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1.0 Introduction The SRTM data sets result from a collaborative effort by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), as well as the participation of the German and Italian space agencies, to generate a near-global digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth using radar interferometry. The SRTM instrument consisted of the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) hardware set modified with a Space Station-derived mast and additional antennae to form an interferometer with a 60 meter long baseline. A description of the SRTM mission, can be found in Farr and Kobrick (2000). Synthetic aperture radars are side-looking instruments and acquire data along continuous swaths. The SRTM swaths extended from about 30 degrees off-nadir to about 58 degrees off-nadir from an altitude of 233 km, and thus were about 225 km wide. During the data flight the instrument was operated at all times the orbiter was over land and about 1000 individual swaths were acquired over the ten days of mapping operations. Length of the acquired swaths range from a few hundred to several thousand km. Each individual data acquisition is referred to as a "data take." SRTM was the primary (and pretty much only) payload on the STS-99 mission of the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which launched February 11, 2000 and flew for 11 days. Following several hours for instrument deployment, activation and checkout, systematic interferometric data were collected for 222.4 consecutive hours. The instrument operated virtually flawlessly and imaged 99.96% of the targeted landmass at least one time, 94.59% at least twice and about 50% at least three or more times. The goal was to image each terrain segment at least twice from different angles (on ascending, or north-going, and descending orbit passes) to fill in areas shadowed from the radar beam by terrain. This 'targeted landmass' consisted of all land between 56 degrees south and 60 degrees north latitude, which comprises almost exactly 80% of the total landmass. 2.0 Data Set Characteristics 2.1 General SRTM data were processed in a systematic fashion using the SRTM Ground Data Processing System (GDPS) supercomputer system at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Data were mosaicked into approximately 15,000 one degree by one degree cells and formatted according to the Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) specification for delivery to NIMA, who will use it to update and extend their DTED products. Data were processed on a continent-by-continent basis beginning with North America. 2.2 Organization SRTM data are organized into individual rasterized cells, or tiles, each covering one degree by one degree in latitude and longitude. Sample spacing for individual data points is either 1 arc-second or 3 arc-seconds, referred to as SRTM-1 and SRTM-3, respectively. Since one arc-second at the equator corresponds to roughly 30 meters in horizontal extent, the sets are sometimes referred to as "30 meter" or "90 meter" data.
The Tintinara (east and west) 30m DEM was acquired by Fugro Airborne Surveys (FAS) for the Bureau of Rural Sciences during June - October of 2002. Frequency domain electromagnetic data and elevation data were simultaneously acquired. Data was collected as part of the South Australia Salinity Mapping and Management Support Project (SA-SMMSP). The Tintinara study is located in the south-east of South Australia near Keith, has a focus on groundwater and water quality. The data was obtained by CRC LEME and licence conditions and metadata were supplied.
The ACT Elevation Acquisition 2015 is a highly accurate airborne LiDAR dataset, to be used to accurately model the impacts of climate change, disaster management, water security, environmental management, urban planning and infrastructure design. The full dataset covers the entire state of the ACT with a density of 4 pulses per square metre, and the Canberra's City Center at 8 pulses per square metre. LiDAR is classified to ICSM specification Level 3 (for ground) and delivered as LAS v1.4 in both ellipsoidal and othormetric formats. In addition, full waveform datasets have been provided for a small region within the 8 pulses per square metre area of interest. The outputs of the project are compliant with National ICSM LiDAR Product Specifications and the NEDF. The classification scheme is as follows: Unclassified (1), Ground (2), low vegetation (0-0.3m : 3), medium vegetation (0.3-2m : 4), high vegetation (>2m : 5), buildings (6), low noise (7), water (9), bridge (17), and high noise (18). The full waveform LiDAR dataset provides up to 7 returns per pulse depending upon the complexity of the features on the ground. This dataset defines the classified Australian Height Datum (AHD) LiDAR dataset for the full ACT region minus Canberra's City Center at 4 pulses per square metre.
These datasets cover all of the Yarrabah Shire Council and are part of the 2009 Tropical Coast LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 2 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape
These datasets cover approximately 210 sq km along the eastern sector of the Cairns Regional Council and over all of Fitzroy Island and are part of the 2009 North Queensland LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Photomapping Services on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 1 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, vegetation or building) - LAS ground classified returns in shapefile format - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI grid
These datasets cover approximately 1100 sq km in the central sector of the Hinchinbrook Shire Council and over all of Orpheus Island and are part of the 2009 Tropical Coast LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 2 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape
The 1 Second DSM Version 1.0 is a gridded digital surface model representing the radar reflective surface (bare earth, vegetation and built structures) as observed by the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission in February 2000. It was derived primarily from the 1 second SRTM version 2 provided by DIGO, supported by the Geodata 9 Second DEM in void areas and the SRTM surface water database. Stripes and voids have been removed from the 1 second SRTM data to provide an enhanced and complete digital surface model for Australia and near-shore islands. The grid spacing is 1 second in longitude and latitude (approximately 30 metres).
Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.
This Digital Elevation Model Image is a subset from the GLOBE Project (1km) . The data is stored at /d/geo/store/data/national_data/dem/1kilometre and dataset(s) in this directory include: dem1k (LAMBERT projected image), dem1kdd (GEODETIC projected image), dem1kg (LAMBERT projected image - greyscale) and dem1kddg (GEODETIC projected image - greyscale. Note that Jpeg representations are also stored with each image for a quick view. Images can be viewed using ERMapper, ERViewer and ARCGIS (with the cew plug-in, available free from www.ermapper.com ). Full GLOBE metadata is stored in GEOMET - Record No. 3404. For additional information contact Bruce Kilgour.