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G50/B1-105 Vertical scale: 125
The Herberton/Mount Garnet area is situated in north Queensland, southwest of Cairns (Fig. 1). It is bounded by latitudes 17°15'S and 17°45'S, and by longitudes 145°00'E and 145°30'E, and comprises 2885 sq km. The area is covered by the Herberton and Mount Garnet 1-mile Military map sheets, and lies within the Atherton 1:250,000 Sheet area. Almost the whole of the productive part of the Herberton Tinfield* is covered by the two 1-mile map sheets.
G51/B1-3146 Contour interval: 25
Standard curves for interpretation of the magnetic anomalies due to spheres have been derived. The anomalies in the vertical component, and the horizontal component in the direction of the traverse, are each found to be represented by a single family of curves. The horizontal component is found to be not represented by a single family, and separate curves for each field inclination and traverse azimuth are presented. Curves for the anomaly in the total intensity were not computed.
G50/B1-2547 Contour interval: 25
G50/B1-2247 Contour interval: 25
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available