seismic reflection
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The Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government from 2006 to 2011 to reduce risk in energy exploration. The program was delivered by Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with state and territory geological surveys, the National Research Facility for Earth Sounding (ANSIR) and AuScope. During this program approximately 6,500 line kilometres of deep crustal seismic reflection data were acquired and processed. The seismic images provide an understanding of the crustal architecture of sedimentary basins and their tectonic relationship to older basement terrains. Deep crust and upper mantle structures were also imaged and the Moho boundary could often be interpreted. The 2D seismic reflection data were acquired using three vibroseis trucks, with three 12 s variable frequency sweeps at each vibration point, usually with frequencies from 6 to 96 Hz. Correlated 20 s data were recorded, imaging to approximately 60 km depth. 300 geophone groups at 40 m intervals and 80 m source intervals provided 75 fold data. Data processing included imaging shallow sedimentary basins and also complex, deep, steeply dipping crystalline rock structures with high stacking velocities and out of plane energy. The seismic data, complemented by other geophysical and geological data, helped constrain and develop geological models. These models improved the understanding of crustal architecture in known hydrocarbon and metalliferous provinces as well as in frontier geological terrains.
Gravity surveys were conducted of the Gippsland Lakes district during 1949 and 1951. Both surveys showed an anomaly immediately to the north of Lake Wellington, the magnetic anomaly being a little displaced to the north-west of the gravity anomaly. The size and nature of the magnetic anomaly suggested that it might be due to rocks with higher than normal magnetic susceptibility in the basement complex. The gravity anomaly might be due to a buried hill in the Jurassic or basement, perhaps associated with the same feature which is responsible for the magnetic anomaly. Such a buried hill could result in a geological structure favourable to the accumulation of oil being present in the overlying Tertiary rocks, and in order to test whether or not a favourable structure existed a seismic reflection survey was undertaken by the Bureau. This report deals with the results of the seismic survey. Two north-south traverses and one running east-west and crossing the other two were surveyed.
This report covers the results of a seismic reflection traverse on a portion of the Giralia anticline which has been mapped in Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks in the North-West basin. The work constitutes a part of a general programme of investigation which the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, has been carrying out on Permit areas held by Ampol Petroleum Ltd. in this area. The seismic traverse described herein lies along the main road joining Giralia and Bullara homesteads and crosses the northern end of the Giralia structure. Tests were made with shooting in shot holes and also by air shooting. In addition, a refraction spread was shot along the axis of the anticline. This report gives an account of this investigation. Technical matters, such as interpretation technique and the symbols used in plotting results, are briefly noted. The results of the study and subsequent conclusions are discussed.
Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Youanmi Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program and Western Australia's Exploration Incentive Scheme. The objective of the survey was to image the northwest Yilgarn Craton to the Ida Fault crossing the Meekatharra structural zone, a focus of gold mineralization. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files, TIFF and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Geoscience Australia (GA) has been acquiring both broadband and long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data over the last few years along deep seismic reflection survey lines across Australia, often in collaboration with the States/Territory geological surveys and the University of Adelaide. Recently, new three-dimensional (3D) inversion code has become available from Oregon State University. This code is parallelised and has been compiled on the NCI supercomputer at the Australian National University. Much of the structure of the Earth in the regions of the seismic surveys is complex and 3D, and MT data acquired along profiles in such regions are better imaged by using 3D code rather than 1D or 2D code. Preliminary conductivity models produced from the Youanmi MT survey in Western Australia correlate well with interpreted seismic structures and contain more geological information than previous 2D models. GA has commenced a program to re-model with the new code MT data previously acquired to provide more robust information on the conductivity structure of the shallow to deep Earth in the vicinity of the seismic transects.
Many of the onshore sedimentary basins in Australia are underexplored with respect to hydrocarbons. With domestic oil production in steady decline, and increasing offshore exploration costs, the Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government over five years (2006-2011), for Geoscience Australia to provide precompetitive geoscience data and assessments of the potential for onshore energy resources. As part of the Onshore Energy Security Program, deep seismic reflection data have been acquired across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. The basins studied in this project include the Arrowie Basin (South Australia) and the Burke River Structural Zone of the Georgina Basin (northwest Queensland). The interpretation of deep seismic reflection profiles from these onshore sedimentary basins focussed on the overall stratigraphic and structural architecture of the basins. Petroleum systems maturation modelling was also undertaken to increase the understanding of the petroleum potential of these basins.
2009 Georgina-Arunta Seismic and MT Surveys - Acquisition and Processing
The Onshore Energy Security Program, funded by the Australian Government and conducted by Geoscience Australia, has acquired deep seismic reflection data, in conjunction with State and Territory geological surveys, across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. Here, we present data from two seismic lines collected in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 crossed the Carboniferous to Permian Arckaringa Basin is imaged as a series of depocentres forming the Phillipson and Penrhyn Troughs, with a much thinner succession connecting the depocentres, and extending well to the north. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 also crosses the Neoproterozoic to Devonian eastern Officer Basin. The basin is structurally complex in this area, being dominated by south-directed thrust faults and fault-related folds, providing potential for underthrust petroleum plays. Seismic line 08GA-OM1 also images the southern margin of the Amadeus Basin Seismic line 09GA-GA1 crossed the northeastern part of the Amadeus Basin and the complete width of the southern Georgina Basin in the Northern Territory. Structural and sequence stratigraphic interpretations of the seismic lines will be presented here, to be followed by an assessment of the petroleum potential of the basins. In the northeast, seismic line 09GA-GA1 crosses two parts of the basin separated by the Paleoproteroozic to Mesoproterozoic Casey Inlier. Seismic line 09GA-GA1 was positioned to cross that part of the southern Georgina Basin where the basin has a complex southern margin, with Neoproterozoic stratigraphy being thrust interleaved with basement rocks of the Arunta Region.
The Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (BMR) conducted a seismic survey in the Denison Trough, in the western part of the Bowen Basin in Queensland in 1979. The survey continued work commenced in 1978 aimed at delineating the configuration of the trough and providing stratigraphic information from the Permian sequence which, in conjunction with current Geological Survey of Queensland stratigraphic studies, would enable reliable stratigraphic correlations to be made throughout the trough. The survey obtained 265 km of digitally recorded mainly six-fold Common-Depth-Point seismic reflection data.
A seismic reflection traverse was shot over the Deep Well Anticline, Myroodah, WA, between August and October, 1954. The anticline had been geologically mapped at the surface and closure was suspected in sediments of the Liveringa Fonnation. The selsmic results showed that the anticlinal structure becomes more pronounced in depth and extends to a depth of 24,000 feet. Further seismic work is recommended to delineate the structure and prove closure.