research Programme (NERP)'s Marine Biodiversity Hub. The survey collected forward-facing mono video, forward-facing stereo video, and downward facing stills. The geographic position of the system was determined using a GPS system, and the location of the towed camera body was monitored using a USBL system. The aims of the survey were to characterize benthic habitat in areas of the Solitary Islands Key Ecological Feature, and to compare and contrast the effectiveness of different methods for capturing visual representations of biological communities. Stereo video: 2x GoPro Hero 2 cameras in Patima housings with 30cm spacing. Mono video: Stills: Nikon D700, Easydive Leo II housing with dome port The data is organized by survey date, followed by full transect number. Within each transect, there are 4 folders titled: GoPro Stereo GoPro .MP4 files, 1080i, medium FOV, NTSC 30 fps Nikon Downward Facing Stills, .JPG Streampix Mono video files in Norpix .SEQ format Tracklink USBL positional information from Tracklink Navigator 1500.7.4.0 Days 4 and 5 are together in one folder because these transects were incomplete, and are not suitable for scientific analysis. There is an additional folder titled DGPS Log which contains the full set of files containing the GPS position of the R/V Bombora while surveying.
Short video of earthquakes above magnitude 3.4 occurring in Australia during 2013 shown as a time lapse.
The Eastern Margin survey (TAN0713, GA survey #2436) to the Capel and Faust basins and Gifford Guyot was conducted on the Tangaroa between 7 October and 22 November 2007 in collaboration with staff from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Fugro Robertson Inc., and the University of the Sea. The voyage was operated through the Offshore Energy Security Program, with the principal aims of exploring deep-sea habitats and processes on a subsided marginal plateau and submerged guyot and examining the underlying geology as an assessment for petroleum potential of the basins. A total of 42 video transects (each approx. 1 hr in duration) were surveyed and 6,229 still photographs acquired in water depths of 259-2,260 m. Video footage was recorded on mini DV tapes, and copied to digital format. Video snippets were also created of representative habitats for some stations. Video and image files or associated parent folders are named according to station number, followed by CAM and then the deployment number. For example 37CAM35 represents a video transect from Station 37 that was the 35th video transect on the survey. For further information on this survey please refer to the post-survey report (GA Record 2009/22 - Geocat #68630) and GA Record 2009/26 (Geocat #69358).
The Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census (CEAMARC) voyage was conducted on the Aurora Australis between December 2007 and January 2008. The voyage was operated as part of the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) program to document the benthic communities and their associated habitats across the George V Shelf in east Antarctica. Underwater video footage was collected from 22 sites across the shelf using Geoscience Australia's Deep Under Water Camera (DUCII). Transects were run for 15-40 minutes across depths ranging from 140 m to 1200 m. All video footage is stamped with the UTC time. Stations are named according to the CEAMARC station number followed by the instrument used (eg. CAM for camera) and then the deployment number. For example 09CAM05 was deployed at CEAMARC site 9 and was the 5th camera transect. The location and depth of each station is listed below. For further information on this survey please refer to the post-survey report (GA Record 2009/05 - Geocat #67381). Station Depth Longitude Latitude 04CAM04 259.61 141.985220 -66.341583 07CAM07 197.57 142.626933 -66.551262 08CAM06 391.27 142.358735 -66.555997 09CAM05 357.07 142.010337 -66.550603 12CAM21 201.26 140.825277 -66.558158 26CAM22 219.99 140.030193 -66.526848 27CAM01 436.63 142.661085 -65.997597 30CAM02 432.03 143.649810 -65.998757 39CAM08 863.95 142.967960 -66.551365 41CAM09 579.30 142.629580 -66.735847 42CAM10 409.75 142.680007 -66.868050 43CAM11 177.00 143.289108 -66.758878 44CAM12 766.04 143.657790 -66.687152 47CAM13 184.31 144.662358 -67.035295 49CAM14 1175.27 145.209785 -67.031225 50CAM16 593.06 145.258282 -66.746837 51CAM15 537.11 145.490357 -66.750387 57CAM17 639.44 145.009407 -66.741943 58CAM18 844.64 144.655195 -66.748407 59CAM19 912.16 144.329455 -66.744992 61CAM03 657.39 142.983383 -66.322688 63CAM20 429.08 143.002492 -65.862048