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  • This Record presents new zircon U-Pb geochronological data, obtained using a Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP), and thin section descriptions for four samples of plutonic and sedimentary rocks from the Captains Flat 1:50, 000 special map sheet, Eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. The work was carried out under the auspices of the National Geoscience Accord, as a component of the collaborative Geochronology Project between the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA) during the reporting periods 2012 and 2013. The four samples (Table 1.1 and Figure 1.1) were collected from CANBERRA (small and large capitals refer to map sheet names in the 1:100 000 and 1:250 000 Topographic Series respectively); one sample from CANBERRA (northcentral CANBERRA), two from MICHELAGO (southcentral CANBERRA) and one from ARALUEN (southcentral CANBERRA).

  • In this Record new U-Pb SHRIMP zircon results are presented from nine samples from western South Australia and eastern Western Australia. This geochronological study was undertaken to provide temporal constraints on the crystalline basement geology beneath the Nullarbor Plain, to assist in geological interpretation of a reflection seismic transect (13GA-EG1) between the Albany-Fraser Province in the west and the central Gawler Craton in the east. This seismic line transects a region in which the crystalline basement geology is entirely buried beneath Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Consequently, the age, tectonic evolution and mineral potential of the crystalline basement in this region is very poorly understood. The new results complement the very limited pre-existing geochronology data from the Coompana Province and Madura Province, and provide a basis for comparison of geological ages in these provinces with the geological histories reconstructed for the adjacent provinces of the Gawler Craton to the east and the Albany-Fraser Province to the west.

  • SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages are presented from 19 samples from the central and southern Thomson Orogen, northern Lachlan Orogen and Koonenberry Belt of northern New South Wales and southern Queensland. The analysed samples are predominantly (meta)sedimentary rocks, for which detrital zircon age spectra are presented, but also include selected intrusive and volcanic rocks, for which magmatic crystallisation ages are determined. The work was conducted as part of a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ), with a focus on the southern Thomson Orogen.

  • The Precambrian Pine Creek Orogen and Arnhem Province represent two of the oldest basement terrains in northern Australia and are often considered to be devoid of major tectonic or deformational activity since the cessation of regional metamorphism in the Paleoproterozoic. A major caveat in the current hypothesis of long lived structural inactivity is the absence of published low temperature thermochronological data and thermal history models for this area. Here we report the first apatite U–Pb, fission track and (U–Th–Sm)/He data for igneous samples from both the Pine Creek Orogen and Arnhem Province, complemented with apatite geochemistry data acquired by electron microprobe and laser ablation mass spectrometry methods, and present detailed multi-kinetic low temperature thermal history models. Low-temperature thermal history models for the Pine Creek Orogen and Arnhem Province reveal a distinct phase of denudation coeval with the Paleozoic Alice Springs Orogeny, suggesting that this orogenic event impacted a larger area of the Australian crust than previously perceived. Minor localised Mesozoic thermal perturbations proximal to the Pine Creek Shear-Zone record evidence for Mesozoic reactivation contemporaneous with modelled mantle driven subsidence and the onset of sedimentation in the Money Shoal Basin, while the Arnhem Province samples demonstrate no evidence of Mesozoic thermal perturbations. <b>Citation:</b> Angus L. Nixon, Stijn Glorie, Alan S. Collins, Jo A. Whelan, Barry L. Reno, Martin Danišík, Benjamin P. Wade, Geoff Fraser; Footprints of the Alice Springs Orogeny preserved in far northern Australia: an application of multi-kinetic thermochronology in the Pine Creek Orogen and Arnhem Province. <i>Journal of the Geological Society</i> 2020;; 178 (2): jgs2020–173. doi:

  • This report presents new Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP) U-Pb geochronological results obtained during the Geological Survey of Queensland-Geoscience Australia (GSQ-GA) Geochronology project between July 2010 and June 2012. A total of 24 samples were analysed, in support of ongoing regional geoscientific investigations and mapping programs by the GSQ. This report documents detailed results for each sample individually, encompassing sample location and geological context, a description of the target mineral for geochronology, the relevant analytical data, and a brief geochronological interpretation. A summary of all results from this study is presented in Table i, and the sample locations are shown in Figure i. The analysed samples are from regions extending from the Eulo Ridge, an exposed part of the mainly concealed Thomson Orogen in south-western Queensland, to the Charters Towers and Greenvale regions in the north and the Mount Isa region in the north-west (Figure i). The work was carried out to provide an improved time framework for updated interpretations of the geology of selected parts of the state.

  • This Record contains new zircon U-Pb geochronological data obtained via Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Micro Probe (SHRIMP) from 19 samples of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks of the central and eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. These data were obtained during the reporting period July 2013-June 2014, under the auspices of the collaborative Geochronology Project between the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia (GA), which is part of the National Geoscience Accord.

  • The Mesoproterozoic South Nicholson Basin sits between, and overlies, the Paleoproterozoic Mount Isa Province to the east and the southern McArthur Basin to the northwest. The McArthur Basin and Mount Isa Province are well studied and highly prospective for both mineral and energy resources. In contrast, rocks in the South Nicholson region (incorporating the Mount Isa Province, the Lawn Hill Platform and the South Nicholson Basin, and geographically straddling the Northern Territory and Queensland border) are mostly undercover, little studied and consequently relatively poorly understood. A comprehensive U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon and xenotime geochronology program was undertaken to better understand the stratigraphy of the South Nicholson region and its relationship to the adjacent, more overtly prospective Mount Isa Province and McArthur Basin. The age data indicate that South Nicholson Basin deposition commenced ca. 1483 Ma, with cessation at least by ca. 1266 Ma. The latter age, based on U-Pb xenotime, is interpreted as the timing of postdiagenetic regional fluid flow. The geochronology presented here provides the first direct age data confirming that the South Nicholson Group is broadly contemporaneous with the Roper Group of the McArthur Basin. Some rocks, mapped previously as Mesoproterozoic South Nicholson Group and comprising proximal, immature lithofacies, have detrital spectra consistent with that of the late Paleoproterozoic McNamara Group of the western Mount Isa Province; this will necessitate a revision of existing regional stratigraphic relationships. The stratigraphic revisions and correlations proposed here significantly expand the extent of highly prospective late Paleoproterozoic stratigraphy across the South Nicholson region, which, possibly, extends even further west beneath the Georgina and Carpentaria basins. Our data and conclusions allow improved regional stratigraphic correlations between Proterozoic basins, improved commodity prospectivity and targeted exploration strategies across northern Australia. <b>Citation:</b> Carson, C.J., Kositcin, N., Anderson, J.R., Cross, A. and Henson, P.A., 2020. New U–Pb geochronology for the South Nicholson region and implications for stratigraphic correlations.. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • This Record presents data collected in April 2019 as part of the ongoing Northern Territory Geological Survey–Geoscience Australia (NTGS–GA) SHRIMP geochronology project under the National Collaborative Framework (NCF) agreement and Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future Program. Two new U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological results derived from two samples of meta-igneous and metasedimentary rocks from the Aileron and Irindina provinces in JINKA and DNEIPER (HUCKITTA) in the Northern Territory are presented herein. <b>Bibliographic Reference:</b> Kositcin N, and Reno BL, 2020. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: Aileron and Irindina provinces, Jinka and Dneiper 1:100 000 mapsheets, 2019. <i>Northern Territory Geological Survey</i>, <b>Record 2020-001</b>.

  • Xenotime (YPO4) occurs in a wide range of geological environments, but its potential to establish the timing of mineralisation and sediment diagenesis has been the focus of most recent studies. Xenotime in these settings usually has a low uranium content (typically < 1000 ppm) and occurs as microscopic crystals (< 20 μm diameter), either individually or as outgrowths on a zircon substrate. Large radius ion microprobes, such as the SHRIMP or Cameca 1270/1280, that have high sensitivity and spatial resolution, are well suited for the U–Pb–Th analysis of xenotime from such environments. SIMS U–Pb–Th analyses of xenotime, however, are prone to significant U–Pb–Th matrix effects (ME) that are related to the wide natural range of U (0–6 wt%) and rare earth element (REE) (ΣREE: 12–22 wt%) concentrations in this mineral. For SHRIMP U–Pb–Th xenotime analyses, a 1 wt% increase in U concentration, relative to the U–Pb–Th calibration reference material (RM), will on average cause a corresponding increase in the measured 206Pb/238U and 208Pb/232Th of approximately 15% and 14% respectively. Similarly, a 1 wt% contrast in ΣREE causes an increase of about 1.2% in 206Pb/238U and about 1.7% in 208Pb/232Th. Correction for these chemically-induced matrix effects requires the concurrent analysis of three xenotime reference materials (RMs) which have known ages and a range of U and ΣREE contents that have been determined accurately by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). A least squares methodology is used to derive correction coefficients that relate the SHRIMP U–Pb–Th ME to the U and ΣREE concentrations for the RMs. Crucial to the success of this technique is the use of one dimensional (1-D) calibrations using 206Pb+/270[UO2]+ and 208Pb+/248[ThO]+. Processing is carried out in two steps: the first derives the correction coefficients to matrix correct the 206Pb+/270[UO2]+ and 208Pb+/248[ThO]+ ratios, the second processes the matrix corrected ratios to determine 206Pb/238U and 208Pb/232Th. <b>Citation:</b> A.J. Cross, I.S. Williams, SHRIMP U–Pb–Th xenotime (YPO4) geochronology: A novel approach for the correction of SIMS matrix effects, <i>Chemical Geology</i>, Volume 484, 2018, Pages 81-108, ISSN 0009-2541,

  • Herein we present the results of a national compilation of mineral deposits (available in Excel or CSV format) for Australia. The deposits were selected as they have substantial endowment (i.e. pre-mining mineral resource) and/or detailed geological information is available. For each deposit (or, in some cases, district) the dataset includes information on: 1. Name (including synonyms), location and GA identifying numbers; 2. Tectonic province that hosts the deposit; 3. Type(s) and age(s) of mineralising events that produced/affected the deposit (including metadata on ages); 4. The metal/mineral endowment of the deposit; 5. Host rocks to the deposit; 6. Spatially and/or temporally associated magmatic rocks; 7. Spatially and temporally associated alteration assemblages (mostly proximal, but, in some cases, regional assemblages); 8. The Fe-S-O minerals present in the deposit and relative abundances where known; 9. Sulfate minerals present; 10. Peak metamorphic grade; 11. Data sources; and 12. Comments. This document presents more detailed descriptions of the metadata presented in the compilation. The dataset is presented in Appendix A. Appendix B presents a national classification of geological provinces based mostly on existing State survey classifications; Appendix C presents a deposit classification based on the classification proposed by Hofstra et al. (2021); and Appendix D presents mineral abbreviations used in the dataset.