From 1 - 10 / 290
  • 35% coverage east F55/B1-41 Contour interval: 10

  • F55/B1-9 Vertical scale: 100

  • Explanatory notes on the Katherine geological Sheet. (BMR Explan. Notes and map).

  • A seismic reflection survey was conducted on behalf of L.H. Smart Oil Exploration Company Limited by Geosurveys of Australia Ltd during 1959. The survey consisted of a number of shot-points placed at one or two-mile intervals along lines across the Canaway anticline, the Pinkilla anticline, and the Chesson (Orient) anticline of the Grey Range. The purpose of the survey was to provide detailed information of the subsurface structure of anticlines indicated by surface geology. The survey was interpreted with reference to geology known from the Bulgroo bore on the western limb of the Canaway anticline. Seismic operations clearly indicated that surface fold structure continues and is enhanced with depth; the anticlines are caused by buried ridges, probably with Precambrian core-rocks. Permian to Cretaceous sediments are draped over these ridges and have a minimum thickness of about 4,000 it across the Canaway anticlinal crest; in the adjoining trough syncline, they thicken rapidly to 10,000 it or more.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • A plane table survey of the lode system at the abandoned Coronet Hills copper mine in the Northern Territory was carried out together with a theodolite survey of the accessible underground workings. There are several sulphide-bearing lodes in a fracture system on the south-western margin of an arched, north-west striking, anticlinorium. The core of the anticlinorium is occupied by chert beds which are conformably overlain by siltstone end greywacke. The lodes are mineralised with copper, lead, and arsenic minerals. Assays of samples from the dumps and underground workings show sporadic values for copper and lead and the ubiquitous presence of arsenic. The deposits appear to be too small to be of much economic interest. However if it is decided to investigate them further six drill holes have been sited to test the extension of three swells in the lodes below the old workings

  • Palynological examination of cores and cuttings from the subsidised A.O.G. Wentworth No.1 well, Murray Basin, New South Wales, indicates that the well passed from Tertiary into Lower Cretaceous marine sediments at either 1283-1335 feet or 140-1455 feet and into probable Lower Permian beds at 1615-1645 feet. The well was completed in conglomerates, probably also of Lower Permian age, at a total depth of 2081 feet. Examination of samples from the Oaklands-Coorabin coalfield, to obtain a guide to the age of the pre-Mesozoic section of Wentworth No.1, demonstrated that the coal measures are equivalent in age to the Upper Coal Measures of the Sydney Basin, that they overlie Lower Permian (?)marine beds which, by virtue of their common content of Leiosphaeridae, compare in age with the Wentworth Permian section.