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  • <div>The A1 poster incorporates 4 images of Australia taken from space by Earth observing satellites. The accompanying text briefly introduces sensors and the bands within the electromagnetic spectrum. The images include examples of both true and false colour and the diverse range of applications of satellite images such as tracking visible changes to the Earth’s surface like crop growth, bushfires, coastal changes and floods. Scientists, land and emergency managers use satellite images to analyse vegetation, surface water or human activities as well as evaluate natural&nbsp;hazards.</div>

  • Presentation for the National Science Week 2013, AMOS Seminar "The 2003 Canberra fires - 10 years after: What have we learned" 1-5pm CSIRO Discovery Centre 18 August 2013

  • Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction themed addition to GAV A3 map series commissioned by Communications & Governance Section for educational purposes. Not for sale or general release.

  • Please contact for information regarding the availability of this product.

  • 5 educational posters created for the Sapphire Coast Marine Discovery Centre in Eden on Geomorphology, Geology, Land Use and Type, and Seabed Habitats.

  • This set is composed of a selection of geoscience booklets, paper models and an image set - Climate Change booklet - Time and Life Booklet - Volcanoes booklet - Earthquakes booklet - Australian Earthquakes image set - Plate Tectonics booklet - Plate tectonics 3D paper model set Suitable for secondary Year levels 7-12

  • 3D images and text describing Australia's Southeast Marine Region

  • CAML is a five year International Program which will be undertaken as a major activity during the International Polar Year. This project will bring together all known data on Antarctic marine biodiversity and ocean change. The Antarctic Ocean is one of the most sensitive ecosystems in the world. Research undertaken via CAML will produce fascinating images of the Southern Ocean Geoscience Australia's Marine and Coastal Group is contributing expertise in sea floor mapping and sediment core collection to CAML. The Australian Government Antarctic Division is collecting oceanographic data, video footage and sediment cores through hot-water drill holes in the Amery Ice Shelf. The sediment cores are collected using a corer designed and built by Geoscience Australia, and are being analysed by scientists at Geoscience Australia to understand the environmental history beneath this ice shelf. This project has now produced four cores. The only other core ever obtained from beneath an extant ice shelf from under the Ross Ice Shelf in the early 1970s showed no signs of life. However, several Amery cores contain diatom-rich sediments, and one contains a succession of benthic faunas that indicate progressive colonisation of the sub-ice sea floor as ice retreated and currents began to seep nutrients and plankton into the sub-ice shelf cavity.

  • This booklet focuses on volcanoes, their formation process, types, shapes, locations and effects on their surroundings. Significant volcano events around the world are covered, and special emphasis is placed on the Australian volcanic landscape. Student activities included. Recommended for Years 6 and 9.

  • This education resource comprises earthquake images with background information and descriptions of each image - includes world plate boundaries and earthquake distribution, distribution of earthquakes in Australia and examples of earthquake events, Australia's Seismological Network that is managed by Geoscience Australia, how earthquakes are measured, a case study of Tennant Creek and a map indicating Australia's earthquake hazard. Suitable for primary level Years 5-6 and secondary level Years 7-12.