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  • Geographic extent: The study area covers Woody Island and the surrounding seabed, located approximately 15 km SE of the town of Esperance in Western Australia . Contents: Reson TM Seabat 8125 multibeam sonar data and associated backscatter intensity, sediment grab sample and core location data, Quickbird satellite imagery. Data Source: The visualisation contains data aquired as part of the Coastal CRC's Coastal Water Habitat Mapping project, during 2003 - 2005. Size: The total size of the model and all associated files is 2.7Mb. The initial download for the base HTML documents and the Woody Island surface is 970Kb.

  • The regular release of offshore acreage is a key part of the Australian Government's strategy to encourage investment in petroleum exploration. This CD product contains six interactive 3D VRML models of the 2007 acreage release areas and was created for distribution at the 2007 APPEA conference and for later distribution via the web.

  • The Capel and Faust basins lie at water depths of 1,500-3,000 m 800 km east of Brisbane. Geoscience Australia began a petroleum prospectivity study of these remote frontier basins with the acquisition of 2D geophysical data (seismic reflection, refraction, gravity, magnetic, multi-beam bathymetry) across an area of 87,000 km2 during 2006/07. The approach mapped the complex distribution of sub-basins and determined sediment thickness through integration of traditional 2D time-domain seismic interpretation techniques with 3D mapping, visualisation and gravity modelling. Forward and inverse 3D gravity models were used to inform the seismic interpretation process and test the seismic basement pick. Gravity models had three sediment layers with inferred average densities of 1.85, 2.13, 2.31 t/m3 overlying a pre-rift basement of density 2.54 t/m3, itself considered to consist of older basin material evidently intruded by igneous rocks. Conversion of travel times of interpreted seismic horizons to depth domain was achieved using a quadratic function derived from ray-tracing forward modelling of refraction data supplemented by stacking interval velocities, and densities for gravity modelling were inferred from the same velocity models. These models suggest sediment of average velocity 3.5 km/s reaches a thickness exceeding 6 km in the northwest of the area, and for the first time mapped the extent and depth of sediment in these basins. The results of the study have confirmed that sediment thickness in the Capel and Faust basins is sufficient in places for potential petroleum generation.

  • This is a compilation of all the processed multibeam bathymetry data that Geoscience Australia holds in its database for the Cato, West and Birds Island (Coral Sea) in the northeastern coast of Queensland. The compilation and the processing of GA's bathymetric data in the Coral Sea was produced following a request by an external client in July 2013.

  • Data from a VTEM airborne electromagnetic survey over resistive terrain is examined. Forward modelling and analysis of high-altitude lines shows that the amplitudes of random noise, bucking error, processing corrections and geological signals can be large compared to the geological signal in the resistive terrain. The negative impacts of the low geological signal to noise ratio on conductivity estimates generated by layered-earth inversion and conductivity transformations are demonstrated. The reader is alerted to the degree of uncertainty and non-uniqueness that is inherent in conductivity estimates generated from similar datasets.

  • The aim of this document is to: * outline the general process adopted by Geoscience Australia in modelling tsunami inundation for a range of projects conducted in collaboration with Australian and State Government emergency management agencies * allow discoverability of all data used to generate the products for the collaborative projects as well as internal activities.

  • Seismological data are used for a variety of purposes, from earthquake hazard zonation to mapping Earth structure and mineral resource exploration. The immense volumes of seismic data now available challenge the application of routine seismic analysis techniques using existing tools. These tools fail to take advantage of recent advances in computing hardware and data formats. Given the scale of data to process and the computational complexity of algorithms involved, a more efficient approach that scales on high-performance computing and data (HPC-HPD) platforms is needed. In addition, different agencies have tended to use bespoke and ad hoc data formats, data curation processes and quality standards, hindering large-scale analyses and modelling. High-performance seismological tools (HiPerSeis) facilitate the transformation of source seismological data into formats geared towards HPC-HPD platforms. HiPerSeis also implements optimised seismological workflows that can be run at large scale on HPC-HPD platforms. <b>Citation:</b> Hassan, R., Hejrani, B., Medlin, A., Gorbatov, A. and Zhang, F., 2020. High-performance seismological tools (HiPerSeis). In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • To improve exploration success undercover, the UNCOVER initiative identified high-resolution 3D seismic velocity characterisation of the Australian plate as a high priority. To achieve this goal, the Australian Government and academia have united around the Australian Passive Seismic Array Project (AusArray). The aim is to obtain a national half-degree data coverage and an updatable 3D national velocity model, which grows in resolution as more data become available. AusArray combines data collected from the Australian National Seismological Network (ANSN), multiple academic transportable arrays (supported by AuScope and individual grants) and the Seismometers in Schools program. The Exploring for the Future program has enable the unification of these datasets and a doubling of the national rate of data acquisition. Extensive quality control checks have been applied across the AusArray dataset to improve the robustness of subsequent tomographic inversion and interpretation. These data and inversion code framework allow robust national-scale imaging of the Earth to be rapidly undertaken at depths of a few metres to hundreds of kilometres. <b>Citation:</b> Gorbatov, A., Czarnota, K., Hejrani, B., Haynes, M., Hassan, R., Medlin, A., Zhao, J., Zhang, F., Salmon, M., Tkalčić, H., Yuan, H., Dentith, M., Rawlinson, N., Reading, A.M., Kennett, B.L.N., Bugden, C. and Costelloe, M., 2020. AusArray: quality passive seismic data to underpin updatable national velocity models of the lithosphere. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4. <b>Data for this product are available on request from (see data description). Last updated 08/08/2024 - Quote eCat# 135284</b>

  • In this paper a new benchmark for tsunami model validation is pro- posed. The benchmark is based upon the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which provides a uniquely large amount of observational data for model comparison. Unlike the small number of existing benchmarks, the pro- posed test validates all three stages of tsunami evolution - generation, propagation and inundation. Specifically we use geodetic measurements of the Sumatra{Andaman earthquake to validate the tsunami source, al- timetry data from the jason satellite to test open ocean propagation, eye-witness accounts to assess near shore propagation and a detailed inundation survey of Patong Bay, Thailand to compare model and observed inundation. Furthermore we utilise this benchmark to further validate the hydrodynamic modelling tool anuga which is used to simulate the tsunami inundation. Important buildings and other structures were incorporated into the underlying computational mesh and shown to have a large inuence of inundation extent. Sensitivity analysis also showed that the model predictions are comparatively insensitive to large changes in friction and small perturbations in wave weight at the 100 m depth contour.

  • Poster describing synthetic thermal modelling and its application to geothermal exploration in Australia