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  • For National Reconciliation Week, Geoscience Australia staff will present the progress of the organisation's first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan as well as examples of engagement and collaboration with First Nations Australians.

  • Geoscience Australia's value to the nation, outlined in our overarching Strategy 2028, is through our science. However, the way that we apply our science to support a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment cannot be taken for granted. Our new Science Strategy 2028, to be launched by Geoscience Australia's Chief Scientist, Dr Steve Hill, during this event, will support Strategy 2028 in our mission to be the nation's trusted advisor on the geology and geography of Australia. It will provide strategic direction for developing and delivering the science that underpins our core business. Dr Hill will outline how our guiding Science Principles apply to our way of working -- not just the way in which we work as an organisation, but also in the way that we work with our partners in using science to create benefits for all Australians.

  • • Vertical datums are a foundational piece of the positioning puzzle that allows us make sense of height measurements - they make it possible to align height data by defining where all heights are zero. But when the vertical datum is unreliable, we lose perspective on which direction is down and this can cause strange things to happen. Water can appear to flow in the wrong direction or pool in unexpected places. • The Australian Height Datum (AHD) is the current, official, vertical datum in use in Australia. At 50 years old this year, it has stood the test of time well. But, it has a number of bumps and wrinkles (errors and distortions), relies on degrading physical infrastructure and was never intended to be used with modern positioning technology like GPS. The Australian Vertical Working Surface is a shiny new alternative vertical datum that doesn’t depend on any physical infrastructure, is free from the errors in the AHD and is designed to be directly compatible with GPS technology in the first instance.

  • Every day, humanity benefits from geodesy. Geodesy is the science of measuring the size, shape, orientation and gravity field of our planet and it is a foundation for evidence-based policies, decisions and program delivery. Geodesy is used every day, in the fields of civil engineering, industrial automation, agriculture, construction, mining, financial transactions, intelligent transport systems, disaster response and emergency management, environmental studies and scientific research. Furthermore, geodesy enables accurate collection, management and alignment of nationally integrated geospatial information – a key requirement for societal, environmental and economic activities, the measuring and monitoring of progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Small Island Developing States Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, and other global, regional and national development agenda and initiatives.

  • From minerals to meteorites, this presentation will delve into the amazing specimens held at the National Mineral & Fossil Collection, explore our recent work and projects, and identify our diverse stakeholders that we interact with as part of our goals of custodianship, education, outreach, and research support. The National Mineral & Fossil Collection houses world-class mineral, meteorite, fossil, and rock thin-section specimens. The collection is of scientific, historic, aesthetic, and social significance. Geoscience Australia is responsible for the management and preservation of the collection, as well as facilitating access to the collection for research, geoscience education, and public engagement. The collection contains an impressive: • 20,000 gem, mineral and meteorite specimens from localities in Australia and across the globe. • 45,000 published palaeontological specimens contained in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection (CPC). • 1,000,000 unpublished fossils in a ‘Bulk Fossil’ collection. • 100,000 rock thin section slides. • 200 historical geoscience instruments including, cartography, geophysical, and laboratory equipment.

  • Geoscience Australia’s Discovery & Engagement team are developing a comprehensive plan to make our public spaces and programs more inclusive for visitors and staff. This will involve a multi-year journey to find effective ways to showcase the varied work of our staff and the relevance of Earth science to all Australians. To inform this work, GA undertook a series of audience research studies across a range of audiences to unearth interest in, knowledge about, and attitudes towards Earth science as a topic. This work involved a literature review, public surveys and focus groups, and audience testing for a new exhibit called Rocks that Shape Australia. This research is presented combined with recent findings from outreach work by the Exploring for the Future Geoscience Knowledge Sharing project team. Join us for intriguing insights into what the public know, think and feel about Earth science.

  • Australia's coastline is exposed to tsunamis generated by large subduction earthquakes in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. While recent events had limited impacts in Australia, future earthquakes could in-principle direct much larger waves to our coast. With only a few hours between earthquake detection and tsunami arrival, prior planning is necessary to guide the emergency response. To this end we need an understanding of tsunami hazards: which coastal areas might be inundated, how deep, and how likely? This talk will discuss recent progress in tsunami inundation hazard assessment at Geoscience Australia. We adopt a probabilistic approach to the problem, which involves modelling hypothetical earthquake-tsunamis from major Indian and Pacific Ocean sources, their effects onshore, and their (uncertain) chance of occurrence. To illuminate the science underlying this we will consider: 1. How well tsunami models can simulate historical tsunamis; 2. Representations of hypothetical tsunamis and their natural variability; 3. New techniques to compute onshore hazards while accounting for uncertain earthquake frequencies.

  • Antarctica conjures images of expansive white icesheets but what about the 1% not covered by ice? Though small, these exposed islands of rock are hotspots of human and animal activity. Tourism, infrastructure development, and research activities can harm these fragile environments and in the dry Antarctic climate, damage from walking and vehicle tracks can persist for years. Geoscience Australia’s landscape vulnerability project has been addressing knowledge gaps about how these environments react to disturbance by people, how they recover, and new methods to track landscape change. Through this work, GA is helping build Australia’s capability as a leader in Antarctic environmental stewardship and meet our obligations under the Antarctic Treaty System and domestic legislation.

  • Compilation of age and endowment data on volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS), porphyry copper, orthomagmatic nickel, orogenic gold, granite-related rare metal and pegmatite deposits (nearly 1200 deposits from 21 mineral provinces) indicate that metallogenic patterns change over time. For much of Earth’s history, the metallogenesis of convergent margins is marked by a relatively systematic temporal progression of deposits, the convergent margin metallogenic cycle (CMMC): VHMS, calc-alkalic porphyry copper and orthomagmatic nickel → orogenic gold → alkalic porphyry copper, granite-related rare metal and pegmatite. Typically CMMCs last 70-170 Myr, and the progression appears to be related to the convergent margin tectonic cycle (Collins and Richards, 2008). Prior to ~3100 Ma, however, CMMCs are not recognised. Rather, these old mineral provinces are characterised by long metallogenic histories (400-500 Myr) with an irregular distribution of deposits. The Mesoarchean to Mesoproterozoic is characterised mostly by mineral provinces with short (80-150 Myr) metallogenic histories and a single CMMC. Between 1900 Ma and 1800 Ma, however, some mineral provinces (e.g. Trans-Hudson and Sveccofennian) are characterised by multiple CMMCs, with total metallogenic histories that last up to 200 Myr. Paleoproterozoic provinces with multiple CMMCs formed by the consumption of internal seas, whereas mineral provinces on outward-facing convergent margin typically have only one CMMC. After ~800 Ma, convergent margins are mostly long-lived (290-480 Myr) and are characterised by multiple CMMCs with complex metallogenic histories. The changes in the metallogenesis of convergent margins reflect changes in tectonic processes through time. Prior to 3100 Ma, stagnant lid tectonics, which did not involve subduction, resulted in the formation of oceanic plateaus with irregular periods of mineralisation. After the initiation of subduction at ~3100 Ma, the style of metallogenesis changed. The dominance of provinces with a single CMMC from 3100 to 800 Ma suggests that convergent margins were unstable and could be shut down easily. This is consistent with models of shallow-break-off subduction whereby the subducting slab breaks off at shallow levels due to the lower plate strength in the Archean and the early part of the Proterozoic. When the slab breaks off, the subduction system shuts down and produces a single CMMC. Only in cases where factors such as closure of internal seas force continued subduction do multiple CMMCs occur. The change to longer metallogenic histories and multiple CMMCs at ~800 Ma is likely the consequence of the cooling of the mantle, which increases plate strength, allowing subduction of cold slabs deeper into the mantle and more stable convergence: continuous ridge push and the density of oceanic crust causes re-initiated of subduction further outboard rather than complete termination of subduction when the convergent margin is perturbed by the accretion of an exotic block or other tectonic event. Subduction only terminates upon collision of two major crustal blocks. As a consequence, the metallogenic history or geological young convergent margins is long with multiple CMMIs and/or complex temporal interleaving of deposit types.

  • This talk presents an overview of flood vulnerability research in the Community Safety Branch at Geoscience Australia. It covers work looking at the tangible and intangible costs of floods. Vulnerability models for residential, commercial and industrial buildings are described. The cost-effectiveness of structural mitigation options have been evaluated in recent work undertaken in collaboration with Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC. The presentation highlights the utility of this research in reducing flood risk in Australian communities.