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  • Interpretation of the Thomson Orogen and its context within the Tasmanides of eastern Australia is hampered by vast areas of deep sedimentary cover which also mask potential relationships between central and eastern Australia. Within covered areas, basement drill cores offer the only direct geological information. This study presents new detrital zircon isotopic data for these drill cores and poorly understood outcropping units to provide new age and provenance information on the Thomson Orogen. Two distinct detrital zircon signatures are revealed. One is dominated by Grenvillian-aged (1300900 Ma) zircons with a significant peak at ~1180 Ma and lesser peak at ~1070 Ma. These age peaks, along with Lu-Hf isotopic compositions (median Hf(t) = +1.5), dominantly mantle-like 18O values (median = 5.53) and model ages of ~1.89 Ga, support a Musgrave Province (central Australia) source. The dominance of Grenvillian-aged material additionally points to deposition during the Petermann Orogney (570530 Ma) when the Musgrave Province was uplifted shedding abundant material to the Centralian Superbasin. Comparable age spectra suggest that parts of the Thomson Orogen were connected to the Centralian Superbasin during this period. We use the term `Syn-Petermann to describe this signature which is observed in two drill cores adjacent to the North Australian Craton and scattered units in the outcropping Thomson Orogen. The second signature marks a significant provenance shift and is remarkably consistent throughout the Thomson Orogen. Age spectra exhibit dominant peaks at 600560 Ma, lesser 1300900 Ma populations and maximum depositional ages of ~496 Ma. This pattern is termed the `Pacific Gondwana detrital zircon signature and is recognised throughout eastern Australia, Antarctica and central Australia. LuHf isotope data for Thomson Orogen rocks with this signature is highly variable with Hf(t) values between -49 and +10 and dominantly supracrustal 18O values suggesting input from different and more diverse source regions.

  • In 2017, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) completed the State Natural Hazard Risk Assessment which evaluated the risks presented to Queensland by seven in-scope natural hazards. This publication can be found at The risks presented by tsunami were not evaluated as part of this assessment as there were State and Commonwealth projects underway at the time that would better inform the understanding of the hazard. These have since been completed and now underpin this guide. Following the release of the State Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and through consultation with stakeholders at all levels of Queensland’s Disaster Management Arrangements, the need for consistent information regarding Queensland’s risk from tsunami impact and inundation was identified. Accordingly, this Tsunami Guide for Queensland was developed, with support from Geoscience Australia and the Department of Environment and Science’s Coastal Impacts Unit (CIU), through a consultative process which also helped contextualise the findings of Geoscience Australia’s Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment 2018 (PTHA18) for Queensland.

  • This GA Record is one of a series of 4 reports completed by the GA Groundwater Group under the National Collaboration Framework Project Agreement with the Office of Water Science (Dept of the Environment). The report was originally submitted to OWS as a GA Professional Opinion, and was subsequently reviewed by Queensland government. The Laura Basin in north Queensland is a priority coal-bearing sedimentary basin that is not currently slated for Bioregional Assessment.

  • <p>Dataset "Detailed surface geology – Upper Burdekin basalt provinces", downloaded from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue in April 2017 and clipped to the Upper Burdekin basalt provinces. <p>The polygons in this dataset are a digital representation of the distribution or extent of geological units within the area. Polygons have a range of attributes including unit name, age, lithological description and an abbreviated symbol for use in labelling the polygons. These have been extracted from the Rock Units Table held in Department of Natural Resources and Mines MERLIN Database. <p>© State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) 2017 Creative Commons Attribution

  • The Cloncurry Extension Magnetotelluric (MT) Survey is located north of the township of Cloncurry, in the Eastern Succession of the Mount Isa Province. The survey expands MT coverage to the north and west of the 2016 Cloncurry MT survey. The survey was funded out of the Queensland Government’s Strategic Resources Exploration Program, which aims to support discovery of mineral deposits in the Mount Isa Region. The survey area is predominantly covered by conductive sediments of the Carpentaria Basin. The cover thickness ranges from zero metres in the extreme south west of the survey, to over 345 meters in the north. Acquisition started in August 2019 and was completed in October 2020. The acquisition was managed under an collaborative framework agreement between the Geological Survey of Queensland and Geoscience Australia until April 2020, after which the GSQ took over management of the project. Zonge Engineering and Research Organization were responsible for field acquisition. Data were collected at 2 km station spacing on a regular grid with a target bandwidth of 0.0001 – 1000 s. Instruments were left recording for a minimum of 24 hours unless disturbed by animals. The low signal strength posed a significant impediment for acquiring data to 1000 s, even with the 24 hour deployments. Almost all sites have data to 100 s, with longer period data at numerous sites.

  • This grid dataset is an estimation of the relative surface potential for recharge within the McBride Basalt Province. This process combined numerous factors together as to highlight the areas likely to have higher potential for recharge to occur. Soil permeability and surface geology are the primary inputs. Vegetation and slope were excluded from consideration, as these were considered to add too much complexity. Furthermore, this model does not include rainfall intensity – although this is known to vary spatially through average rainfall grids, this model is a depiction of the ground ability for recharge to occur should a significant rainfall event occur in each location. The relative surface potential recharge presented is estimated through a combination of soil and geological factors, weighting regions that are considered likely to have greater potential for recharge (e.g. younger basalts, vent-proximal facies, and highly permeable soils). Near-surface permeability of soil layers has been considered as a quantified input to the ability for water to infiltrate soil strata. It was hypothesised that locations proximal to volcanic vents would be preferential recharge sites, due to deeply penetrative columnar jointing. This suggestion is based on observations in South Iceland, where fully-penetrating columnar joint sets are more prevalent in proximal facies compared to distal facies in South Iceland (Bergh & Sigvaldson 1991). To incorporate this concept, preferential recharge sites are assumed to be within the polygons of vent-proximal facies as derived from detailed geological mapping datasets. Remaining geology has been categorised to provide higher potential recharge through younger lava flows. As such, a ranking between geological units has been used to provide the variation in potential recharge estimates. <b>References</b> Bergh, S. G., & Sigvaldason, G. E. (1991). Pleistocene mass-flow deposits of basaltic hyaloclastite on a shallow submarine shelf, South Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, 53(8), 597-611. doi:10.1007/bf00493688

  • The Upper Burdekin Chloride Mass Balance Recharge web service depicts the recharge rates have been estimated at borehole locations in the Nulla and McBride basalt provinces. Using rainfall rates, rainfall chemistry and groundwater chemistry, the recharge rates have been estimated through the Chloride Mass Balance approach.

  • <div>Ask a Queenslander where tropical cyclones (TCs) occur, and the inevitable response will be North Queensland. Whilst most of the tropical cyclones have made landfall north of Bundaberg, the cascading and concurrent effects are felt much further afield. The major flooding following TC Yasi in 2011 and TC Debbie in 2017, are just two examples where impacts were felt across the State, and of course, the wind impacts to the banana plantation following TC Larry (2006) was felt nationally.&nbsp;</div><div> &nbsp;</div><div>South East Queensland has not been forgotten when it comes to tropical cyclone impact with an event crossing Coolangatta in 1954. There was also the more recent TC Gabrielle which tracked offshore on its path southwards to New Zealand.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Acknowledging that climate is influencing the intensity and frequency of more intense severe weather hazards, understanding how tropical cyclone hazard varies under future climate conditions is critical to risk-based planning in Queensland. With this climate influence, along with increasing population and more vulnerable building design in South East Queensland (relative to northern Queensland), there is an urgent need to assess the wind risk and set in place plans to reduce the impacts of a potential tropical cyclone impact in South East Queensland. <b>Citation:</b> Sexton, J., Tait, M., Turner, H., Arthur, C., Henderson, D., Edwards, M; Preparing for the expected: tropical cyclones in South East Queensland.<i> AJEM</i> 38:4, October 2023, pages 33-39.

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. As part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program with contributions from the Geological Survey of Queensland, long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data for the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) were collected using Geoscience Australia's LEMI-424 instruments on a half-degree grid across Queensland from April 2021 to November 2022. This survey aims to map the electrical resistivity structures in the region. These results provide additional information about the lithospheric architecture and geodynamic processes, as well as valuable precompetitive data for resource exploration in this region. This data release package includes processed MT data, a preferred 3D resistivity model projected to GDA94 MGA Zone 54 and associated information for this project. The processed MT data were stored in EDI format, which is the industry standard format defined by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists. The preferred 3D resistivity model was derived from previous EFTF AusLAMP data acquired from 2016-2019 and recently acquired AusLAMP data in Queensland. The model is in SGrid format and geo-referenced TIFF format.

  • A SkyTEM airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown over Surat and Galilee regions of Queensland, Australia during July 2017. The Surat-Galilee area was surveyed, with multiple survey sites in Orana, Injune and Galilee. The area is comprised of 1293 line kilometres in Orana, 552 line kilometres in Injune and 2922 line kilometres in Galilee. A total of 4767 line kilometres were flown for this survey. The projected grid coordinates have been supplied in GDA94 MGA Zone 55 for Galilee and Injune and in MGA zone 56 for Orana. The aim of the survey is to provide at a reconnaissance scale: a) trends in regolith thickness and variability b) variations in bedrock conductivity c) conductivity of key bedrock (lithology related) conductive units under cover d) the groundwater resource potential of the region e) palaeovalley systems known to exist in the region.