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  • The 3 second (~90m) Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 was derived from resampling the 1 second SRTM derived DEM-S (gridded smoothed digital elevation model; ANZCW0703014016). The DEM represents ground surface topography, excluding vegetation features, and has been smoothed to reduce noise and improve the representation of surface shape. The DEM-S was derived from the 1 second Digital Surface Model (DSM; ANZCW0703013336) and the Digital Elevation Model Version 1.0 (DEM; ANZCW0703013355) by an adaptive smoothing process that applies more smoothing in flatter areas than hilly areas, and more smoothing in noisier areas than in less noisy areas. This DEM-S supports calculation of local terrain shape attributes such as slope, aspect and curvatures that could not be reliably derived from the unsmoothed 1 second DEM because of noise. A full description of the methods is in progress (Gallant et al., in prep) and in the 1 second User Guide. The 3 second DEM was produced for use by government and the public under Creative Commons attribution. The 1 second DSM and DEM that forms the basis of the product are also available as 3 second products (DSM; ANZCW0703014216, DEM; ANZCW0703014182, DEM-S; ANZCW0703014217). <strong>Please note that all 1 second products are available for GOVERNMENT USERS ONLY.</strong>

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • ACRES Update Monitoring pastures from space Remote sensing research at Coleambally Irrigation Area Satellite imagery helps to classify Australia's estuaries

  • ACRES Update, Issue 25, December 2001 Government widens access to spatial data STAR Service in agricultural industry Australian landcover as never seen before

  • ACRES Update, Issue 22, December 2000 ACRES Archive a National Resource First MODIS poster of Australia

  • ACRES Update, Issue 24, July 2001 STAR Service shortens delivery time ACRES Poster features impace crater A unique applicaiton using satellie imagery as art

  • ACRES Update, Issue 19, Special "Landsat 7" Edition, August 1999 Lower prices for Lansat 7 products ASEAN experts meet in Hanoi Taiwan ground station benchmarks with ACRES