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  • This is a round-Australia fly through for the Land Cover Map of Australia from 2000-2008

  • The launch of Landsat 7 from Vandenberg Airforce Base on 15 April 1999. The operation of the Landsat series of satellites over 27 years.

  • Fly-through of the NSW/Vic Alps region produced to promote tourism post the 2003 bushfires.

  • The Common Earth Model is a collection of data collated by Geoscience Australia that aims to give a unified overview of the geology of Australia. The data are visualised in the Geoscience Australia 3D Data Viewer software and the intention is to give users a rich environment to explore diverse geological data. Geoscience Australia has collated these datasets from a wide range of sources. Copyright in all content on the DVD remains with the originating organisations and individuals, and may not be reproduced without permission. The 3D Data Viewer software itself is released under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

  • A video created for the Australia Minerals booth at the China Mining 2015conference. The video has key information translated into Mandarin.

  • The making of Landsat 7. The new Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor and how it works.

  • Short video of earthquakes occurring in South Australia during 2013 shown as a time lapse.

  • Short video of earthquakes occurring in Victoria during 2013 shown as a time lapse.

  • Short video of earthquakes occurring in New South Wales during 2013 shown as a time lapse.

  • Short movie of large earthqaukes occuring in Australi aduring the last 50 years shown as a time lapse