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  • This report contains the results of a seismic survey on the Nerrima Dome, a major structure within the Fitzroy Basin and near its south-western boundary. The dome is situated near the Fitzroy River about 100 miles south-east of Derby in the West Kimberley district of Western Australia. The Nerrima Dome has been mapped at the surface in Permian sediments and is a complex structure. It was desired to determine if the dome existed at depth and, if not, the structure at depth, with a view to locating a site for a deep drilling test. The target beds for such a test are Devonian and/or Ordovician sediments over which the Permian sediments are believed to lie unconformably. Reflection methods were tried and proved unsuccessful and the survey was carried out using refraction methods. Although the structure underlying the dome has not been clearly shown, the refraction method has indicated that it is complex and does not conform with the domal structure at the surface. There appears to be a major unconformity at comparatively shallow depth (2000 ft). The deep structure (7000 ft) although apparently less complex than that immediately below the unconformity, also bears no obvious relation to structure at surface. The results so far obtained are reasonably conclusive in showing that no simple dome-like structure of large magnitude exists under the Nerrima Dome.

  • Seismic reflection traverses were surveyed across the Perth Basin at Cookernup, W.A. These traverses were planned to find the thickness and dip of the Basin sediments adjacent to the Darling Scarp and to discover any faulting or folding within them; also to determine the applicability of the seismic method as a tool for both regional and detailed investigation in this area. Seismic refraction traverses were surveyed to help in the solution of problems encountered in the interpretation of the reflection cross-sections. The survey indicated a considerable thickness of sediments about 20,000 ft, at the eastern margin of the Basin near the Darling Scarp, and suggested tectonic structure that is not indicated in surface geology, The reflection traverses indicated that sediments (presumably Lower Palaeozoic or Precambrian) lying deep in the Perth Basin may continue underneath the Darling Scarp and abut the granitic gneisses etc. of the Western Australian Shield on an overthrust fault plane. The overthrust fault, if it exists, does not reach the surface, but is covered to a depth of possibly some few hundred feet by younger sediments and also by alluvium eroded from the Darling Scarp. Some reflection and refraction shooting was done in an attempt to test this and other hypotheses, but the results crc inconclusive. Gravity results strongly suggest a normal fault, and if normal faulting is the case, the reflections from beneath the outcropping basement are possibly derived from shear zones, Some probable 'reflected refractions' were also observed. There is scope for further seismic testing but it is considered that conclusive evidence could only be provided by drilling.

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic, gravity and aeromagnetic survey in Central Australia, Northern Territory from July to November, 1985. The objectives of this multidisclipinary experiment were to investigate the structural evolution of the lithosphere in the Central Australian region with emphasis on the formation of the Ngalia and Amadeus Basins, and secondly to aid in the evaluation of the petroleum prospectivity of the basins. 486 km of six-twelve fold common mid-point (CMP) seismic reflection data were collected, from four traverses.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74968</b>

  • The Seismic survey of the Cooroorah Anticline near Comet, Queensland, was conducted on behalf of Associated Freney Oilfields N.L. to assist the company to select a site for a deep stratigraphic test bore. Two other seismic surveys conducted in this Bowen Basin are Emerald-Duaringa seismic survey in 1960 (survey L043) and 254km seismic survey near the towns of Duaringa and Blackwater (survey L129).

  • The Bureau of Mineral Resources carried out a total of .12 crew months of reconnaissance and experimental seismic work in the Boulia - Bedourie area of the southeastern Georgina Basin in western Queensland during 1963-1964. The results show that the Toko Syncline extends south-eastwards under Mesozoic sediments, alluvial cover, and sand at least as far as the Sandringham - Lake Wickamunna area. In the area east of Pulchera, Waterhole, the Toko Syncline was shown to contain up to about 15,000 ft of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments and there was evidence of a considerable thickness of Proterozoic sediments beneath these. The cross-sectional shape of the Toko Syncline was defined, except for its western margin where results were poor and structure complex.

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a deep reflection seismic profiling survey in the onshore portion of the Otway Basin in the southeastern part of South Australia and southwestern part of Victoria, form February to June 1992. The seismic survey formed part of a National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA) project to study the early development of the Otway Basin. The objective of the seismic survey was to acquire a new deep reflection seismic data using explosive seismic energy sources to improve on the knowledge of early sedimentary sequences in the Otway Basin, especially at depths greater than 3 km. The seismic survey obtained 461 km of 5 to 10 fold Common-Middle-Point (CMP) deep reflection seismic data.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74947</b>

  • <p>The Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin Seismic Test Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia during the early part of 1989. The objective of the survey was to test the suitability of the seismic reflection technique for proposed regional deep reflection seismic lines in the Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin. The major emphasis of the test survey was to assess the feasibility of acquiring shallow and deep seismic reflections in order to examine various geological models of bounding faults and basin structure.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 75828</b>

  • The 2005 Thomson Lachlan 2D Seismic Survey was conducted by Terrex Seismic Pty, Ltd for ANSIR (Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource) and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries - Mineral Resources. The survey was situated near the township of Tilpa (on the Darling River) in central NSW. There were three lines totalling 301.88km chained at a 40m station interval. The traverses cross a section of the Thomson Orogen gravity high where it is narrow and where the southern part is expressed by linear magnetic highs that extend as far south as the possible southern edge of the Thomson Orogen. These traverses also cross a narrow part of the Nelyambo Basin and the Mt Jack High to the south. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Terrex Seismic was contracted by the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) to conduct the Department of Minerals and Resources (DMR NSW) Darling Basin 2004 Seismic Survey in New South Wales. Recording commenced on the 15th June 2004 on line DMR04-1 and was completed by the 1st July 2004. The survey operation covered areas north-east and north-west of Ivanhoe, and north of Wilcannia. Three 2D seismic lines, totalling 133.86 kilometres, were surveyed at a 30m station interval. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic survey in the central Eromanga Basin in Queensland from July to Late November 1982. This survey was a continuation of the work undertaken in 1980 and 1981 to investigate the structure, stratigraphy, geological and tectonic evolution, and petroleum potential of the area. The survey obtained 485 km of six-fold Common-Depth-Point reflection data, in the Adavale Basin, Cooladdi Trough and Pleasant Creek Arch areas.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74970</b>