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  • The aim of this document is to * outline the general process adopted by Geoscience Australia in modelling storm surge inundation for projects conducted in collaboration with Australian and State Government planning agencies * allow discoverability of all data used to generate the products for the collaborative projects as well as internal activities

  • The development of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and mitigation System (IOTWS) has occurred rapidly over the past few years and there are now a number of centres that perform tsunami modelling within the Indian Ocean, both for risk assessment and for the provision of forecasts and warnings. The aim of this work is to determine to what extent event-specific tsunami forecasts from different numerical forecast systems differ. This will have implications for the inter-operability of the IOTWS. Forecasts from eight separate tsunami forecast systems are considered. Eight hypothetical earthquake scenarios within the Indian Ocean and ten output points at a range of depths were defined. Each forecast centre provided, where possible, time series of sea-level elevation for each of the scenarios at each location. Comparison of the resulting time series shows that the main details of the tsunami forecast, such as arrival times and characteristics of the leading waves are similar. However, there is considerable variability in the value of the maximum amplitude (hmax) for each event and on average, the standard deviation of hmax is approximately 70% of the mean. This variability is likely due to differences in the implementations of the forecast systems, such as different numerical models, specification of initial conditions, bathymetry datasets, etc. The results suggest that it is possible that tsunami forecasts and advisories from different centres for a particular event may conflict with each other. This represents the range of uncertainty that exists in the real-time situation.

  • Stations on the Australian continent receive a rich mixture of ambient seismic noise from the surrounding oceans and the numerous small earthquakes in the earthquake belts to the north in Indonesia, and east in Tonga-Kermadec, as well as more distant source zones. The noise field at a seismic station contains information about the structure in the vicinity of the site, and this can be exploited by applying an autocorrelation procedure to the continuous records. By creating stacked autocorrelograms of the ground motion at a single station, information on crust properties can be extracted in the form of a signal that includes the crustal reflection response convolved with the autocorrelation of the combined effect of source excitation and the instrument response. After applying suitable high pass filtering the reflection component can be extracted to reveal the most prominent reflectors in the lower crust, which often correspond to the reflection at the Moho. Because the reflection signal is stacked from arrivals from a wide range of slownesses, the reflection response is somewhat diffuse, but still sufficient to provide useful constraints on the local crust beneath a seismic station. Continuous vertical component records from 223 stations (permanent and temporary) across the continent have been processed using autocorrelograms of running windows 6 hours long with subsequent stacking. A distinctive pulse with a time offset between 8 and 30 s from zero is found in the autocorrelation results, with frequency content between 1.5 and 4 Hz suggesting P-wave multiples trapped in the crust. Synthetic modelling, with control of multiple phases, shows that a local Ppmp phase can be recovered with the autocorrelation approach. This approach can be used for crustal property extraction using just vertical component records, and effective results can be obtained with temporary deployments of just a few months.

  • The information within this document and associated DVD is intended to assist emergency managers in tsunami planning and preparation activities. The Attorney General's Department (AGD) has supported Geoscience Australia (GA) in developing a range of products to support the understanding of tsunami hazard through the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project. The work reported here is intended to further build the capacity of the QLD State Government in developing inundation models for prioritised locations. Internally stored data /nas/cds/internal/hazard_events/sudden_onset_hazards/tsunami_inundation/gold_coast/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009

  • Keynote presentation to cover * the background to tsunami modelling in Australia * what the modelling showed * why the modelling is important to emergency managers * the importance of partnerships * future challenges

  • The information within this document and associated DVD is intended to assist emergency managers in tsunami planning and preparation activities. The Attorney General's Department (AGD) has supported Geoscience Australia (GA) in developing a range of products to support the understanding of tsunami hazard through the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project. The work reported here is intended to further build the capacity of the Tasmanian State Government in developing inundation models for prioritised locations.

  • Natural hazards such as floods, dam breaks, storm surges and tsunamis impact communities around the world every year. To reduce the impact, accurate modelling is required to predict where water will go, and at what speed, before the event has taken place. ANUGA is free, open source, software created to model water flow arising from these events. The resulting knowledge can be used to reduce loss of life and damage to property in communities affected by such disasters by providing vital input to evacuation plans, structural mitigation options and planning. The software was developed collaboratively by the Australian National University (ANU) and Geoscience Australia (GA) and is available at ANUGA solves the non-linear shallow water wave equations using the finite volume method with dynamic time stepping. A major capability of ANUGA is that it can model the process of wetting and drying as water enters and leaves an area. This means it is suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or dry land and around structures such as buildings. ANUGA is also capable of modelling complex flows involving shock waves and rapidly changing flow speeds (transitions from sub critical to super critical flows). ANUGA is a robust software package that contains over 800 unit tests. It has been validated against wave tank experiments [1] and model outputs from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami have compared very well with a run-up survey at Patong Beach, Thailand. This particular activity has also underpinned the results provided to Australian emergency managers managing tsunami risk. This presentation will outline the key components of ANUGA, examples for a range of hydrodynamic hazards as well as a sample of validation outputs.

  • The major tsunamis of the last few years have dramatically raised awareness of the possibility of potentially damaging tsunami reaching the shores of Australia and to the other countries in the region. Here we present three probabilistic hazard assessments for tsunami generated by megathrust earthquakes in the Indian, Pacific and southern Atlantic Oceans. One of the assessments was done for Australia, one covered the island nations in the Southwest Pacific and one was for all the countries surrounding the Indian Ocean Basin

  • Natural hazards such as floods, dam breaks, storm surges and tsunamis impact communities around the world every year. To reduce the impact, accurate modelling is required to predict where water will go, and at what speed, before the event has taken place.

  • Geoscience Australia has collaboratively developed a number of open source software models and tools to estimate hazard, impact and risk to communicaties for a range of natural hazard to support disaster risk reduction in Australia and the region. These models and tools include: * ANUGA * EQRM * TCRM * TsuDAT * RICS * FiDAT This presentation will discuss the drivers for developing these models and tools using open source software and the benefits to the end-users in the emergency management and planning community as well as the broader research community. Progress and plans for these models and tools will also be outlined in particular those that take advantage of the availability of high performance computing, cloud computing, webservices and global initiatives such as the Global Earthquake Model.