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  • Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Youanmi Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program and Western Australia's Exploration Incentive Scheme. The objective of the survey was to image the northwest Yilgarn Craton to the Ida Fault crossing the Meekatharra structural zone, a focus of gold mineralization. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files, TIFF and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • A seismic reflection traverse was shot over the Deep Well Anticline, Myroodah, WA, between August and October, 1954. The anticline had been geologically mapped at the surface and closure was suspected in sediments of the Liveringa Fonnation. The selsmic results showed that the anticlinal structure becomes more pronounced in depth and extends to a depth of 24,000 feet. Further seismic work is recommended to delineate the structure and prove closure.

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2009 Rankins Springs Extension Seismic Survey (L188), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP), in conjunction with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSWDPI). Stack and migrated data are included for line 09GA-RS2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2008 Rankins Springs Seismic Survey (L188), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP), in conjunction with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSWDPI). Stack and migrated data are included for lines 08GA-RS1 and 08GA-RS2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Seismic refraction investigations were made at five sites in the vicinity of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in August 1962. This work was done, at the request of the Bureau of Mineral Resources Observatory Group, to select the most suitable site for a seismological observatory. In view of the desirable features for such a site - a bedrock having a high seismic velocity and a bedrock at shallow depth - a site about three miles west of Alice Springs is recommended as the most suitable; the bedrock material has a velocity of 17,800 ft/s and the thickness of overburden is less than 20 ft.

  • Terrex Seismic was contracted by ANSIR to conduct seismic recording operations for Ballarat Goldfields NL to acquire approximately ten (10) kilometers of high resolution 2D data within the Ballarat region of Victoria. Recording commenced on the 8th May 2006 and was completed 3 days later on the 11th May 2006. The acquisition area of the Ballarat High-Res 2D was situated approximately eight (8) kilometers south of the township of Ballarat.

  • An experimental high-resolution seismic survey was undertaken in the Pilliga State Forest near Narrabri, NSW in April 2003. The Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) carried out the field work on behalf of a Geoscience Australia research project. A NSW State Forests Special Purposes Permit was obtained for the survey. This survey was designed to collect a seismic dataset for shallow high-resolution seismic imaging in an area of known high data quality. Both P- and S-wave seismic sources were employed with data recorded using 14 Hz 3 component geophones. The objective of this project was to provide researchers with an over-sampled multi-component, multi-source shallow high-resolution seismic data set for the development of acquisition and processing methodologies.

  • <p>In preparation for a National Geoscience Mapping Accord project involving a seismic survey planned for 1993, seismic tests were conducted on the Nullarbor Plain south of Cook to investigate the feasibility of imaging the sedimentary sequences and basement beneath the platform carbonates of the Eucla Basin, and to anticipate scientific and logistic difficulties associated with seismic acquisition on the Nullarbor Plain.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74950</b>

  • A ~400 km long deep crustal reflection seismic survey was acquired in central Victoria, Australia, in 2006. It has provided information on crustal architecture across the western Lachlan Orogen and has greatly added to the understanding of the tectonic evolution. The east-dipping Moyston Fault is confirmed as the suture between the Delamerian and western Lachlan Orogens, and is shown to extend down to the Moho. The Avoca Fault, the boundary between the Stawell and Bendigo Zones, is a west-dipping listric reverse fault that intersects the Moyston Fault at a depth of about 22 km, forming a V-shaped geometry. Both the Stawell and Bendigo Zones can be divided broadly into a lower crustal region of interlayered and imbricated metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks and an upper crustal region of tightly folded metasedimentary rocks. The Stawell Zone was probably part of a Cambrian accretionary system along the eastern Gondwanaland margin, and mafic rocks may have been partly consumed by Cambrian subduction. Much of the Early Cambrian oceanic crust beneath the Bendigo Zone was not subducted, and is preserved as a crustal-scale imbricate thrust stack. The seismic data have shown that a thin-skinned structural model appears to be valid for much of the Melbourne Zone, whereas the Stawell and Bendigo Zones have a thick-skinned structural style. Internal faults in the Stawell and Bendigo Zones are mostly west-dipping listric faults, which extend from the surface to near the base of the crust. The Heathcote Fault Zone, the boundary between the Bendigo and Melbourne Zones, extends to at least 20 km, and possibly to the Moho. A striking feature in the seismic data is the markedly different seismic character of the mid to lower crust of the Melbourne Zone. The deep seismic reflection data for the Melbourne Zone have revealed a multilayered crustal structure that supports the Selwyn Block model. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • The Vibroseis method of seismic exploration was first introduced into Australia during 1963. In accordance with the programme for accelerated oil search, the Bureau of Mineral Resources employed a Vibroseis seismic party to demonstrate the performance of the method in various problem areas within the Otway and Sydney Basins, the locations of which are indicated on the regional map. The Experimental Vibroseis Seismic Survey was conducted by Seismograph Service Limited. Party 243. on behalf of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics during the period from 11th May to 3rd October, 1964. The broad objective of the survey was to demonstrate the capabilities of the Vibroseis method in selected areas where previous conventional seismic surveys had experienced difficulties in obtaining results and where various seismic problems had been defined. The main aim of the survey was to obtain good quality results rather than a high production rate yielding poorer quality data. However, as a secondary objective, some short production traverses were recorded USing the optimum field technique developed during the course of the survey for comparison e with normal shot hole production techniques.